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                           __/ |                                                 
"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
                                     "Welcome to the game"
|                 >[Table Of Contents]<                               |
| →0x01 Introduction........................                          |
| →0x02 Personal Information................                          |
| →0x03 Location Information................                          |
| →0x04 School Information..................                          |
| →0x05 Family Information..................                          |
| →0x06 Hacked Accounts.....................                          |
| →0x07 Unknown Family Members..............                          |
| →0x08 Notes...............................                          |
| →0x09 Credits & Links.....................                          |
┼ 0x01 ~ Introduction.......................                          ┼
Welcome to the end of Izaya, the biggest pooron in com. An absolute monkey,
ape, gorilla, a chimpanzee if you will. This freak of a human has been going 
around extorting egirls for nudes and fansigns, this mongaloid spent 3 months
social engineering someone on 8 different discord accounts because he disliked
her ex, someone that was already in jail. This clown of a human being doesnt deserve
to live. He asks to see other peoples wallets, but wont show his own. He lives in a
literal hut. Do not speak again you fucking twat.

Izaya is being charged with the following:
+ Extorting e-girls for fansigns and nudes (Go outside you freak)
+ Being a faggot 
+ flexing swatting people 
+ Folding to Awpy and Yousri in a groupchat
+ Folded to Sinister when he was asked to show coin

Just a reminder, being able to swat does not make you harmful. Take the 
dick out of your ass and go kill yourself.

┼ 0x02 ~ Personal Information.....                                    ┼
Name: Matthew E. Gigante
Age: 22



    Discord: ixora#8076
    Snapchat: maybealie
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matthew.gigante.56

Known Password(s):


┼ 0x03 ~ Location Information.....                                    ┼
Address: 281 Lein Rd, BUFFALO, NY 14224
Bedrooms: 3 
Bathrooms: 1 
Sq Ft: 1,487
Last Sold:
12/1/1992  $75,000

You live in a dirt shack, your house last sold for 75k, dont ever ask anyone
to show their wallet when you cant show a functioning bathroom in your house
you retarded baboon.
┼ 0x04 ~ School Information.......                                    ┼
High School:
(516) 441-4000
345 Lakeville Road, Great Neck, NY 11020
Principal: Christopher Gitz
Number of students: 1,222 (2018–2019)
District: Great Neck School District
Founded: 1958

Fencing: (10th grade)

Graduated in 2016
Quinnipiac University
Address: 275 Mt Carmel Ave, Hamden, CT 06518
Phone: (203) 582-8200
Undergraduate enrollment: 7,371 (2018–19)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuinnipiacUniversity/

┼ 0x05 ~ Family Information.......                                    ┼
Name: Gina M Gigante
AGE: 51
DOB: Feb 19th 1969

Pretty sure he has divorced parents, if not then the US Phone book is not up to date

Her address:
    36 Rene Dr; West Seneca, NY 14224-4360

Phone #(s):
    (716) 706-8248 - Wireless
    (716) 656-9241 - LandLine
    (716) 464-0333 - Wireless
    (716) 677-4773 - LandLine
    (716) 536-7595 - Wireless
    (716) 681-4639 - LandLine
    (716) 674-1621 - LandLine - October 2020
    (716) 677-4773 - LandLine - February 2020
    (716) 681-4639 - LandLine - March 2016
    (716) 536-7595 - Wireless - June 2015
    (716) 706-8248 - Wireless - May 2010
    (716) 656-9241 - LandLine - May 2010
    (716) 464-0333 - Wireless - January 2006

We know there are repeats

    ggkimble@yahoo.com - linked to facebook

Known Passwords:

Random Shit:
    PARTIALS - Paypal:gkimble@yahoo.com
        Mobile (8••) •••-6785
    Skype(s): live:ggkimble 

Prior Address:
    69 French Lea Rd; West Seneca, NY 14224-1609
    53 Pheasant Ln; Buffalo, NY 14227-3711
    281 Lime Rd; West Seneca, NY 14224
    281 Lein Rd; Buffalo, NY 14224-2434

Name: Anthony L Kimble
Age: 58
DOB: Dec 5, 1961

Phone #(s):
    (716) 656-9241   Landline phone by Verizon
    (716) 536-7595 (Old)
    (716) 479-9359 (Current)
    (716) 677-4773 (Landline)


    ANTHONY KIMBLE purchased a 2012 FORD F-150
    Address:KIMBLE, GENEVA, NY 14456
    VIN: 1FTFX1EF7CFC6674

Prior Addresses:
    281 Lein Rd; West Seneca, NY 14224-2434
    36 Rene Dr; Buffalo, NY 14224-4360
    69 French Lea Rd; West Seneca, NY 14224-1609
    53 Pheasant Ln; Buffalo, NY 14227-3711

Random family info that we were too lazy to sort:
716-677-4773 Gina ggkimble@yahoo.com
716-907-0087 Jennifer (idk who tf she is she apprently lives in the home tho) 

┼ 0x06 ~ Hacked Accounts..........                                    ┼
Moms Facebook
Moms Twitter
Moms Skype
Locked 3 emails
Locked her Paypal

Dads Facebook
Locked 2 Emails

┼ 0x07 ~ Unknown Family Members...                                    ┼
(Dump of all neighbors, family friends, and people we were too lazy to research)

676 N Ellicott Creek Rd
Elizabeth Brooks, Jasmine Nguyen, Sheila Nguyen, Tom Nguyen, John W Raymonda jr, John W Raymonda, Mildred H Rowley
690 N Ellicott Creek Rd
Nancy J Olsen, Mike Rubino, Nancy J Rubino, Sara J Rubino
700 N Ellicott Creek Rd
David E Moe, Eric Moe, Jason H Moe, Susan M Moe
710 N Ellicott Creek Rd
James R Grey, John L Grey, Karen A Grey, Tammie J Schreiner, Tony M Schreiner
2365 Sweet Home Rd
Dennis E Woods, Anthony Deng, Angelica M Knapp, Tom M Tyler
720 N Ellicott Creek Rd
Richard Reed
2217 Sweet Home Rd
Qiwen Feng
2215 Sweet Home Rd
Kristian W Santos, Craig O Howard
44 Passagrille Dr
Laverne Tollison
730 N Ellicott Creek Rd
Rena Curella, Salvatore Curella, David J Grey, Debora M Grey, Deborah Grey, Joseph W Grey
61 Pheasant Ln
Lianne Chalquest, Barbara A Chojecki, Gregory J Griffin, Linda A Griffin, Eric Scheg, Chad A Smith
65 Pheasant Ln
Brenda L Brisley, Skyler O Brisley, Saturnino J Arvelo, Christopher Bennett, Jeffrey Bond, John E Bond, Joseph Brisley, William Chapman, Mark A Ferguson, Kelly Jaquays
41 Pheasant Ln
Gail A Hickey, James F Hickey, James J Hickey, Joseph A Nicholas, Michael W Nicholas
69 Pheasant Ln
Judy L Keller, Michael John Sciarrino, Tameka Thomas, S Winiasz
37 Pheasant Ln
Clifford C Crapez, Kathleen L Crapez, Sonja Kelly Karniewicz, Carol E Kurtowicz, Michael P Kurtowicz, Robert W Kurtowicz, W Kurtowicz
60 Pheasant Ln
J Caver, Jason Cretacci, Joseph R Cretacci, Paula L Cretacci, Robyn Cretacci, Colleen Gentsch, Amy L Halftown, Robin Loyst, Antoine J Maatouk, George J Maatouk
44 Pheasant Ln
James J Brass, Angela M Carlisto, Gyu W Lee, Austin A Michaels, Tabitha Poole
49 Pheasant Ln
John P Boka, Janet M Janet, Dave E Kasprzak, James P Kasprzak, Paul P Kasprzak, Edward J Magner, Kevin W Magner, Sharon Magner, Janet M Wachowski, Richard S Wachowski
57 Pheasant Ln
Tanya L Burnett, Robert J Chassin, Christina Cirrincione, Robert Cmor, Nita J Davis, Joseph A Golba, Jospeh M Golba, Charles A Piazza, Lorraine M Piazza, Nicholas D Piazza
45 Pheasant Ln
Keith E Blum, John J Martini, Lynn E Martini, Jeff Mitri, Kimberly A Weiss, David J Yattaw

Joseph S Silliman (2016)
Norbert L Schuster (2010, 2018)
Camille G Schuster Jr. (2006, 2018)
Ashley J Kimble

Chandra Price Kimble

Gina M Kimble

Justin A Kimble

Gwendolyn I Kimble

Jessie Mae Price

John H Price

Michael D Rice

Nicholas A Gigante

Nicholas A Gigante
Justine M Gigante, Royce M Gigante, Anthony Kimble

Anthony Kimble
Ashley Kimble
Justin Kimble
Nicholas Gigante
Stephanie Gigante
Catrina Dolson
Chandra Kimble
Chaneil Dolson
Dyrell Dolson
Michael Gueli
Alan Shephard
Allen Niedzwiecki
Amy Rost
Amy Schweizer
Angel Spaulding
Austin Hinman
Bonita Labombard
Brenda Bacon

Anthony L Kimble (58)
Chandra Price Kimble (62)
Dionne D Rice (46)
Justin A Kimble (21)
Stephanie M Gigante (29)
Shawna Ann Price (34)
John H Price JR (100)
Jessie Mae Price (115)
Deanna N Rice (22)
Michael D Rice JR (48)
Mykia D Rice (27)
Courtney J Rice (27)
Darnelle Marie Rice (46)
Dion L Rice (46)
Donald S Rice (88)
Donna Elizabeth Rice (63)
Donna S Rice SR (84)
James F Brice (46)
Michael D Rice SR (67)
Denise A Price (50)
Nicole S Kimble (41)
Robin D Paulk (61)
Gwendolyn I Kimble (65)
Vernela I Fleming (99)
Catrina A Dolson (49)
Chaneil D Dolson (29)
Dyrell T Dolson (30)
Marcean T Dolson (50)
Donald D Paulk (67)
Betty J Kimble (88)
Ashley J Kimble (32)
Nicholas A Gigante (26)
Nicholas A Gigante (26)
Ray A Fleming (70)
Angela M Beutler (39)
Daniel T Kimble (59)
Gina M Kimble (59)
James R Kimble (41)
Kayla A Kimble (37)
Ronald Kimble (65)
Brandon R Rug (39)
Gerald Denard Paulk (36)
Russell J Beutler (41)
Antwane Paulk SR (36)

There are definitely repeats, sort thru this info if you want.

┼ 0x08 ~ Notes....................                                    ┼
End yourself you fucking twat. You are a useless cunt, you have no life,
you are an antisocial freak. Your heads built like a fucking anvil. Go
talk to a girl irl, and form an actual relationship instead of edating
like a faggot.

┼ 0x09 ~ Credits..................                                    ┼
s/o Aspertaine, Sin, and Goon

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                                               /$$  | $$                                    
                                              |  $$$$$$/                                    

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