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                 | $$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$| $$   /$$  | $$   /$$$$$$$ | $$   | $$$$$$$   /$$$$$$ | $$  \ $$  /$$$$$$  /$$   /$$
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                                                   Noncing children online since 2013                                                    
                                                   Protecting paedophiles since 2013                                                     

► Index:

                                          │               Table of Contents                │
                                          │                                                │
                                          │       •  [0x10] Introduction           •       │
                                          │       •  [0x20] Personal Information   •       │
                                          │       •  [0x30] Social Media Profiles  •       │
                                          │       •  [0x40] Family Information     •       │
                                          │       •  [0x50] Data Breaches          •       │
                                          │     X •  [0x60] Dumped Data            •       │
                                          │     X •  [0x70] Parting Words          •       │
                                          │       •  [0x80] Credits                •       │
                                          │                                                │

     ✗ 0x10 ► Introduction:

Jack Norris whose online pseudo-name is 'JackInTheBox' or 'n0c0da' has been subject to this dox due to his toxic persistence with his 
annoying and predatory behaviour. A breakdown of the reasons for this dox are listed as follows;

   ► being annoying in Discord voice chat (being perm muted by some users).
   ► talking to women and girls online and blackmailing them into sexual acts.
   ► engaging in online sexual chats with minors and sending personal pictures to the girls.
   ► possessing and attempting to further source extreme child pornography.
   ► closely aligning with and supporting paedophiles online.
   ► being heavily suspected and implicated himself in possessing and regularly viewing extreme child pornography.
   ► being sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ageist etc.
   ► Attempting to engage in Windows Tech Support scams (leading to his college suspending him).
   ► Fanaticising about having sex with his mother calling her his Mistress etc.

There is visual and audible evidence of his conduct online already and at the bottom of this release.

As an added extra his mother left him either due to his [1] extreme Autism, because he [2] kept wanking over her socials all of the 
time, or, [3] due to his paedophilic tendencies while there were other vulnerable children within the family home.

     ✗ 0x20 ► Personal Information:

✗ Alias(s)
- N0C0da
- JackInTheBox
- JackInTheBox2001
- WarriorMinecraft11

✗ Basic Information
- Name: Jack Norris
- D.o.B: 25th December 2001 (19)
- Gender: Male
- Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
- Occupation: College Student

✗ Address
- 22 Westbury Close, Barry, Wales, CF63 1QE, UK

✗ Phone Number
- 07724583834
- 07857358318

✗ Additional Info/Intel

     ✗ 0x30 ► Social Media Profiles:

- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theitcoder
          : https://www.facebook.com/jacknorristssf
          : https://www.facebook.com/OfficialJackInTheBox
          : https://www.facebook.com/jacknorrisphotography

- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theofficialjackinthebox
           : https://www.instagram.com/jacknorrisphotography

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/JackInTheBox296

- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JackInTheBox2001/about (JackInTheBox)
         : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY67Qoa6lp2elRKLG-1tpbg/about (The Gamer Hotline)
         : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGIuYLBaXmcr7S7nHa--dRA/about (The Pixel Hour)
	 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxgXtpqXSrOsiK5F15hI8tQ/about (Jack Norris)

- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jackinthebox2001/creators

- Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/collinsnerd

- Speedrun: https://www.speedrun.com/user/CollinsNerd

- Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/collinsnerd

- Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091808493

- Website: http://officialwarriorarmywebsite.weebly.com
         : https://warriorminecraft11official.weebly.com

- Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/JackInTheBox2001

- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/thegamerhotlineofficial (Removed)

- Github: https://github.com/n0c0da

- Discord: N0C0DA#2963 [ID: 799369905009983488] (current)
         : TheNerd981#1300 [ID:784509813303289856] (old)
	 : CollinsNerd#2805 [ID Unknown]

- Email: jacknorris247@gmail.com

- Password: jackjack15

     ✗ 0x40 ► Family Information:

     ✓ James Norris (father)

✗ Alias(s)

✗ Basic Information
- Name: James Norris
- D.o.B: 
- Gender: Male
- Sexuality: Heterosexual
- Occupation: 
- Spouse: N/A

✗ Address
- 22 Westbury Close, Barry, Wales, CF63 1QE, UK

✗ Social Media Profiles:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/james.norris.9237

✗ Additional Info/Intel


     ✓ Tanya Cain (mother)

✗ Alias(s)

✗ Basic Information
- Name: Tanya Cain
- D.o.B: 19 October 1975 (41)
- Gender: Female
- Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
- Occupation: Escort (legit)
- Spouse: Mark Cain (B: 19th October 1975 - https://www.facebook.com/mark.cain.7524)

✗ Address
4 Edmund Place, Barry, Wales, CF3 2NX

✗ Social Media Profiles:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001913868164 (whoring account?)
          : https://www.facebook.com/tanya.cain (personal account)
          : https://www.facebook.com/tanya.summer.714 (confirmed old account)
          : https://www.facebook.com/tanya.cain.3304 (Fake?)

- Business Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Penthousebabes-Entertainment-593225317384714

- Random Site: https://profiles.birchplace.com/new/tanyababe34
             : https://www.collarspace.com/tanyababe35

- Companies House: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/4QtIBo-qbzaEgt5KK32NOzXWq4I/appointments

- Email Addresses: tcain@mytelephonediva.co.uk
                 : tanya_cain@hotmail.com

- Adult Work: https://www.adultwork.com/ViewProfile.asp?UserID=816497 (FetishMistressUK)

- Skype: Tanya Smith

- Mob/Tel Numbers: 01446403565
                 : 07925742994
                 : 07963507390
                 : 07756457286


✗ Additional Info/Intel
[+] Tanya is a self-proclaimed Escort and has been since 2009 at least, she often goes by the aliases of Tanya Babe, Tanya Babe 34, 
    Tanya Babe 35, and FetishMistressUK. All of her online work was lost in the 2019 Porn Purge apart from a few pieces still active on 
    her 'AdultWork.com' account which can be found at https://www.adultwork.com/library.asp?UserID=816497 (she still frequents the acc).

[+] In 2011, Tanya was found guilty of defrauding the government out of £9000 in state benefits, she pleaded guilty to two counts of 
    failing to notify the secretary of state for work and pensions that she was working, and another count of failing to notify the 
    department after a change of circumstances. She was ultimately given a 12-month community order, and was ordered to complete 200 
    hours of unpaid work during that time, as well as pay £50 in prosecution costs. (Court ruling was made conveniently 24 days before 
    Jack's 10th birthday). https://www.barryanddistrictnews.co.uk/news/9396271.barry-woman-guilty-of-benefit-fraud

[+] On the 26th and 28th of June 2013, Tanya established Penthouse Babes Entertainment Ltd (08586623), and, 
    Penthouse Naked Cleaners Ltd (08589493) for which she was listed on Companies House as the 'Director' of said companies. It is 
    widely believed that this was a front for a prostitution enterprise which did not take off as she wanted it too. And it is our
    belief that as a result of this failure, the companies were then later disolved.

[+] Tanya has been implicated in several data breaches, these are listed below;

     ✗ 0x50 ► Data Breaches:

✓ Tanya Cain
[+] Paddy Power Data Breach
Username:Displayname:?:First Name:Last name: Currency used on account: Date of birth: Postcode:IDK:DebitCard:RegisterDate:RegisterTime:
Userid:Timezone:Title (Mr Or Mrs Etc):Security Question: Security Answer:Date Security question set: Time security question set:IDK:IDK:
IDK:IDK:IDK:Address:Town:City:Postcode:Country:Email:Landline (phone number):IDK:IDK:IDK:Ip Address:Rest I don't know

tanya33||tanya33||R||tanya||cain||GBP||1975-10-19||CF63 2NX||I||DBT||2009-04-20 23:29:33||21315041||2009-04-20 23:29:33||en||Standard||
ODDS||Miss||My mother's maiden name?||north||In what city/town were you born?||sunderland||-||0||1980-01-01 00:00:00||1.00||0||0||0||0||
4||Edmund Place||||S Glam||Barry||CF63 2NX||United Kingdom||tanya_cain@hotmail.com||01446403565||||Y||Y||N||||0.00||0.00||

tanyababe34||tanyababe34||R||tanya||cain||GBP||1975-10-19||CF63 2NX||I||DBT||2010-02-06 10:01:50||21554884||2010-02-06 10:01:50||en||
Standard||ODDS||Miss||My mother's maiden name?||north||City/town you were born?||sunderland||-||0||1980-01-01 00:00:00||1.00||0||0||0||
0||4||Edmund Place||||S Glam||Barry||CF63 2NX||United Kingdom||tcain@mytelephonediva.co.uk||01446403565||||Y||Y||N||||0.00||

[+] iMesh Data Breach

[+] Badoo Data Breach


[+] Modern Business Solutions Data Breach

[+] My Heritage

[+] Fling
13:17:09','1975-10-19','554144','WOMAN','MAN,TS','FETISH,GROUPSEX,SEXUAL RELATIONS,ONLINE FLIRTING,OTHER','2010-11-12 16:08:05','N',
NULL,NULL,'N','N','N','ACTIVE','sixsigma2','','2010-11-12 21:08:05')


     ✗ 0x80 ► Credits:

                                     [[ They call me a devil, I wipe my blade and praise the 6. ]]
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                /,*%@@@%(((,@@&#@@@@@(**,/%**,*.*& .....*((&(*********#,*((/%***,.,.,((,***(@@@@#@,@@&%&%%%%%%%%%########%#&             
                   &@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(*,@@@@@,...**/(%@@@@@@@@@@@ .,*%&#####&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&#%%#####%&%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#&            
                                                       "666 your soul is mine!"                                                          
                                                           _           _ _                                                               
                                                          | |  _  _ __(_|_)                                                              
                                                          | |_| || / _| | |                                                              
