Reason starting shit and talking mad shit 
James Michael Shannon 
Age 23 
Current Address
1158 Oakland Ave
Grandview Heights, OH 43212
Phone Numbers
(614) 488-2719 - Landline
  "country_name":"United States of America",
Possible Relatives
Elizabeth A Shannon, James Michael Shannon, James W Shannon, Mary M Shannon
Possible Associates
James M Orthmeyer, Jean C Sandor, John N Meagher Jr, Lynne Ann Montgomery, Mary Kathleen Meagher, Rheta J Peterka, Robert L Peterka
Name at Address	Mary Kaskewsky     Name Appended (DA10)
Suggest an Edit	1158 Oakland Ave
Columbus OH 43212-3315    Address Appended (DA00)
Property Information	Owner: Show Details (08/27/2020 )
MAK (Melissa Address Key)	7311912233      Personator Search by MAK
Lat. & Long.	39.980807 -83.048953 Geocoded to Rooftop Level (GS05)
Address Type	Residential
Postal Carrier Route	C026      (DPC: 58-3 )      Map
Census Entities	County 39049 Franklin      Map
County Subdivision 31304 Grandview Heights city     Map
Tract 0084.00      Map
Block 1013      Map      Block Parcels
City, Place or Town 3931304 Grandview Heights         Map
Unified School District 04407 Grandview Heights City School District      Map
State Upper District	015      Map
State Lower District	018      Map
Delivery Post Office	West City
850 Twin Rivers Dr
Columbus OH 43212      Map
MAK	7311912233      Personator Search by MAK
Suggest an Edit	1158 Oakland Ave
Columbus OH 43212-3315
Address Type	Residential
Date Added	1/15/2015
Lat. & Long.	39.980807    -83.048953
Postal Carrier Route	C026      Map
Census Block	390490084001013      Map
Census Entities	County 39049 Franklin      Map
Tract 0084.00      Map
Block 1013      Map      Block Parcels
City 3931304 Grandview Heights        Map
Property Address	1158 Oakland Ave
Columbus OH 43212-3315
MAK (Melissa Address Key)	7311912233
Parcel Number (APN)	30000508
County (FIPS Code)	Franklin (39049)
Census FIPS+Tract+Block	39049+008400+1013     Block Parcels
2nd Owner's Name	MARY KASKEWSKY
Owner's Address	1158 Oakland Ave
Columbus OH 43212-3315
Owner's Address MAK	7311912233
Type of Owner	INDIVIDUAL
Estimated Market Value	$746,000
Year Assessed	2020
Assessed Value Total	$243,355
Assessed Value Land	$116,550
Assessed Value Improvements	$126,805
Tax Bill Amount	$13,613
Year Built	1905
Building Area (sf)	2,552
Area 1st Floor	1,262
Area 2nd Floor	1,290
Area Lot (acres)	0.3444
Area Lot (sf)	15,000
Area Parking Garage (sf)	528
Bed Rooms	3
Bath Rooms	3
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