_______      ___      .___  ___.  _______      ______   ____    ____  _______ .______          __       __                                                                
 /  _____|    /   \     |   \/   | |   ____|    /  __  \  \   \  /   / |   ____||   _  \        (_ )     (_ )                                                               
|  |  __     /  ^  \    |  \  /  | |  |__      |  |  |  |  \   \/   /  |  |__   |  |_)  |        |/ ______|/                                                                
|  | |_ |   /  /_\  \   |  |\/|  | |   __|     |  |  |  |   \      /   |   __|  |      /           |______|                                                                 
|  |__| |  /  _____  \  |  |  |  | |  |____    |  `--'  |    \    /    |  |____ |  |\  \----.                                                                               
 \______| /__/     \__\ |__|  |__| |_______|    \______/      \__/     |_______|| _| `._____|    (part2)                                                                           
------------------------ PERSONAL INFORMATION ------------------------
- Name: Rian O Reilly
- Age: 17
- Status: Single 
- DOB: 11/03/2006
- Phone Number: N/A
- Ethnicity: Irish
- Resides in: Stradbally, Waterford, Ireland
- Occupation: Cove Bar, Woodhouse Estate & Frescold Services (Ireland)
- Mugshot: 
https://imgur.com/a/PeNCCK4    , https://imgur.com/a/eH5UFIZ      , https://imgur.com/a/Z0ryLCA   ,    https://imgur.com/a/Q5eLTRO
https://imgur.com/a/1-piWvCrH , https://imgur.com/a/2-aepEi5o , https://imgur.com/aVXmVDo , https://imgur.com/a/4-9k8ePvB , https://imgur.com/a/5-9Dwh9LR
- Activities: Larping as a businessman on Roblox and hanging out with known pedophiles
- Past address: N/A
- Current address: N/A

------------------------ SOCIALS ------------------------
- Online alias: JakobRosegaardII, Rian
- Roblox profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/4692577673/profile
- Discord: jakobrosegaardii (1192262532442902531)
- Instagram: N/A
- Snapchat: rianoreilly

------------------------ FAMILY ------------------------

Ray O Reilly - https://www.facebook.com/rayzfone (FATHER)
Anne O Reilly - https://www.facebook.com/anne.oreilly.376 (MOTHER)

- Dox by: the sewer troll (originally)
(updated mugshots and small info by Est4cy)