|               [REASON FOR DOX]                 |
| -      Manipulation, Toxicity, Gaslighting, invalidation. Lying about rape. 

|                [PERSONAL INFO]                 |
| Alias -          “IzzaCouch”
| Name -           Daniel Genge 
| Age -            16
| Job -            Non official [editor for streamers]
| Phone -          +44 7512 027348
| Relationship -   Ex Boyfriend
| DOB -
| Gender -         Male
| Race -           White
| Sexuality -      Heterosexual
| Pictures Of Vic - 
| Lives Alone Or With Parents? - with parent
| Address -      43 Moorfield Road, Bristol
| Zip Code -     BS483NX
| Country -      England
| City -         Bristol
| Town -         Backwell
| Link To Info - https://www.rightmove.co.uk/house-prices/detailMatching.html?prop=40691052&sale=31373028&country=england
| Property Price - 43, Moorfield Road, Backwell, Bristol, BS48 3NX, 18th August 2004, £159,000

|            [SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS]             |
| Instagram -   https://www.instagram.com/izzacouch
| Snapchat -    https://www.snapchat.com/add/crippledcouch
| Discord -     IzzaCouch#0363
| Twitter -     https://twitter.com/izzacouch?s=21
| Steam -       https://steamcommunity.com/id/IzzaCouch/
| YouTube -     https://youtube.com/channel/UCfEDG0xltahwXz5fgiNwQ1A
| Email -       sonicdwg@gmail.com
| Twitch -      https://m.twitch.tv/izzacouch/profile