   ║                              Table Of Contents                             ║
   ║                                                                            ║
   ║                    **0x01 ~ Introduction..............                     ║
   ║                    **0x02 ~ Basic Information.........                     ║
   ║                    **0x03 ~ Family Information........                     ║
   ║                    **0x04 ~ Social Media..............                     ║
   ║                    **0x05 ~ IP Information............                     ║
   ║                    **0x06 ~ House Information.........                     ║               
   ║                    **0x07 ~ Credits & Links...........                     ║
   ║                    **0x08 ~ Additional Information....                     ║
   ║                                                                            ║

║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║

║  Reason For Dox.  ║

» Retard

║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║

♚ Alias.......... ItzzMeDave
♚ Name........... Dave Nijmeijer / Dave Haringsma
♚ Age............ 16 
♚ Phone Number... Don't care enough to pull
♚ Email.......... dave13122@hotmail.com (Paypal)
		   schuite87@hotmail.com (Connected to IP)
♚ Address........ Don't care enough to pull
♚ DOB............ 13/12/2003
♚ Pictures....... Cba
♚ Commons........ schuite87@hotmail.com:tommy
♚ Occupation..... Don't care enough to pull
♚ Ethnicity...... White

║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║

║   ♚ Mother ♚   ║

♚ Full Name...... Deceased
♚ Address........ N/A
♚ Phone Number... N/A
♚ Socials........ N/A
♚ Occupation..... N/A

║   ♚ Father ♚   ║

♚ Full Name...... Deceased
♚ Address........ N/A
♚ Phone Number... N/A
♚ Socials........ N/A
♚ Occupation..... N/A

║   ♚ Nan ♚ 	  ║

♚ Full Name...... Janny Nijmeijer-Hofmann
♚ Address........ N/A
♚ Phone Number... N/A
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/janny.nijmeijerhofmann
♚ Occupation..... Retired / Un-employed

║ ♚ Relatives ♚  ║

♚ Full Name...... Nick Haringsma (Brother)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/nick.haringsma 

♚ Full Name...... Jesse Haringsma (Brother)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/jessejan.haringsma

♚ Full Name...... Laura Jeffrey Liv Haringsma (Sister)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/laura.haringsma.9

♚ Full Name...... Peter Blom (Great uncle "in law?")
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/peter.blom.526

♚ Full Name...... Natasja Heersping (2nd cousin)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/natasja.heersping

♚ Full Name...... Karin Kroezenhofmann (2nd cousin)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/karin.kroezenhofmann 

♚ Full Name...... Kirsten Haringsma (Cousin)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/kirsten.haringsma 

♚ Full Name...... Wessel Haringsma (Cousin)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/people/Wessel-Haringsma/100007621695056

♚ Full Name...... Petra Haringsma (Auntie)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/petra.haringsma

♚ Full Name...... Wlliam Haringsma (Uncle)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/william.haringsma

♚ Full Name...... Herman Escobosa (Jesse's father)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/herman.escobosa

♚ Full Name...... Wilma Vanleeuwen (Jesse's mother)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/wilma.vanleeuwen.73

♚ Full Name...... Andres Escobosa (Jesse's uncle)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/andres.escobosa

♚ Full Name...... Rikie Escobosa  (Jesse's grandma, Herman and Andres's mother)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/rikie.escobosa 

♚ Full Name...... Laura Haringsma (Jesse's sister)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003768324560

♚ Full Name...... Corrie Haringsma (Some dead relative)
♚ Socials........ https://www.facebook.com/corrie.haringsma

║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║

║   ♚ Socials ♚   ║

♚ Twitter........ https://twitter.com/PresidentDave1
♚ Snapchat....... xdave_010
♚ Discord........ Dave.#0666
♚ Instagram...... https://www.instagram.com/dave.053/
♚ Telegram....... N/A
♚ Twitch......... N/A
♚ Reddit......... N/A
♚ Youtube........ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9sI_pZlOvstak6EF4j2mKg
♚ Skype.......... N/A
♚ Steam.......... N/A
♚ Soundcloud..... N/A
♚ Facebook....... https://www.facebook.com/dave.nijmeijer.1
		   https://www.facebook.com/dave.nijmeijer (Old)
		   https://www.facebook.com/dave.nijmeijer.7 (Idek)
♚ Ebay........... N/A
♚ Cashapp........ N/A
♚ Pinterest...... N/A
♚ Paypal......... https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/spamdave?locale.x=nl_NL

║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║

║   ♚ IP Info ♚   ║

♚ IP Address.....
♚ ISP............ AS33915 Vodafone Libertel B.V.
♚ City........... Enschede
♚ Region......... Overijssel
♚ Country......... NL
♚ Zip............ 7511

║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║

║    ♚ House ♚	   ║

♚ House Cost...... Cba
♚ Estimated Rent.. Cba
♚ Estimated Bills. Cba
♚ Bedrooms........ Cba
♚ Bathrooms....... Cba

║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║

♚ https://doxbin.org/user/6ixhttps://doxbin.org/user/CT

║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║ 6IX ║

║    Extra Info    ║

» Welp gg I guess.
  6ix never sleep.
  Will update if I can be asked.

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