Stanislav Saltykov investment scammer
Director Pocket Option, huge fraud site
Personal number found:  +79211005968
Address:  Fortovaya Doroga 9, Kaliningrad, Russia
Company names:  Tifiya Group, ITTrendex, Gembell LTD, Infinite Trade, PO Trade
Partner in business:  Evgeny Proskurov
Two company emails:

Other potential key people:
Kaspar R (ID 1 on Pocket Option)
Olga V (staff member, not public)
Phoebe B (staff member, potential alias?)
Denis Davydov (ITTrendex)
Vasily Barsukov (ITTrendex)

Lawyer/licensor firm:  SBSB Lawyers, / @sbsb_lawyer Telegram
Fake Russian "regulator" giving out certificates to any broker that pays $3,000 to pretend they're protecting clients:
-- they've never been known to investigate a single case.