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 Getting information...
 last name: Carvajal
 full name: James Carvajal 
 ADDY: 4 Christie Ave
 city/town: Leven
 postcode/zip: KY8 4AY
 phone number: +44306454383
 phone number: 07306454383
 Country: Scotland
 Country Dialling: Code +44 
 phone carrier: O2
 age: 18
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doxer: James admitted he wanted to rape underage kids and abuse his little sister

witness one: He has manipulated, fake accused of some bad shit and send nudes to a 12 yo

witness two: I met James Carvajal in May. When he had joined my party, he had found out I was a female. He started instantly 
throwing sexual things to me. He would threaten saying he would “rape me”. He would repeat this over and over till he felt better
about himself. I was ignoring this fact and I was trying to play a game with a friend. He had started again after 5 minutes, saying 
“I want to see your milkers”. I felt very uncomfortable. So I left! Then he spammed me for 30 minutes straight. So I joined back,
then he would beg over and over to fuck me or meet him. He would talk about beating up his little sister to me. Saying he loved it! 
He is a disgusting horrible person. He would talk about raping others. He would say to his friends that he would rape their little
sisters. I felt so disgusted even being there. I left again. After this he would message me, saying he wants me. Or he wants to kiss 
me. After this he threw racial slurs at me. And homophobic slurs to my friends. He claims he is “transgender” but he would say
the words trann** to another trans person. He felt me and other people uncomfortable!!
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     The Proof...
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    │                                      parents car info...                                      |
Reg: YF19 BDO
        Vehicle Details:
Vehicle make:	KIA
Date of first registration:	April 2019
Year of manufacture:	2019
Cylinder capacity:	1591 cc
CO₂ emissions:	174 g/km
Fuel type:	PETROL
Euro status:	EURO 6 AG
Export marker:	No
Real Driving Emissions (RDE):	NA
Vehicle status:	Taxed
Vehicle colour:	BLUE
Vehicle type approval:	M1
Wheelplan:	2 AXLE RIGID BODY
Revenue weight:	2200 kg
Date of last V5C (logbook) issued:	22 January 2020

✓ Taxed
Tax due:
1 July 2023

31 March 2023

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 |_____/ \___/ \___|_|\__,_|_| |_| |_| |_|\___|\__,_|_|\__,_|
Instagram: jamescarvajal26
TikTok: Bigjimmy1322

+--------------------------------------------------------doxed by dxzyi
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