Disclaimer: All information in this document was obtained from publicly available sources. No illegal activity was done in order to gather the below information. Trigger warnings for child sexual abuse, adolescent sexual abuse, and NSFW text.

Google Docs version: docs.google.com/document/d/13SNTl3CVPWFlexQ772-RCnoRn5hblGnPf5d1v6VTtXQ (archived: archive.md/bGL22, web.archive.org/web/20211217233112/https://docs.google.com/document/d/13SNTl3CVPWFlexQ772-RCnoRn5hblGnPf5d1v6VTtXQ)

full name: Jacqueline Emert-McKeown
legal name: Jack Emert-McKeown
age: 22
born: June 1999
former address: 722 E Juneau Ave
                Milwaukee, WI 53202
current address: 1419 Fremont St
                 Algoma, WI 54201
place of work: Supervalu, Algoma, Wisconson (Google Maps: google.com/maps/place/SUPERVALU/@44.6083912,-87.4416489,17z)
gender: female
assigned gender at birth: male
sexuality: lesbian
other attractions: zoophilia, minor attraction, other paraphilias, “every” kink
other facts:
	three months on hormones
	legally blind
	has a two-year-old daughter
mentioned: myemail.constantcontact.com/Weekly-Chamber-Connection.html?soid=1108762609989&aid=COMgj0JQOaY (archived: archive.md/pBYKs)

social media

    twitter.com/jacqueen666 (deactivated)
    twitter.com/SoundtrackCent1 (archived: archive.md/qul4C)
Patreon: patreon.com/soundtrackcentralstation (archived: archive.md/xVsW6)
YouTube: youtube.com/SoundtrackCentral2 (archived: archive.md/KjZFb)
Discord: jacquelinehope#3376 (ID: 474043433061711873)
Reddit: reddit.com/u/JaquelineHope (deleted 12/20/21; archived: archive.md/OD6Fv)
Facebook: facebook.com/Jack-Emert-McKeown/100014518922109 (privated or deleted between 10-11 p.m. 12/17/21 GMT) 
    mentioned: facebook.com/WisconsinVisionwalk/posts/1847170362016614
Tumblr: soundtrack-central.tumblr.com (archived: archive.md/Rt9Co) 
    evidence: soundtrack-central.tumblr.com/post/659916306457526272 (archived: archive.md/qOacl)
    GoFundMe: gofundme.com/f/h69sq-help-me-become-my-true-self (archived: archive.md/QZpOd)
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jack-emert-mckeown-208122148

Jacqueline was a member of the Twitter zoophile community. She dated Basil (Twitter: twitter.com/Basillleaf (ID: 1466839026288283654) (archived: archive.md/JqxXD, archive.md/JTwiI)), another member of the Twitter zoophile community. She was a member of Basil’s zoophilia Discord server.
screenshot: drive.google.com/file/d/18aYRk9EPUv8wLFbvCF8r5p8EQj_trM4f (archived: archive.md/27HKz)

A fifteen-year-old MAP (minor-attracted person)/zoophile named chronic followed Jacqueline on Twitter. Jacqueline sent them a friend request on Discord. chronic later asked Jacqueline about her stance on non-offending pedophiles, and Jacqueline proceeded to make inappropriate comments toward chronic.

screen recording: drive.google.com/file/d/1DDchiYXB2S9U9CIEIVak8qK5iHWdGsL3 (archived: archive.md/OepCd)
transcript of the most relevant sections:

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Um can I ask you a question

chronic — 11/30/2021

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Well it’s 2 parts
Your 15 correct

chronic — 11/30/2021

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
So as a pedophile are you into people even younger than you or would you be the partner of another pedophile

chronic — 11/30/2021
My age of attraction begins at four.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
That’s older

chronic — 11/30/2021
My partner is older than me by several months.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
I’m 22

chronic — 11/30/2021
I'm aware.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Ok another question

chronic — 11/30/2021

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Thoughts on incest

chronic — 11/30/2021
Ethical when consensual.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Even as a pedophile? I’m curious about your thoughts on that

chronic — 11/30/2021
I don't see how my pedophilia is relevant to my opinions about incest.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Ok yes consent is necessary but if you’re attraction starts at 4 let’s just create a hypothetical and say you had a 4 year old brother or sister you were into. Would you act

chronic — 11/30/2021
I am anti-contact. So, no, absolutely not.
I believe children cannot consent to sexual or romantic contact with significantly older children, adolescents, or adults.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Ok and I hope you know I’m asking these questions genuinely like I’m not trying to hate or judge I’m 100% with you

chronic — 11/30/2021
Good to know.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
In fact part of me kinda wishes you were single because I’d love an adult open minded partner as you

chronic — 11/30/2021
Well, I am not an adult. A relationship between you and a fifteen-year-old would be inappropriate, unethical, and most likely harmful.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
That was a typo

chronic — 11/30/2021

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
And I’m aware of that fact I’m just saying…I love the way you think
There should be more people like you

chronic — 11/30/2021

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
You seem so wonderful and like a perfect match for me actually if it weren’t for your age

chronic — 11/30/2021
Please stop making these comments. They are inappropriate and violate boundaries.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Ok I apologize

chronic — 11/30/2021

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Why’d you ask me anyway? Yes you said because it seemed like I was an anti but like why message me of all people? I tried contacting you before and you didn’t seem super interested in talking to me. And I also find it weird that the only reason you’d think I was an anti is by seeing the post I made the other day and you just seem like you have better things to do then reach out to supposed antis
And I mean that as a compliment like it seems beneath you but idk

chronic — 11/30/2021
Don't idolize me.

chronic — 11/30/2021
No, I don't. Educating antis is my goal.
I am an activist.

jacquelinehope — 11/30/2021
Ok and I wasn’t trying to idolize you

chronic — 11/30/2021
Good to know.

After chronic told their partner Logan about Jacqueline’s inappropriate comments, Logan confronted Jacqueline about it in Twitter DMs. Jacqueline attempted guilt-tripping and violated Logan’s boundaries, especially since Logan is also fifteen years old, by repeatedly telling Logan she was going to kill herself. They discussed it on December 17 after Twitter threads on Jacqueline’s behavior were released.
screenshot: drive.google.com/file/d/1hAqOggpt1UGuuqTEmTIXKJIb_9EHIFuB (archived: archive.md/ohE2N)

Basil recently broke up with Jacqueline and brought light to other disturbing comments she has made. She plans on raping and;or murdering her two-year-old daughter, and has engaged in sexual roleplay with at least two minors. Link to thread: twitter.com/Basillleaf/status/1471914778146783235 (archived: archive.md/6n8Qs). Relevant reply: twitter.com/Basillleaf/status/1471917598052921356 (archived: archive.md/szIvO)
Screenshots: files 3-8 of drive.google.com/drive/folders/1t5OdPKr0UpfzINKhcbkqVA3mwBTYHZrO (archived: archive.md/BQgbO)

Basil currently is not interested in providing further evidence (twitter.com/Basillleaf/status/1471897695132569606 (archived: archive.md/LqzzJ)). However, she has already shown the screenshots to Twitter user soymilkbabyy (ID: 1042776936248832000) (link: twitter.com/soymilkbabyy/status/1471967568332148736 (archived: archive.md/L11Ir)), Jacqueline’s family, her employers, and the relevant authorities.

Please let us know if any of the above statements/evidence are inaccessible or need clarification. If you have more information and/or evidence regarding Jacqueline, please feel free to send us a tip, and we will update this document.