@everyone Joseph Suarez Dox!!! :slight_smile: Joseph Suarez 2281 W Grand Blvd Detroit Michigan 48224 -------------------------------- Family and Friends! :heart: :family_man_woman_boy: Wife: Consuela Suarez Spouse: John Suarez Bella Suarez Crystal Suarez --------------------------------- Telephone Numbers! :telephone: (313) 882-9276 (Joseph Suarez) (313) 931-5217 (Consuela Suarez) (313) 836-2751 (John Suarez) --------------------------------- Billing Info! :credit_card: :moneybag: Social Security! 318-95-2761 Credit Cards: Master Card Master Card Number: 5445 2210 9874 8247 Exp: 12/25 CVV: 946 Pin: 9337 -------------------------------- Email's! :e_mail: JosephSuarez24@outlook.com Pass: Buzzbuzz134? Ihatebeez9978@outlook.com Pass: Buzzbuzz134? Contragenesis94576@outlook.com Pass: SegaWaga9735! Bieberfever95678@Yahoomail.com Pass: Gottarelive1498?! Bieberbelievers8865@gmail.com Pass: Funkodunko998! -------------------------------- Have Fun!