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   \__|   \________|\__|  \__|\__|     \__|      \__|  \__| \______/   \__|   \________|\__|  \__|\__|  \__|

                                         Tinkoprof - github.com/tinkoprof
                                         anime_rays - github.com/animerays
                                         666 (remon) - youtube.com/@666cpvp3
Welcome to Relapzie's dox. Relapzie is a girl (trans) who tries to convert Eralp232 and Tinkoprof, especially Tinkoprof, into pedophilia.
Relapzie is a person who told Tinkoprof that he was 16 years old, then sent screenshots of his private conversations with Tinkoprof to others,
and tried to brand Tinkoprof as a pedophile by telling those to whom he sent screenshots that he was younger than Tinkoprof. SMH
Relapzie  is 16 y.o (https://prnt.sc/r8uIzgDOwpTi)
                                               ---Screen shots and Proofs---
(https://prnt.sc/9vTIClg9vhEI) Breadable :flushed:
(https://prnt.sc/bywCCw3cdaTi) Tinkoprof fethish
(https://prnt.sc/WediqdLUZ9_T) 16 y.o says "are u baby too"
(https://prnt.sc/3_XWZRDYJSCs) Relapzie loves Tinkoprof :skull:
(https://prnt.sc/AeKcIkmizhwo) us
(https://prnt.sc/yXGVxwa_7bzy) RP
(https://prnt.sc/dKwsbubdZ-FA) legs
(https://prnt.sc/r8uIzgDOwpTi) how old are you?
(https://prnt.sc/RDXsNc3gaYHf) i love your cock :flushed:
                                               ---Team Astera---
Discord: https://discord.gg/N5ydJZUwPx (AsteraClient)
Contact with Tinkoprof:Discord bajamaliknindza (Tinkoprof's alt acc)
Contact with anime_rays:Discord anime_rays
Contact with 666:Discord 666daking