Reason: He distributes and has possession of childporn and has multiple

First and last name: issaiah London

Dads name: Mark London

Phone number: 803-440-6881

email addresses associated with the suspect:

Address: 176 Churchland Drive Columbia SC, 29229

Discord: youngboyzs0 770428609214677002

age: 18

ip address:

IP Location Details
Continent:	North America (NA)
North America Area:	24,709,000 km² (9,540,000 square miles)
North America Density:	22.9 per km² (159.3 per square mile)
North America Population:	580 million (the fourth largest population) - 7.6%
North America Life Expectancy:	80 years females & 74 years males
Country:	United States   IP Location Found In United States (US)
National Motto:	In God We Trust (official) / God Bless America (unofficial)
Anthem:	The Star-Spangled Banner (adopted 1931)
Capital:	Washington
State:	South Carolina (8th US state, from May 23, 1788)
City:	Columbia
Zip code:	29229
ISP / Organization:	ATT-INTERNET4
AS Number:	AS7018

Reverse DNS:

Continent Coordinates: 46.07305 / -100.546

City Coordinates: 34.1416) / (-80.8886)

Country Coordinates: 38 / -98p

proof of being pedo: