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|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  Social Media Accounts....................          |
|      0x04  Family...................................          |


|                      0x01  Introduction                       |
Jada Silvae (censxo) is a transphobic ewhore who, despite knowing what slurs are fucked to say continued to say them. She sluts herself out on twitter and still gets 0 interactio, while belittling any form of male attention she gets LOL.
|                    0x02  Personal Information                 |
Name.................... Jada Silvea
Mugshot................. https://imgur.com/VHwyoAs
Occupation.............. Twitter Slut
Race.................... Caucasian
Ethnicity............... Mixed
Gender.................. Female
Sexuality............... Bisexual
Relationship Status..... Single
D.O.B................... October 26 2003
Age..................... 18
Direct Address.......... N/A
Country................. Canada
Providence ................... New Brunswick
City.................... Fredericton
|                       0x03  Social Media                      |
Twitter ..................... https://twitter.com/censsxo 
Instagram ..................... https://www.instagram.com/censxo/
Snapchat ..................... censxo
Pinterest ..................... https://www.pinterest.com/jadasilvea/_saved/
Facebook ..................... https://www.facebook.com/jada.silvea
Old Facebook(s) ..................... https://www.facebook.com/jada.silvea.31

|                        0x04  Family                           |
NAME.................... Patrick Silvea
AGE/D.O.B............... 15 | September 11 2006
MUGSHOT................. https://imgur.com/F0sTUFI
ADDRESS................. N/A
FACEBOOK ................ https://www.facebook.com/people/Patrick-Silvea/100059391726429/

HERE'S HER DISCORD LINK - https://discord.gg/XYGgjMYH


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