==================== Title: Italian Pedo Scum. ==================== Reason for Dox: This bastard is a coach in the volley ball club for minors in Italy, messages me on instagram and says he's like them young. ==================== *Personal Information: Full Name: Roberto (Fake lastname) Astrobellow Real lastname: Fava Phone Number: +83 334 824 823 4759 Pictures: https://ibb.co/vXxyw4k - Facebook https://ibb.co/Qd76xs8 - Shirtless pic https://ibb.co/tZGWh1t - Dick pic ==================== *Location Information Address: NA Area Code: NA Zip: NA City: Parma State: NA Country: Italy ==================== *Social Media Account: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roberto.astrobello Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bo.bby5118/ ==================== Created by: Spectrumm ====================