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                                                            ☠═════════◦ Table of Contents ◦══════════☠
                           		                    ║ 0x01 » Introduction......................║
                                                            ║ 0x02 » Personal Information..............║
                                                            ║ 0x03 » IRL's...........................║
                                                            ║ 0x04 » Credits...........................║

           <<========================================================┃          0x01         ┃=======================================================>>         

                                                       ☠ Introduction
                                                       Hello! It's been a minute hasn't it?. Welcome to the conquering of our new
                                                       victim who goes by the name of 
                                                        Inv0y! An OG small commentary community member
                                                       who did commentaries and ran a server named "Radioactive" which Is now called 
                                                        "Contagious" He merged with AceNeedsSleep, Entity to make a big community 
                                                       called "Apinity". Apinity was a success Until one day Inv0y left and tried to get Apinity nuked
                                                       Till we ended drama but drama started again. Skipping to the present, Inv0y Is friend's with
                                                       multiple people with possession of "Child Pornography". He admitted to condoning child porn and
                                                       condoned his friend trying to dox an Innocent 14 year old girl & tried getting nudes from her
                                                       so he could leak. We talked to him about his friend leaking child porn & trying to get nudes from
                                                       a 14 year old girl so he could leak. His response was "She deserves it." So we present you.
                                                                                  The Death Of Inv0y.


                                                       -Manipulated people Into making us look bad
                                                        -Condoning his friend's leaking child porn
					                  -Attempting to disable, raid and ban us 
                                                     -Condoned his friend trying to leak nudes of a minor
                                                             -Has a egotistical personality
							        -False allegations against us

                                                               Ⅻ An Eye For An Eye, Ⅻ
                                                     Ⅻ You Can't Spell Business Without Sin Ⅻ
                                                           Ⅻ The Definition Of Betrayal Ⅻ 
                                                   Ⅻ I am the danger, I am the one who knocks  Ⅻ 
                                                         -entity & ace


           <<========================================================┃          0x02         ┃=======================================================>>		
                                                       ☠ Personal Information
                                                       Name......... » Oliver Robles
                                                       Age.......... » 20
                                                       Birthday..... » 2000
                                                       Alias........ » Inv0y, Inv7y, Bloxxyoutube, ctrl, Xild, basedctrlkey
                                                       Instagram.... » invoylol
                                                       YouTube..... » https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDvt9BLVf8zje6vUofs_DyA
                                                       Discord...... » مراقبة#2222
                                                       Twitter...... » basedctrlkey
                                                       School...... » Classic City High School
                                                       Addys........ » Broadacres Homes, Athens, GA 30606

           <<========================================================┃          0x03         ┃=======================================================>>	

                                                       ☠ IRL's
                                                       Face......... » https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/942467274525270016/976105033093488681/56DC2895-42CD-4CCE-A923-8DC28090140D.jpg?width=507&height=676
                                                       Address.......... »   https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/967073258539200512/976105438330355742/unknown.png

    <<========================================================┃          0x04         ┃=======================================================>>  

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