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He abuse a 12 years old child ____ _____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _____ ___ | _ \| ____| _ \/ ___| / _ \| \ | | / \ | | |_ _| \ | | ___/ _ \ | |_) | _| | |_) \___ \| | | | \| | / _ \ | | | || \| | |_ | | | | | __/| |___| _ < ___) | |_| | |\ |/ ___ \| |___ | || |\ | _|| |_| | |_| |_____|_| \_\____/ \___/|_| \_/_/ \_\_____| |___|_| \_|_| \___/ Username: InductedEmu Name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE ANTONIO Age: 23 _____ _ _ | ____|_ __ ___ __ _(_) |___ | _| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | / __| | |___| | | | | | (_| | | \__ \ |_____|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|_|___/ vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com fluidflow7737@gmail.com vazquezb9@aol.com MAVCORP@MSN.COM 6105639601.MVZ@GMAIL.COM maurice.vazquez@navy.mil takishauko6mil@mail.ru ____ _ _ | _ \| |__ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___ | |__ ___ _ __ ___ | |_) | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \| | | | '_ ` _ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __| | __/| | | | (_) | | | | __/ | | | | |_| | | | | | | |_) | __/ | \__ \ |_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\___| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_.__/ \___|_| |___/ 7192876171 7194340660 7198961911 3107418008 1111110002 7049628193 9045289798 7602175076 ____ ___ ____ ___ _ _ __ __ _____ ____ ___ _ / ___| / _ \ / ___|_ _| / \ | | | \/ | ____| _ \_ _| / \ \___ \| | | | | | | / _ \ | | | |\/| | _| | | | | | / _ \ ___) | |_| | |___ | | / ___ \| |___ | | | | |___| |_| | | / ___ \ |____/ \___/ \____|___/_/ \_\_____| |_| |_|_____|____/___/_/ \_\ https://youtube.com/@inductedEmu?si=0X_-eKYvLQRaxOHI Xbox: InductedEmu9587 https://www.tiktok.com/@inductedemu9587?_t=8js7617qmye&_r=1 https://x.com/mauricevasque13?t=asQEGpPfQUePxho88bzgrQ&s=09 Discord: Username: vivacious_parrot_02520 USER ID: 1146652440020647936 _ ___ ____ _ _____ ___ ___ _ _ | | / _ \ / ___| / \|_ _|_ _/ _ \| \ | | | | | | | | | / _ \ | | | | | | | \| | | |__| |_| | |___ / ___ \| | | | |_| | |\ | |_____\___/ \____/_/ \_\_| |___\___/|_| \_| Country: USA City: New York ___ _ _ |_ _|_ __ __ _ __| | __| |_ __ ___ ___ ___ | || '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ __/ __| | || |_) | | (_| | (_| | (_| | | | __/\__ \__ \ |___| .__/ \__,_|\__,_|\__,_|_| \___||___/___/ |_| Browser: Safari 16.6 Platform: iOS 16.7 Isp: Cablevision Systems Corp. 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The database contains 70 million records and includes names, date of birth, description of offenses, date of arrest and release, as well as information about appearance - skin color, hair color, presence of scars and tattoos, etc. 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 🏘️Address: 7203 KINLEY COMMONS LANE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28278 🇺🇸State: Florida 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28278 🏻Nationality: Black 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE A 👥Accomplices: MAURICE VASQUEZ, MAURICE A VASQUEZ, MAURICE A VAZQUEZ, MAURICE ANTONIO VAZQUEZ, MOE VAZQUEZ 📜Description: BURG/DWELL/OCCUP.CONVEY 📰Category: Arrests 🔫Date of crime: 20061020 🗺️Region: Statewide 🚪Release date: 20160124 🚻Sex: Male 🥊Punishment: 2Y 0M 0D 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 🏘️Address: 7203 KINLEY COMMONS LANE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28278 🇺🇸State: Florida 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28278 🏻Nationality: Black 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE A 👥Accomplices: MAURICE VASQUEZ, MAURICE A VASQUEZ, MAURICE A VAZQUEZ, MAURICE ANTONIO VAZQUEZ, MOE VAZQUEZ 📜Description: BURG/DWELL/OCCUP.CONVEY 📰Category: Arrests 🔫Date of crime: 20061020 🗺️Region: Statewide 🚪Release date: 20160124 🚻Sex: Male 🥊Punishment: 5Y 0M 0D 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 🏘️Address: 7203 KINLEY COMMONS LANE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28278 🇺🇸State: Florida 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28278 🏻Nationality: Black 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE A 👥Accomplices: MAURICE VASQUEZ, MAURICE A VASQUEZ, MAURICE A VAZQUEZ, MAURICE ANTONIO VAZQUEZ, MOE VAZQUEZ 📜Description: ARSON,WILLFUL DAMA.STRUCT. 📰Category: Arrests 🔫Date of crime: 20061030 🗺️Region: Statewide 🚪Release date: 20160124 🚻Sex: Male 🥊Punishment: 2Y 0M 0D 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 🏘️Address: 7203 KINLEY COMMONS LANE, CHARLOTTE, NC 28278 🇺🇸State: Florida 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28278 🏻Nationality: Black 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE A 👥Accomplices: MAURICE VASQUEZ, MAURICE A VASQUEZ, MAURICE A VAZQUEZ, MAURICE ANTONIO VAZQUEZ, MOE VAZQUEZ 📜Description: ARSON,WILLFUL DAMA.STRUCT. 📰Category: Arrests 🔫Date of crime: 20061030 🗺️Region: Statewide 🚪Release date: 20160124 🚻Sex: Male 🥊Punishment: 5Y 0M 0D 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 ⛓Date of arrest: 20061106 🇺🇸State: Florida 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE ANTONIO 👴Age: 18 📜Description: BURGLARY-STRUCTURE 📰Category: Arrests 🗺️Region: Hernando 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 ⛓Date of arrest: 20070726 🇺🇸State: Florida 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE ANTONIO 👴Age: 19 📜Description: ARSON 📰Category: Arrests 🗺️Region: Hernando 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 ⛓Date of arrest: 20140124 🇺🇸State: Florida 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE ANTONIO 👴Age: 26 📜Description: VIOLATION OF PROBATION 948.06 - VIOLATION OF PROBATION 📰Category: Arrests 🗺️Region: Hernando 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 🏘️Address: CHARLOTTE NC 28213 ⚖️Weight: 215 ⛓Date of arrest: 20130424 🇺🇸State: North Carolina 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28213 🏻Nationality: Black 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE ANTONIO 👴Age: 25 📏Height: 5'5" 📜Description: Interstate Compact 📰Category: Arrests 🗺️Region: Mecklenburg 🚻Sex: Male 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 🏘️Address: CHARLOTTE NC 28262 ⚖️Weight: 220 ⛓Date of arrest: 20230108 🇺🇸State: North Carolina 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28262 🏻Nationality: Black 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE ANTONIO 👥Accomplices: VAZQUEZ, MAURICE ANTONIO 👴Age: 35 📏Height: 5'08" 📜Description: ASSAULT ON A FEMALE 📰Category: Inmates 🗺️Region: Mecklenburg 🚪Release date: 20230109 🚻Sex: Male 🤴Status: B 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 🏘️Address: CHARLOTTE NC 28262 ⚖️Weight: 220 ⛓Date of arrest: 20230108 🇺🇸State: North Carolina 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28262 🏻Nationality: Black 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE ANTONIO 👥Accomplices: VAZQUEZ, MAURICE ANTONIO 👴Age: 35 📏Height: 5'08" 📜Description: DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED 📰Category: Inmates 🗺️Region: Mecklenburg 🚪Release date: 20230109 🚻Sex: Male 🤴Status: B 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 🏘️Address: CHARLOTTE NC 28262 ⚖️Weight: 220 ⛓Date of arrest: 20230108 🇺🇸State: North Carolina 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28262 🏻Nationality: Black 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE ANTONIO 👥Accomplices: VAZQUEZ, MAURICE ANTONIO 👴Age: 35 📏Height: 5'08" 📜Description: OPEN CONT AFTER CONS ALC 1ST 📰Category: Inmates 🗺️Region: Mecklenburg 🚪Release date: 20230109 🚻Sex: Male 🤴Status: B 🎂Date of Birth: 19880108 🏘️Address: CHARLOTTE NC 28262 ⚖️Weight: 220 ⛓Date of arrest: 20230108 🇺🇸State: North Carolina 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28262 🏻Nationality: Black 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE ANTONIO 👥Accomplices: VAZQUEZ, MAURICE ANTONIO 👴Age: 35 📏Height: 5'08" 📜Description: RESISTING PUBLIC OFFICER 📰Category: Inmates 🗺️Region: Mecklenburg 🚪Release date: 20230109 🚻Sex: Male 🤴Status: B 👁️‍🗨️USA Hige Leak A huge database of US residents, which was originally leaked by pompompurin on the now defunct RaidForum. The source is unknown, but data from more than 250 million American citizens can be found in this database. The data contains names, addresses, telephone numbers, geolocation, home and income information, nationality, date of birth. It also contained more than 100 million emails. 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 📞Telephone: 7192876171 🎂Year of birth: 1995 🎂Month of birth: 1 🏘️Street suffix: Dr 🏘️Address: 2730 Vickers Dr Apt 328 🏘️Street: Vickers ⌚Timezone: 7 🇺🇸State: CO 🌃Cities: Colorado Springs 🌃City: Colorado Springs 🌐Latitude: 38.9144799187672 🌐Longitude: -104.777467590343 🍁Description CBSA: Colorado Springs CO 🏚️House price: $175000 to $199999 🏤Postal code (11 characters): 80918891978 🏤Postal code: 80918 🏻Nationality code: spa 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice 👴Age: 26 💰Income: $75000 to $99999 💳Credit card limit: 10500 📮Postcode: 8919 🗺️Region: El Paso 🚻Sex: M 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 🎂Year of birth: 1988 🎂Month of birth: 1 🏘️Street suffix: Trl 🏘️Address: 7040 Winding Cedar Trl Apt 202 🏘️Street: Winding Cedar ⌚Timezone: 5 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃Cities: Charlotte 🌃City: Charlotte 🌐Latitude: 35.2062281 🌐Longitude: -80.7284002 🍁Description CBSA: Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia NC-SC 🏚️House price: $125000 to $149999 🏤Postal code (11 characters): 28212820352 🏤Postal code: 28212 🏻Nationality code: spa 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice A 👴Age: 33 💰Income: $60000 to $64999 💳Credit card limit: 7500 📮Postcode: 8203 🗺️Region: Mecklenburg 🚻Sex: M 🎂Year of birth: 1952 🎂Month of birth: 3 🏘️Street suffix: Blvd 🏘️Address: 620 A1A Beach Blvd Unit 15 🏘️Street: A1A Beach ⌚Timezone: 5 🇺🇸State: FL 🌃Cities: Saint Augustine' 'St Augustine 🌃City: Saint Augustine 🌐Latitude: 29.84742 🌐Longitude: -81.267242 🍁Description CBSA: Jacksonville FL 🏗️Year the house was built: 1983 🏚️House price: $175000 to $199999 🏤Postal code (11 characters): 32080792615 🏤Postal code: 32080 🏻Nationality code: spa 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice V 👴Age: 69 💰Income: $75000 to $99999 💳Credit card limit: 14000 📮Postcode: 7926 🗺️Region: Saint Johns 🚻Sex: M 🛖Year of home purchase: 1999 📡Acxiom In 2020, a dataset containing nearly a quarter of a billion records, covering more than 400 different areas, came online. It was originally incorrectly attributed to database marketing company Acxiom. The data contained nearly 52 million unique email addresses. 📞Telephone: 7194340660 🎂Date of birth(day): 0 🎂Month of birth: 0 🎂Year of birth: 1995 🏘️House number: 2730 🏘️Address: 2730 Vickers Dr ⌚Timezone: M ☦Religion: C 🇦🇺Language: E1 🇺🇸State: CO 🌃City: Colorado Spgs 🌐Latitude: 38.914200 🌐Longitude: -104.776000 🏗️Year the house was built: 0 🏤Postal code: 80918 🏻Nationality: Y 🐈Cats: U 🐕Dogs: U 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE 👶Amount of children: U 🗺️Region: El Paso 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 📆date: 2016-08-04 🎂Date of birth(day): 0 🎂Month of birth: 0 🎂Year of birth: 1988 🏘️House number: 7040 🏘️Address: 7040 Winding Cedar Trl ⌚Timezone: E ☦Religion: C 🇦🇺Language: S8 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃City: Charlotte 🌐Latitude: 35.207400 🌐Longitude: -80.729900 🎯IP: 🏗️Year the house was built: 0 🏤Postal code: 28212 🏻Nationality: Y 🐈Cats: U 🐕Dogs: U 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE A 👶Amount of children: U 🔗Link: yourcollegedegreesfinder.com 🗺️Region: Mecklenburg Mecklenburg 🛟Acuity In 2019, the insurance company Acuity suffered a data breach. Because of it, the data of 242 million users was exposed. The data was published on raid forums by Crazyoldfart in 2021. The database contains household information and personal information about US citizens. Including full names, addresses, phone numbers, occupation, ethnicity and more. The leak did not contain any emails. 🎂Date of birth(day): 0 🎂Month of birth: 0 🎂Year of birth: 1995 🏘️House number: 2730 🏘️Street: Vickers 🇦🇺Language: E1 🇺🇸State: CO 🌃City: Colorado Spgs 🏤Postal code: 80918 🏻Nationality code: T9 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice - 👶Amount of children: U 🗾A country: El Paso 🚻Sex: M 🎂Date of birth(day): 0 🎂Month of birth: 0 🎂Year of birth: 1988 🏘️House number: 7040 🏘️Street: Winding Cedar 🇦🇺Language: S8 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃City: Charlotte 🏤Postal code: 28212 🏻Nationality code: T9 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice A 👶Amount of children: U 🗾A country: Mecklenburg 🚻Sex: M 💼Modern Business Solutions In October 2016, a large Mongo database file containing tens of millions of accounts was published by Twitter. The database contained more than 58 million unique emails, as well as IP addresses, names, home addresses, gender, positions, dates of birth and telephone numbers. The data is attributed to Modern Business Solutions, a company that provides data storage and database hosting solutions. 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 📆Registration date: 2016-05-07T07:42:07.066Z 🏘️Address: 7040 WINDING CEDAR TRL APT 202 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃City: Charlotte 🎯IP: 🏤Postal code: 28262 👤Full name: vazquez maurice 🚻Sex: M 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 📞Telephone: 7198961911 📆Registration date: 2016-06-15T10:22:38.201Z 🇺🇸State: CO 🌃City: colorado springs 🏤Postal code: 80907 👤Full name: vazquez maurice 🚻Sex: M 📞AT&T AT&T is the largest American telecommunications company. In 2021, their services were hacked, but the database became publicly available only in March 2024. The leak contains more than 70 million records and includes the emails, names, phone numbers, addresses and insurance numbers of all customers. 📩Email: MAVCORP@MSN.COM 📞Telephone: 3107418008 🏘️Address: 9604 LAUREL OAK DR 🇺🇸State: VA 🌃City: FREDERICKSBURG 🏤Postal code: 22407 👤Full name: MAURICE VAZQUEZ 🧗Insurance: 0069748845 📩Email: 6105639601.MVZ@GMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 1111110002 🏘️Address: 1 GENE 🇺🇸State: DE 🌃City: NEW CASTLE 🏤Postal code: 19720 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE 🗺️Region: NEW CASTLE DE 19720-3437 🧗Insurance: 294397229 🚀RocketText Around January 2020, customer engagement tool RocketText experienced a data breach. The violation included email addresses, home addresses, IP addresses, gender, ethnicity, and telephone numbers (including the operator of the number listed). In total, 32 million records were affected. Rocket Text now operates under the name "LaunchSMS" and was previously known as ApexSMS. 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 📞Telephone: 7049628193 📆Registration date: 2019-11-09T04:40:02.000Z 📆date: 11/5/19 🏘️Address: 300 Michelle linnea dr apt.6 ⌚Timezone: EST 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃City: Charlotte 🏤Postal code: 28262 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice 🗺️Region: North Carolina 🗾A country: US 💐BloomsToday.com In April 2024, a database of clients of the American flower and gift delivery service “Blooms Today” was made publicly available. The leak contains 15 million records with names, phone numbers, emails, addresses and payment card data. A few days before publication, the base was sold for 5 thousand dollars. 📩Email: maurice.vazquez@navy.mil 📞Telephone: 9045289798 📆date: 26/9/2017 15:33:13 🏘️Address: A1a Beach Blvd 🇺🇸State: FL 🌃City: St Augustine Beach 🏤Postal code: 32080 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice 💳Card type: Visa 📅Credit card validity period: 09-2019 🗾A country: USA 📩SpecialKSpamList At the end of 2015, a spam list known as the “Special K Data Feed” was discovered on the Internet, containing almost 31 million entries. Data includes names, physical and IP addresses, gender, dates of birth and telephone numbers. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🏘️Address: BellevueWA 🎯IP: 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🏘️Address: CHICAGO 🎯IP: 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🏘️Address: ChicagoIL60602 🎯IP: 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice Vazquez Maurice 👨‍💼Dave In June 2020, digital banking app Dave suffered a data breach that exposed 7.5 million rows of data. The leak exposed extensive personal information, including nearly 3 million unique email addresses, as well as names, dates of birth, encrypted Social Security numbers and passwords in bcrypt hashes. 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 🔐Encrypted password: $2b$10$uNGKzVISFgDacU0O/9IpZOLMwOU1RhVYN9j28iMgYnKqT6og3k/oq 📞Telephone: 17049628193 📆Last Activity: 2019-11-05 18:15:14 📆Registration date: 2019-11-04 13:29:34 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice 🎤ClearVoice Surveys In April 2021, market research company ClearVoice Surveys accidentally made and distributed a public backup of its 2015 database. The data included 15 million unique email addresses, as well as names, physical and IP addresses, gender, dates of birth and plain text passwords. 📩Email: fluidflow7737@yahoo.com 🔑Password: justine7 📆date: 2011-10-06 🎂Date of Birth: 1988-01-08 🎯IP: 🏤Postal code: 28110 👤Full name: vazquez maurice 🚪Number of inputs: 0 🚻Sex: M 🗣️Telegram Chats In 2022, using parsing public Telegram channels, 63 million records about their participants were collected. These records contain their IDs, names, phone numbers and channels in which these users are members. There are also descriptions of these channels and information about whether the user has a fraud mark. ✈TelegramID: 1615344740 🏷️Title: Ташкентицкя_зона 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice 👤Nick: UntiesDentine_2008 📢Channel ID: 1191521799 📢Telegram channel: towkenoo_qayttt 🔱TridentCryptoFund Around February 2020, cryptocurrency investment platform Trident Crypto Fund suffered a data breach. The hack included email addresses, full names, phone numbers, countries, IP addresses and passwords stored as MD5 hashes. In total, 263 thousand users were affected. 📩Email: takishauko6mil@mail.ru 🔐Encrypted password: a4b9b8ae1fcb455ee377e40a8127881e 🎯IP: 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice 🗾A country: ireland 🏕FlexBooker In December 2021, the online booking service FlexBooker suffered a leak that exposed 37 million accounts - emails, names, phone numbers, password hashes, and credit card details. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 📞Telephone: 7602175076 📆Last Activity: 2021-05-31 15:40:49.380 📆Registration date: 2021-05-31 15:40:49.380 👤Full name: Vazquez Maurice Vazquez Maurice 💹Exactis In June 2018, marketing firm Exactis accidentally published 340 million personal data records. The leak contains several terabytes spread across hundreds of individual fields and contains 132 million emails. 🎂Date of Birth: 0-0-1995 🏘️Address: 2730 Vickers Dr CO 80918 👤Full name: MAURICE VAZQUEZ 👁️‍🗨️USA Hige Leak A huge database of US residents, which was originally leaked by pompompurin on the now defunct RaidForum. The source is unknown, but data from more than 250 million American citizens can be found in this database. The data contains names, addresses, telephone numbers, geolocation, home and income information, nationality, date of birth. It also contained more than 100 million emails. 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 🎂Month of birth: 1 🎂Year of birth: 1988 🏘️Street suffix: Trl 🏘️Address: 7040 Winding Cedar Trl Apt 202 🏘️Street: Winding Cedar ⌚Timezone: 5 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃Cities: Charlotte 🌃City: Charlotte 🌐Latitude: 35.2062281 🌐Longitude: -80.7284002 🍁Description CBSA: Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia NC-SC 🏚️House price: $125000 to $149999 🏤Postal code (11 characters): 28212820352 🏤Postal code: 28212 🏻Nationality code: spa 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: A 👤Surname: Vazquez 👴Age: 33 💰Income: $60000 to $64999 💳Credit card limit: 7500 📮Postcode: 8203 🗺️Region: Mecklenburg 🚻Sex: M 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 📞Telephone: 7192876171 🎂Month of birth: 1 🎂Year of birth: 1995 🏘️Street suffix: Dr 🏘️Address: 2730 Vickers Dr Apt 328 🏘️Street: Vickers ⌚Timezone: 7 🇺🇸State: CO 🌃Cities: Colorado Springs 🌃City: Colorado Springs 🌐Latitude: 38.9144799187672 🌐Longitude: -104.777467590343 🍁Description CBSA: Colorado Springs CO 🏚️House price: $175000 to $199999 🏤Postal code (11 characters): 80918891978 🏤Postal code: 80918 🏻Nationality code: spa 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: Vazquez 👴Age: 26 💰Income: $75000 to $99999 💳Credit card limit: 10500 📮Postcode: 8919 🗺️Region: El Paso 🚻Sex: M 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 📞Telephone: 7579430071 🎂Month of birth: 8 🎂Year of birth: 1967 🏘️Street suffix: Dr 🏘️Address: 9604 Laurel Oak Dr 🏘️Street: Laurel Oak ⌚Timezone: 5 🇺🇸State: VA 🌃Cities: Fredericksburg 🌃City: Fredericksburg 🌐Latitude: 38.2202294 🌐Longitude: -77.5144835 🍁Description CBSA: Washington-Arlington-Alexandria DC-VA-MD-WV 🏗️Year the house was built: 1920 🏚️House price: $300000 to $349999 🏤Postal code (11 characters): 22407932404 🏤Postal code: 22407 🏻Nationality code: spa 👤Name: Mauricio 👤Surname: Vazquez 👴Age: 53 💰Income: $100000 to $149999 💳Credit card limit: 22500 📮Postcode: 9324 🗺️Region: Spotsylvania 🚻Sex: M 🛁Number of bathrooms in the house: 4 🛏Number of bedrooms in the house: 4 🛖Year of home purchase: 2012 📡Acxiom In 2020, a dataset containing nearly a quarter of a billion records, covering more than 400 different areas, came online. It was originally incorrectly attributed to database marketing company Acxiom. The data contained nearly 52 million unique email addresses. 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 📆date: 2016-08-04 🎂Date of birth(day): 0 🎂Month of birth: 0 🎂Year of birth: 1988 🏘️House number: 7040 🏘️Address: 7040 Winding Cedar Trl ⌚Timezone: E ☦Religion code: C 🇦🇺Language: S8 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃City: Charlotte 🌐Latitude: 35.207400 🌐Longitude: -80.729900 🎯IP: 🏗️Year the house was built: 0 🏤Postal code: 28212 🏻Nationality: Y 🐈Cats: U 🐕Dogs: U 👤Name: MAURICE 👤Surname: A 👤Surname: VAZQUEZ 👶Amount of children: U 🔗Link: yourcollegedegreesfinder.com 🗺️Region: Mecklenburg 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 📞Telephone: 3103974486 📆date: 20111224 🎂Date of birth(day): 0 🎂Month of birth: 8 🎂Year of birth: 1967 🏘️House number: 9604 🏘️Address: 9604 Laurel Oak Dr ⌚Timezone: E ☦Religion code: C 🇦🇺Language: S8 🇺🇸State: VA 🌃City: Fredericksbrg 🌐Latitude: 38.220200 🌐Longitude: -77.514500 🎯IP: 🏗️Year the house was built: 2004 🏤Postal code: 22407 🏧Mortgage Lender Name: FRANKLIN AMERICAN MTG CO 🏻Nationality: Y 🐈Cats: U 🐕Dogs: U 👤Name: MAURICIO 👤Surname: VAZQUEZ 👶Amount of children: 3 🔗Link: projectpayday.com 🗺️Region: Spotsylvania 💼Modern Business Solutions In October 2016, a large Mongo database file containing tens of millions of accounts was published by Twitter. The database contained more than 58 million unique emails, as well as IP addresses, names, home addresses, gender, positions, dates of birth and telephone numbers. The data is attributed to Modern Business Solutions, a company that provides data storage and database hosting solutions. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 📞Telephone: 7198961911 📆Registration date: 2016-06-15T10:22:38.201Z 🇺🇸State: CO 🌃City: colorado springs 🏤Postal code: 80907 👤Name: maurice 👤Surname: vazquez 🚻Sex: M 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 📆Registration date: 2016-05-07T07:42:07.066Z 🏘️Address: 7040 WINDING CEDAR TRL APT 202 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃City: Charlotte 🎯IP: 🏤Postal code: 28262 👤Name: maurice 👤Surname: vazquez 🚻Sex: M 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 📆Registration date: 2016-05-15T21:03:22.065Z 🇺🇸State: CO 🌃City: Colorado Springs 🏤Postal code: 80918 👤Name: Blanca 👤Surname: Vazquez 🚻Sex: F 📩Email: 6105639601.mvz@gmail.com 📆Registration date: 2016-08-31T18:14:43.021Z 🇺🇸State: DC 🌃City: Washington 🎯IP: 🏤Postal code: 20011 👤Name: mauricio 👤Surname: vialez 🚻Sex: M 🚀RocketText Around January 2020, customer engagement tool RocketText experienced a data breach. The violation included email addresses, home addresses, IP addresses, gender, ethnicity, and telephone numbers (including the operator of the number listed). In total, 32 million records were affected. Rocket Text now operates under the name "LaunchSMS" and was previously known as ApexSMS. 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 📞Telephone: 7049628193 📆Registration date: 2019-11-09T04:40:02.000Z 📆date: 11/5/19 🏘️Address: 300 Michelle linnea dr apt.6 ⌚Timezone: EST 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃City: Charlotte 🏤Postal code: 28262 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: Vazquez 🗺️Region: North Carolina 🗾A country: US 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 📞Telephone: 7192876161 📆Registration date: 2020-01-07T19:33:43.000Z 📆date: 12/30/19 🏘️Address: 554 Dry Lake Road ⌚Timezone: MST 🇺🇸State: CO 🌃City: Colorado Springs 🎯IP: 🏤Postal code: 80903 👤Name: Blanca 👤Surname: Vazquez 🗺️Region: Colorado 🗾A country: US 🚻Sex: F 📩SpecialKSpamList At the end of 2015, a spam list known as the “Special K Data Feed” was discovered on the Internet, containing almost 31 million entries. Data includes names, physical and IP addresses, gender, dates of birth and telephone numbers. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🏘️Address: BellevueWA 🎯IP: 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: Vazquez 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🏘️Address: CHICAGO 🎯IP: 👤Name: MAURICE 👤Surname: VAZQUEZ 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🏘️Address: ChicagoIL60602 🎯IP: 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: Vazquez 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 🏘️Address: Colorado SpringsCO80918 🎯IP: 👤Name: Blanca 👤Surname: Vazquez 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 🏘️Address: NJ 🎯IP: 👤Name: Blanca 👤Surname: Vazquez 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🎯IP: 👤Name: Mauricio 👤Surname: Vazquez 📘LinkedIn Scraped Data During the first half of 2021, LinkedIn became a target for attackers who extracted data from hundreds of millions of profiles and then sold it online. This was not a leak and only publicly available information was collected. The 1.5 terabyte file contained 400 million records and 100 million unique emails, as well as the names, locations, gender and positions of users. 📩Email: maurice.vazquez@navy.mil ⓁLinkedinID: 163292341 ♟️Industry: aviation & aerospace 🏢Company name: jax navy flying club 🏢Company name: jax navy flying club 🏢Job title: manager 🏷️Title: manager 👤Name: moe 👤Surname: vazquez 📅Start date: 2009-01 📍Geolocation: 29.89,-81.31 🗂️Summary: MANAGER at JAX NAVY FLYING CLUB 🗺️Region: florida, united states 🗾A country: united states 🗾Continent: north america 🚪Number of inputs: 3 🧭Location: florida 🧭Location: saint augustine 📞AT&T AT&T is the largest American telecommunications company. In 2021, their services were hacked, but the database became publicly available only in March 2024. The leak contains more than 70 million records and includes the emails, names, phone numbers, addresses and insurance numbers of all customers. 📩Email: MAVCORP@MSN.COM 📞Telephone: 3107418008 🏘️Address: 9604 LAUREL OAK DR 🇺🇸State: VA 🌃City: FREDERICKSBURG 🏤Postal code: 22407 👤Full name: MAURICE VAZQUEZ 🧗Insurance: 0069748845 📩Email: 6105639601.MVZ@GMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 1111110002 🏘️Address: 1 GENE 🇺🇸State: DE 🌃City: NEW CASTLE 🏤Postal code: 19720 👤Full name: VAZQUEZ MAURICE 🗺️Region: NEW CASTLE DE 19720-3437 🧗Insurance: 294397229 📲ApexSMS Around April 2019, the cloud-based SMS platform ApexSMS (also known as "MobileDrip") suffered a data breach. Because of her, 88 million posts were published. The violation included full names, email addresses, physical addresses, IP addresses and phone numbers. 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 📞Telephone: 7192876161 📆date: 2019-02-12 🏘️Address: 24527 ARROW CANYON 🇺🇸State: CO 🌃City: Colorado Springs 🏤Postal code: 60016 👤Name: Blanca 👤Surname: Vazquez 🗺️Region: Colorado 🗾A country: US 📩Email: 6105639601.mvz@gmail.com 📞Telephone: 3022989185 📆date: 30.10.2018 11:32 🇺🇸State: DE 🏤Postal code: 19720 👤Name: Mauricio 👤Surname: Vázquez 📚Collection In January 2019, a collection of 5 parts appeared on a hacker forum, representing a combination of data from different sites. The collection contained 108 thousand files with a total size of 870GB. These files contained 26 billion lines containing email and password. However, many values ​​were repeated many times, and there were only 4.3 billion unique pairs. And yet this collection is considered the biggest leak in history. 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: 21mav001 🔖Collection numbers: 1,2,4 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: 21MAV001 🔖Collection numbers: 1,2,4 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: CT4us 🔖Collection numbers: 1,2 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: Fling4me ♻️Zacks In December 2022, investment research firm Zacks announced a data breach. And in June 2023, a dataset containing nearly 9 million Zacks customers became publicly available. The data includes names, emails, physical addresses, phone numbers and passwords stored as SIC hashes. 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔐Encrypted password: 9EC0375EA56387E5C8F07DDA07B90AB1E8B7AB762AD992E8B9C674FBFC5993F4 📞Telephone: 3103974486 📆Registration date: 15-DEC-2009 🏘️Address: 9604 LAUREL OAK DR 🇺🇸State: VA 🌃City: FREDERICKSBURG 🏤Postal code: 22407-9324 👤Name: Mauricio 👤Nick: mavcorp@msn.com 👤Surname: Vazquez 🗾A country: UNITED STATES 👓Luxottica Sometime in November 2022, the “leader” in premium, luxury and sports eyewear with over 7,400 stores in North America suffered a data breach. This revealed email addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, home addresses and full names of customers of the Luxottica brand. The leak occurred due to a third party exposing data through a publicly accessible storage container. 📩Email: MAVCORP@MSN.COM 📞Telephone: 5406937210 🏘️Address: 9604 LAUREL OAK DR 🇺🇸State: VA 🌃City: FREDERICKSBURG 👤Name: Daniel 👤Surname: Vazquez 📩Email: 6105639601.MVZ@GMAIL.COM 🇺🇸State: DE 🌃City: NEW CASTLE 👤Name: Mauricio 👤Surname: Vazquez-Luna 🏋️MyFitnessPal In February 2018, diet and exercise service MyFitnessPal suffered a data breach. The incident exposed 144 million unique emails along with names, IPs and passwords in the form of SHA-1 and bcrypt hashes. All data, except for bcrypt hashes, was later made publicly available. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🎯IP: 👤Nick: mario97207 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 🔐Encrypted password: NULL 🎯IP: 👤Nick: fluidflow7737 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 🎯IP: 👤Nick: fluidflow7737 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 🎯IP: 👤Nick: vazquezb9 💐BloomsToday.com In April 2024, a database of clients of the American flower and gift delivery service “Blooms Today” was made publicly available. The leak contains 15 million records with names, phone numbers, emails, addresses and payment card data. A few days before publication, the base was sold for 5 thousand dollars. 📩Email: maurice.vazquez@navy.mil 📞Telephone: 9045289798 📆date: 26/9/2017 15:33:13 🏘️Address: A1a Beach Blvd 🇺🇸State: FL 🌃City: St Augustine Beach 🏤Postal code: 32080 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: Vazquez 💳Card type: Visa 📅Credit card validity period: 09-2019 🗾A country: USA 🏕FlexBooker In December 2021, the online booking service FlexBooker suffered a leak that exposed 37 million accounts - emails, names, phone numbers, password hashes, and credit card details. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 📞Telephone: 7602175076 📆Last Activity: 2021-05-31 15:40:49.380 📆Registration date: 2021-05-31 15:40:49.380 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: Vazquez 📩Email: Vazquezb9@aol.com 📞Telephone: 7192876171 📆Last Activity: 2021-01-13 04:57:14.677 📆Registration date: 2021-01-13 04:57:14.677 👤Name: Blanca 👤Surname: Vazquez 📨VerificationsIO In February 2019, the email verification service Verifications.io was damaged. Data in MongoDB was left publicly accessible without a password, which exposed 763 million unique emails, phone numbers and IPs. Passwords were not included in the data. 📩Email: VAZQUEZMAURICIO95@YAHOO.COM 📩Email: FLUIDFLOW7737@GMAIL.COM 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 🇺🇸State: FL 🌃City: TAMPA 🌐Website: kidslivesafe.com 🎯IP: 🏤Postal code: 33695 👤Name: maurice 👤Surname: vazquez 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 👤Name: Blanca 👨‍💼Dave In June 2020, digital banking app Dave suffered a data breach that exposed 7.5 million rows of data. The leak exposed extensive personal information, including nearly 3 million unique email addresses, as well as names, dates of birth, encrypted Social Security numbers and passwords in bcrypt hashes. 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 🔐Encrypted password: $2b$10$uNGKzVISFgDacU0O/9IpZOLMwOU1RhVYN9j28iMgYnKqT6og3k/oq 📞Telephone: 17049628193 📆Last Activity: 2019-11-05 18:15:14 📆Registration date: 2019-11-04 13:29:34 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: Vazquez 👟Jefit In August 2020, the workout tracking app Jefit was hacked. The data was sold to the hacker community and included 9 million emails, IPs, names and passwords in the form of vBulletin or argon2 hashes. 📩Email: 6105639601.mvz@gmail.com 🔐Encrypted password: c0203b34a09a5ff87dffc8912ded8f4d SmQK9#&>=^!S:dz:-2F|A%5g9\"ja/j 📆Last Activity: 10.12.2017 06:52:37 📆Registration date: 10.12.2017 06:52:37 ⌚Timezone: 0 🎯IP: 🏷️Title: New Member 👀Profile visits: 0 👤Nick: .mvz 💎Reputation: 10 📇Number of publications: 0 🐦Twitter 200M In January 2022, a vulnerability in the Twitter platform allowed a hacker to create a database of emails and phone numbers of 200 million users of the social platform. In August 2022, Twitter reported that the vulnerability was related to a bug introduced in June 2021. The data included emails, phone numbers, username, biography, location and profile photo. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 📆Registration date: 20.03.2011 18:20:36 👤Full name: Mauricio Vazquez 👤Nick: Vazquez723 😻Number of subscribers: 0 🪔Wattpad In June 2020, user story site Wattpad suffered a leak that exposed 270 million records. Personal information was exposed: names, emails, IP, gender, dates of birth and passwords in the form of bcrypt hashes. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🔐Encrypted password: af2815f036e8ced087a4809423a4aff2c4ef46e3783394f74f81e9f63347ad93 📆date: 2012-09-27 14:20:23 🎯IP: 👤Nick: brinmauricio 🗾A country: US 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🔑Password: always&forever 👙Fling In 2011, the adult social network Fling was hacked. 40 million accounts were exposed. The leak included personal data, as well as email addresses and passwords stored in plain text. 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: Fling4me 📆release date: 2008-09-21 01:10:32 📆Registration date: 2006-12-07 08:06:12 🎂Date of Birth: 1967-08-23 🎯IP: 👤Nick: Latin Fire 🚻Sex: MAN 🤔Interests: GROUPSEXSEXUAL RELATIONSOTHER 🧠Interested: WOMAN 🔱TridentCryptoFund Around February 2020, cryptocurrency investment platform Trident Crypto Fund suffered a data breach. The hack included email addresses, full names, phone numbers, countries, IP addresses and passwords stored as MD5 hashes. In total, 263 thousand users were affected. 📩Email: takishauko6mil@mail.ru 🔐Encrypted password: a4b9b8ae1fcb455ee377e40a8127881e 🎯IP: 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: Vazquez 🗾A country: ireland ☁️Cloudata Large collection of email-pass data. The database was collected from many files on May 18, 2023. Initially, all databases weighed 338 GB (11 billion rows). After removing duplicates and data from the collections, about 2 billion remained. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🔑Password: Vazquez723 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 🔑Password: Justine7 📩Email: takishauko6mil@mail.ru 🔑Password: e76xEcM1 📁cBANK In 2022, a private combo player containing 400 million emails and passwords was sold online. There were 260 million unique lines. The Kombolist was sold for $650, but now it is available to everyone. To increase the uniqueness of the data, sellers changed the case of some passwords and diluted the data with generated strings. Despite the title, this collection is not related to the March 2022 central bank leak. 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: 21mav001 🤐AntiPublic In December 2016, a huge leak containing 458 million unique emails and passwords appeared in the public domain. It was used to hack accounts in which the owner reused his password. Similar leaks are also used to assess the novelty of data in other databases. 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: 21mav001 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: CT4us 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: Fling4me 🔍Instant Checkmate In 2019, public records search service Instant Checkmate suffered a data breach that was later reported in early 2023. The data included nearly 12 million unique customer email addresses, names, phone numbers and passwords stored as scrypt hashes. 📩Email: Vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🔐Encrypted password: 0xEFE3228B9759413AA988A236E717FB65 📆Registration date: 2016-03-07 13:20:42 👤Name: Maurice 👤Surname: Vazquez 🍓AdultFriendFinder 2016 In October 2016, adult entertainment company Friend Finder suffered a massive data breach. The exposed data included names, SHA-1 hashed passwords, and 170 million unique emails. This company was previously hacked in May 2015, but then the leak contained only 4 million records. 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔐Encrypted password: YB4DV 📆Last Activity: 2011-09-28 09:57:34 🇦🇺Language: english 👤Nick: rm_ML4MS 🕵️‍BreachedForum Combolists Breached.vc is the most famous site for publishing various leaks. This database contains all files from the “Combolists” section, downloaded on 02/22/2023. This section had 2200 databases containing 170GB of data (5 billion rows). After deduplication and removal of rows from the collections, only 770 million remained. The data contains only emails and passwords. 📩Email: takishauko6mil@mail.ru 🔑Password: e76xecm1 🥫Onliner Spambot In August 2017, a spam bot called "Onliner Spambot" was identified by security researcher Benkow mokueq. The malware contained a server component located on an IP address in the Netherlands, which exposed a large number of files containing personal information. It contained 711 million unique emails, many of which also included passwords. 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 📑Leak file: mailing_list_17mln_CL_bw_4_bw_4_a22.txt 🔧Modbsolutions.com In October 2016, Modern Business Solutions, a company that provides data storage and database hosting solutions, suffered from a data leak. This database has already been uploaded to our service separately, and this database contains the decrypted passwords from that leak, which appeared in the public domain later. 📩Email: vazquezmauricio95@yahoo.com 🔑Password: always&forever 🌄TeraBase64 A huge collection of files published in February 2020 by a person with the handle @HTTSMVKCOM. It contained 3.2 billion lines of plain text emails and passwords, but only 1.28 billion unique lines. All this data was most likely obtained from many other leaks. 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: 21MAV001 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: 21mav001 ⛹‍8fit In July 2018, the 8fit health and fitness service suffered a leak. The data became available for sale on the darknet market in February 2019. The leak included 15 million unique emails, as well as names, gender, IP and passwords in the form of bcrypt hashes. 📩Email: fluidflow7737@gmail.com 🔐Encrypted password: $2a$10$MJRRGIkIJGUTdfpRdVkLGO4q1yud11r.Hkm//ZT15rI5ZmTBsa0ka ➰Poshmark In mid-2018, social commerce marketplace Poshmark suffered a data breach that exposed the accounts of 36 million users. The data included email addresses, usernames, gender, location, and passwords as bcrypt hashes. 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 🔐Encrypted password: $2a$10$X3Hl4JDAnAO8rcz.szl70.U6MOAo.kLUTHRDCmxSK0R2bFNKOPNna 👤Nick: bvbv 👥Gravatar scrape 2023 The Gravatar service allows users to use one avatar on multiple services. In January 2023, the data of 61 million users was collected from it using scraping. They included mails, nicknames and avatars. 📩Email: vazquezb9@aol.com 👤Nick: bvgallardo 🖼️Avatar: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a0b7add7e2bbdf02e3965fd66fbd84ce ✍PeopleDataLabs In October 2019, a server was discovered with 12 billion personal data records. They belonged to the data enrichment company PeopleDataLabs. 622 million mail, telephones and places of work were affected. 📩Email: maurice.vazquez@navy.mil 🏘️Address: saint augustine, florida, united states 👤Full name: moe vazquez 🧳Exploit.In In late 2016, a huge list of email/password pairs appeared in the Exploit.In leak. The list contained 593 million unique email addresses and was used for “credential stuffing.” 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: 21mav001 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: CT4us 💰23 Million BTC Combos In 2019, a list of emails and passwords in plain text was published online. This collection included 23 million records collected from cryptocurrency-related websites. This collection was used to hack accounts on crypto exchanges. 📩Email: mavcorp@msn.com 🔑Password: 21mav001 💰CryptoArchiveNoPublik A large collection of emails and passwords for them, collected in 2022 from leaks related to cryptocurrencies. Contains 71 million rows. Presumably used to hack accounts on crypto exchanges. 📩Email: takishauko6mil@mail.ru 🔑Password: e76xEcM1 📞AT&T AT&T is the largest American telecommunications company. In 2021, their services were hacked, but the database became publicly available only in March 2024. The leak contains more than 70 million records and includes the emails, names, phone numbers, addresses and insurance numbers of all customers. 📞Telephone: 11111100020 🏘️Address: 309 WELLS 🇺🇸State: MS 🌃City: KOSCIUSKO 🏤Postal code: 39090 👤Full name: JOE WINTERS 🗺️Region: KOSCIUSKO MS 39090-3222 🧗Insurance: 262039066 📩Email: KNYATES94@GMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100020 🏘️Address: 7301 LINCOLN 🇺🇸State: KS 🌃City: WICHITA 🏤Postal code: 67207 👤Full name: KRISTEN YATES 🗺️Region: WICHITA KS 67210-2711 🧗Insurance: 286174591 📩Email: KNYATES94@GMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100020 🏘️Address: 1000 WOODLAWN 🇺🇸State: KS 🌃City: WICHITA 🏤Postal code: 67218 👤Full name: KRISTEN YATES 🗺️Region: WICHITA KS 67218-3651 🧗Insurance: 256231856 📩Email: LARPALEE@TX.RR.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100020 🏘️Address: 1110 BELL 🇺🇸State: TX 🌃City: ARLINGTON 🏤Postal code: 76001 👤Full name: PAMELA ROBERTS 🗺️Region: ARLINGTON TX 76001-7117 🧗Insurance: 105240611 📩Email: LARPALEE@TX.RR.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100020 🏘️Address: 1110 BELL 🇺🇸State: TX 🌃City: ARLINGTON 🏤Postal code: 76001 👤Full name: PAMELA ROBERTS 🗺️Region: ARLINGTON TX 76001-7117 🧗Insurance: 251592815 📞Telephone: 11111100021 🏘️Address: 9052 KENWOOD DR 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: SPRING VALLEY 🏤Postal code: 91977 👤Full name: ALMA MAY 🧗Insurance: 0080007722 📞Telephone: 11111100021 🏘️Address: 204 NEWFIELD RD 🇺🇸State: NY 🌃City: SYRACUSE 🏤Postal code: 13214 👤Full name: KEVIIN TAYLOR 🧗Insurance: 0018097462 📞Telephone: 11111100021 🏘️Address: 3144 LINCOLN ST 🇺🇸State: IL 🌃City: FRANKLIN PARK 🏤Postal code: 60131 👤Full name: LENIS OSORIO 🧗Insurance: 0036594552 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 15789 COUNTY ROAD 384 🇺🇸State: TX 🌃City: TYLER 🏤Postal code: 75708 👤Full name: ALEJANDRO MEDEROS 🧗Insurance: 0002403324 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 1240 MONUMENT 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: CNCD 🏤Postal code: 94520 👤Full name: BERNARDO MOLINA LAURIANO 🗺️Region: CONCORD CA 94520-4440 🧗Insurance: 157646541 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 1240 MONUMENT 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: CNCD 🏤Postal code: 94520 👤Full name: BERNARDO MOLINA LAURIANO 🗺️Region: CONCORD CA 94520-4440 🧗Insurance: 157972537 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 38512 30TH ST E 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: PALMDALE 🏤Postal code: 93550 👤Full name: BLANCA POLANCO 🧗Insurance: 0016397019 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 4703 SHALE PL 🇺🇸State: FL 🌃City: TAMPA 🏤Postal code: 33615 👤Full name: ROLANDO ARMAS 🧗Insurance: 0005521369 📩Email: AMYOXUNA@YAHOO.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 53684 SAN BENITO ST 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: SAN LUCAS 🏤Postal code: 93954 👤Full name: RODOLFO ORTIZ 🧗Insurance: 0026247870 📩Email: ANTHONY.SERMENT@YAHOO.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 8068 HOLLEY 🇺🇸State: AL 🌃City: DAPHNE 🏤Postal code: 36526 👤Full name: SUSAN ROWELL 🗺️Region: DAPHNE AL 36526-6114 🧗Insurance: 283803672 📩Email: DANEL@ATT.NET 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 1179 CUYAMACA 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: EL CAJ 🏤Postal code: 92020 👤Full name: DANIEL GRAHAM 🗺️Region: EL CAJON CA 92020-1841 🧗Insurance: 251470585 📩Email: HJOUSLYN@GMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 4108 MCQUEEN ST 🇺🇸State: SC 🌃City: COLUMBIA 🏤Postal code: 29203 👤Full name: SABRINA HARLEY 🧗Insurance: 0008287563 📩Email: KJTROSARIO@GMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 7681 BROOKHAVEN 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: SD 🏤Postal code: 92114 👤Full name: KEITH ROSARIO 🗺️Region: SAN DIEGO CA 92114-7205 🧗Insurance: 253344530 📩Email: MARKTOMA68@GMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 1752 CONO 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: EL CAJ 🏤Postal code: 92020 👤Full name: SANAA BITIRS 🗺️Region: EL CAJON CA 92020-7723 🧗Insurance: 251567375 📩Email: MARLONBRIOONEZ440@YAHOO.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 1135 LEXINGTON 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: EL CAJ 🏤Postal code: 92019 👤Full name: MARLON BUNCH 🗺️Region: EL CAJON CA 92019-2171 🧗Insurance: 251138118 📩Email: NOLINSMAKY@HOTMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 86 SQUIRE 🇺🇸State: CT 🌃City: NEW LONDON 🏤Postal code: 06320 👤Full name: NOLIN LIMA 🗺️Region: NEW LONDON CT 06320-3419 🧗Insurance: 261073250 📩Email: none@none.com 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 4336 CYPRESS 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: EL M 🏤Postal code: 91731 👤Full name: ZHONGREN CHEN 🗺️Region: EL MONTE CA 91731-1633 🧗Insurance: 251576787 📩Email: OMARYELIZABETH@HOTMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 8913 BURNT UMBER DR 🇺🇸State: NC 🌃City: CHARLOTTE 🏤Postal code: 28215 👤Full name: OMAR ABUNDEZ 🧗Insurance: 0016437427 📩Email: RDNUNN@GMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 3108 BANDERA 🇺🇸State: TX 🌃City: SHERMAN 🏤Postal code: 75092 👤Full name: ROBERT DUNN 🗺️Region: SHERMAN TX 75092-4524 🧗Insurance: 261117974 📩Email: SALMANALZAIDI@ATT.NET 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 257 JAMACHA RD 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: EL CAJ 🏤Postal code: 92019 👤Full name: SALMAN ALZAIDI 🗺️Region: EL CAJON CA 92019-2379 🧗Insurance: 254686109 📩Email: STEPHANIEMARAZAS@GMAIL.COM 📞Telephone: 11111100022 🏘️Address: 1602 DEAN 🇺🇸State: OK 🌃City: PONCA CITY 🏤Postal code: 74604 👤Full name: STEPHANIE MARAZAS 🗺️Region: PONCA CITY OK 74604-1313 🧗Insurance: 149621724 📩Email: BILLANDJ@SBCGLOBAL.NET 📞Telephone: 11111100023 🏘️Address: 400 E SAND CANYON WY 🇺🇸State: CA 🌃City: BREA 🏤Postal code: 92821 👤Full name: JACQUELINE BARNEY 🗺️Region: LA QUINTA CA 92253-7755 🧗Insurance: 102958014 🏛️Gosuslugi 2021 This is a major leak of a Russian government services website that occurred in 2021. It affected more than 7 million people. The data includes telephone numbers, names, mails, addresses, passport data, SNIS data and INN. 📩Email: k.marina.iv@yandex.ru 📞Telephone: 79807413846 📆Registration date: 2017-08-18 22:24:13 🎂Date of Birth: 01.05.1969 🏘️Address: Россия, Ярославская обл, г Ярославль, 150044, Урицкого ул, д. 53, кв. 21 🏘️Address: Россия, Ярославская обл, г Ярославль, 150044, Урицкого ул, д. 53, кв. 21 🃏Document Number: 7814 054956, выдан 23.05.2014 Отделом УФМС по Ярославской области в Дзержинском районе г. Ярославля 760003 🎴Branch: 760-003 👤Name: Марина 👤Surname: Ивановна 👤Surname: Кудрявцева 💳SNILS number: 14684808603 💵Taxpayer number: 760217507611 📅date of issue: 23.05.2014 📖Passport ID: 054956 🚻Sex: FEMALE 🛂Passport Series: 7814 🛂Passport issued by: Отделом УФМС по Ярославской области в Дзержинском районе г. Ярославля 🤴Status: GOOD 🏛️Gosuslugi 2021 This is a major leak of a Russian government services website that occurred in 2021. It affected more than 7 million people. The data includes telephone numbers, names, mails, addresses, passport data, SNIS data and INN. 📩Email: k.marina.iv@yandex.ru 📞Telephone: 79807413846 📆Registration date: 2017-08-18 22:24:13 🎂Date of Birth: 01.05.1969 🏘️Address: Россия, Ярославская обл, г Ярославль, 150044, Урицкого ул, д. 53, кв. 21 🏘️Address: Россия, Ярославская обл, г Ярославль, 150044, Урицкого ул, д. 53, кв. 21 🃏Document Number: 7814 054956, выдан 23.05.2014 Отделом УФМС по Ярославской области в Дзержинском районе г. Ярославля 760003 🎴Branch: 760-003 👤Name: Марина 👤Surname: Ивановна 👤Surname: Кудрявцева 💳SNILS number: 14684808603 💵Taxpayer number: 760217507611 📅date of issue: 23.05.2014 📖Passport ID: 054956 🚻Sex: FEMALE 🛂Passport Series: 7814 🛂Passport issued by: Отделом УФМС по Ярославской области в Дзержинском районе г. Ярославля 🤴Status: GOOD 📲ApexSMS Around April 2019, the cloud-based SMS platform ApexSMS (also known as "MobileDrip") suffered a data breach. Because of her, 88 million posts were published. The violation included full names, email addresses, physical addresses, IP addresses and phone numbers. 📩Email: 7049628193 📞Telephone: 7049628193 📆date: 7049628193 🏘️Address: 7049628193 🇺🇸State: 7049628193 🌃City: 7049628193 🏤Postal code: 2147483647 👤Full name: 7049628193 Maurice 📩Email: 7049628193 📞Telephone: 7049628193 📆date: 7049628193 🏘️Address: 7049628193 🇺🇸State: 7049628193 🌃City: 7049628193 🏤Postal code: 2147483647 👤Full name: 7049628193 Maurice 🗺️Region: North Carolina 🗾A country: US 👑VipСhecker VipChecker is a Russian site for aggregating Minecraft server leaks, which allows you to hack accounts on different servers. In 2020, the complete collection of databases for this checker was leaked. The data includes 26 million records. Each entry contains the server name, the player's nickname, and the password they used in plain text or as an AuthMe hash. 🔐Encrypted password: $SHA$87fdface9f1f25d7$833213c220071fcb0756b44834303534d4f298e9a372475ca751c489cc31cd67 👤Nick: 11111100022 💻Server: BigCraft 🔐Encrypted password: $SHA$87fdface9f1f25d7$833213c220071fcb0756b44834303534d4f298e9a372475ca751c489cc31cd67 👤Nick: 11111100022 💻Server: FreeDB_CM_?10 🍓AdultFriendFinder 2016 In October 2016, adult entertainment company Friend Finder suffered a massive data breach. The exposed data included names, SHA-1 hashed passwords, and 170 million unique emails. This company was previously hacked in May 2015, but then the leak contained only 4 million records. 📩Email: billel_t@hotmail.com@dup1 🔐Encrypted password: ea68c034933d628a77b77ce519b7c7a6cf310203 🇦🇺Language: french 👤Nick: 1111110002 📩Email: gapher.hyder@yahoo.com@dup1 🔐Encrypted password: 41174cc11a4b0f1f81627d7931ca1ba88ae9e63a 📆Last Activity: 2014-02-19 15:25:52 🇦🇺Language: english 👤Nick: 1111110002010 👮FSSP 2023 In Russia there is the “Federal Bailiff Service” (FSSP). It has one or two leaks every year. In 2023, there were two leaks totaling 64 million rows. The data contains names, addresses, INN, amount of debt, information about collectors and other information. 🎂Date of Birth: 08.02.1979 🏘️Address: 429824, Россия, Чувашская Республика - Чувашия, Г Алатырь, Ул Чайковского, 133, 👤Full name: Архипова Ираида Александровна 👨‍🏭Collector: Алатырское Росп 👨‍💼IP number: 44903/22/21006-Ип 💵Taxpayer number: 212204594502 💸Sum: 60 📖Passport ID: 1111110002 🗺️Region: 21 🛖IP registration date: 14.07.2022 📚Collection In January 2019, a collection of 5 parts appeared on a hacker forum, representing a combination of data from different sites. The collection contained 108 thousand files with a total size of 870GB. These files contained 26 billion lines containing email and password. However, many values ​​were repeated many times, and there were only 4.3 billion unique pairs. And yet this collection is considered the biggest leak in history. 📩Email: 11111100029@yandex.ru 🔑Password: 111100029 🔖Collection numbers: 2,4 📩Email: 1111110002@sina.com 🔑Password: 851010 🔖Collection numbers: 2,4 🔒PasswordIndex This is an inverse index created in March 2023. It allows you to search for all emails associated with a particular password. This index contains 1.3 billion unique passwords and 3.2 billion emails for which they were used. Enter the received emails into the search to get more information. 🔑Password: 111111000222 📨Emails: 0123456789mm0@163.com 🔑Password: 111111000222zrj 📨Emails: zhang_ruijian@126.com 🔑Password: 111111000238 📨Emails: gxq3238962@163.com; gxq3238962@game.sohu.com 🕳RussianTax 2022 Around 2022, there was a major leak from the Russian tax system. The exact cause of the leak is unknown, but the subsequently published file contained 55 million records. The leak includes names, phone numbers, emails, dates of birth, SNILS data and INN. 📩Email: K.MARINA.IV@YANDEX.RU 📞Telephone: 79807413846 🎂Date of Birth: 01.05.1969 👤Name: МАРИНА 👤Surname: ИВАНОВНА 👤Surname: КУДРЯВЦЕВА 💳SNILS number: 14684808603 💵Taxpayer number: 760217507611 🪨RockYou 2024 In the summer of 2024, a new version of the RockYou database was made publicly available; previously similar databases were published in 2021 and 2009. The database is simply a compilation of passwords that have ever been publicly available. It contains about 10 billion records. There is no other data in the leak, but it can still be used to check the strength of passwords, as well as to decrypt hashes from leaks. 🔑Password: 1111110002 🔑Password: 111111000222 🔑Password: 111111000238 🪖VNG In April 2018, news broke of a data breach at Vietnamese company VNG after data was discovered to be traded on a popular hacker forum where it was widely shared. The leak occurred in May 2015 and involved more than 16.3 million customers. The data contained names, dates of birth, gender, home addresses, unsalted MD5 hashes, and 25 million unique email addresses. 🔐Encrypted password: 894DF81C6E8B85C4F1274BB3565408D8 📆Registration date: 2014-07-18 10:17:21.0 🎯IP: 👤Nick: 1111110002222t 🎥17Media In April 2016, customer data obtained from the streaming app 17 was put up for sale on the Tor marketplace. The data contained more than 4 million unique email addresses, as well as IP addresses, usernames and passwords as unsalted MD5 hashes. 📞Telephone: 11111100021 👤Nick: andrewloon30 📱Device model: 8.2 - Unknown iPhone 🖥️Operating system: IOS 🗾Code of the country: 60 🌄TeraBase64 A huge collection of files published in February 2020 by a person with the handle @HTTSMVKCOM. It contained 3.2 billion lines of plain text emails and passwords, but only 1.28 billion unique lines. All this data was most likely obtained from many other leaks. 📩Email: 1111110002@sina.com 🔑Password: 851010 🏮Tianya In December 2011, China's largest online forum, Tianya, was hacked and the attacker gained access to tens of millions of accounts. The leak included usernames and email addresses. 📩Email: 1111110002@sina.com 🔑Password: 851010 👤Nick: ɫѪ ♨NetEase In October 2015, the Chinese website NetEase, located at 163.com, was the victim of a data breach that affected 234 million subscribers. The data contains emails and passwords in plain text. 📩Email: 1111110002@sina.com 🔑Password: 851010 🧫7k7k Around 2011, Chinese gaming site 7k7k suffered a data breach that affected 9.1 million subscribers. The data contained usernames, email addresses, and passwords in plain text. 📩Email: 1111110002@sina.com 🔑Password: 851010