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╠                                                                 |__|  |__|  \______/  | _|      |_______||__| \__| 
╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════╣
╠ Reason: Obese pedophile in lack of attention, cares more about his fridge is discord than sport, it's out of the question.
╠ Reason: Obese Pedophile
╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════╣
╠ __ __ ______ .______ _______ .__ __.
╠ | | | | /__\ | _\ | ____|| \ | |
╠ | |__| | | | | | | |_) | | |__ | \| |
╠ | __ | | | | | | ___/ | __| | . ` |
╠ | | | | | `--' | | | | |____ | |\ |
╠ |__| |__| \______/ | _| |_______||__| \__|
╠ Nickname: Justin / Jewel / gay guy / alive / og - You can imagine, what has the harassment he suffered, he denied his own nickname.
╠ First name: Justin
╠ Age: 30 years old
╠ Gender: MTF Trans
╠ Date of birth: 02/17/1992
╠ Snapchat: - jjuller ( Hacked By Method )
╠ Instagram: @jjuller
╠ Location (United States): Los Angeles, California, United States
╠ IP address: -
╠ -
╠ -
╠Screen Chat:
╠ - https://ibb.co/yNzyrd5 (Punished with ravioli, he confides in his virtual friends)
╠ - https://ibb.co/8x2csnB ( Empty fridge, his girl leaves him, he cries ???? )
╠ - https://ibb.co/9TrfmbK ( Cries for his virtual miner )
╠ - https://ibb.co/gWfWvSv ( AHAHAHAHA no comment ???????? )
╠ - https://ibb.co/Qb4p2Sm ( Mother <3 )
╠ - https://ibb.co/F4WfG1V ( I saw that Method had already spread your buttocks on doxbin, but that you assumed it I didn't know.. )
╠ .______       _______      _______. _______      ___       __    __  ___   ___ 
╠ |   _  \     |   ____|    /       ||   ____|    /   \     |  |  |  | \  \ /  / 
╠ |  |_)  |    |  |__      |   (----`|  |__      /  ^  \    |  |  |  |  \  V  /  
╠ |      /     |   __|      \   \    |   __|    /  /_\  \   |  |  |  |   >   <   
╠ |  |\  \----.|  |____ .----)   |   |  |____  /  _____  \  |  `--'  |  /  .  \  
╠ | _| `._____||_______||_______/    |_______|/__/     \__\  \______/  /__/ \__\ 
╠ PayPal : JJULLER
╠ Twitter : JJULLER, https://prnt.sc/txnbbk, https://prnt.sc/txnas6
╠ Pinterest : JJULLER
╠ Discord : JJULLER#1350 / 191990568803500032
╠ Steam :  Jewel / https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198047756575 ( mdp changé car il s'est fait baiser)
╠ Origin : JJULLER
╠ Pornhub : JJULLER
╠ Battle.NET : JJULLER#1619
╠ Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/zaibtasu_member_333
╠ Facebook ( Disabled ;) )  - https://www.facebook.com/jjuller?_rdc=1&_rdr / angelroseparty93
╠                            - https://www.facebook.com/justinblonge
╠ Xhamsters : jjull kun /  angelroseparty93  https://ibb.co/2vDJHSh   
╠ Twitter : 
╠           - https://twitter.com/HBeckRouse                    