 |                                                                            |                                               
 \        +=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+         /
  \       |                   Target [+] ImEulogies                 |        /
          |++|                Standard Information               |++| 
          |++|                =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=              |++|  
          |++|              Full Name: Adam Lynch                |++|              
          |++|    Address: Dunno couldn't be arsed to find it    |++| 
          |++|                Age: 18   DOB: 2002                |++|
          |++|                     Socials                       |++| 
          |++|                   =-=-=-=-=-=                     |++|  
          |++|                   Tiktok: N/A                     |++|              
          |++|               Instagram: @adam_lynch02            |++| 
          |++|                 Discord:Alfie#5600                |++|
          |++|                 Twitter: ImEulogies               |++|
          |++|                    Loved Ones                     |++| 
          |++|                    =-=-=-=-=-                     |++| 
          |++|             Dad: fuck noes went shops             |++|                      
          |++|        Girlfriend: Adele or something like        |++|           
          |++|=-=-=-=-=-=-=\                       /=-=-=-=-=-=-=|++|        
          |++|______________\_____Parents Jobs____/______________|++|
          |++|                   =- Mother -=                    |++|
          |++|                       NHS                         |++|
          |++|                   =- Father -=                    |++| 
          |++|              Went with Madeline Mccan             |++|
          |++|                  ISP Infomation                   |++|
          |++|                 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=                  |++|      
          |++|             IP Address:               |++|
          |++|          ISP: Virgin Virgin Media Limited         |++|
          |++|                Hostname: AS5089                   |++|
          |++|             Dox by Kt | Nigger get ran            |++|
          \++\            Formatted By kt and his team           /++/