中文 (English) 主要信息: (Personal Information) 全名: 翟铭骏 (Full Name: Zhai Mingjun) 出生日期: 年 2002 月 05 天 05 (Date of Birth: 2002-05-05) 电话号码: 17624276315 (Phone Number: +8617624276315) 电子邮件地址: 2424758787@qq.com (Email Address: 2424758787@qq.com) 身份证号码: 211121200205053637 (ID Number: 211121200205053637) 国家: 中国 (Country: China) 地址: (Billing Address) 辽宁 (Liaoning) 辽宁省盘锦市 (Panjin City, Liaoning Province) 盘锦市 (Panjin City) 大洼区 (Dawa District) 124200 信用卡: (Credit Card Information) 卡的种类: 银联 (中国银行) (Card Type: UnionPay (Bank of China)) 卡号: 621669 0500004968905 (Card Number: 6216690500004968905) 到期日: 05/29 (Expiry Date: 05/29) 信用卡验证码: 408 (CVN: 408) 已知密码: (Known Passwords) zmj020505 zmj020505. z17624276315 z17624276315. z2424758787 图片: (Pictures) 身份证: (ID Card) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/746190126643937310/746382110822105161/unknown.png 身份证背面: (Back of ID Card) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740513273589399593/746390686810505244/image0.png 信用卡: (Credit Card) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740513273589399593/746384139158159370/image0.png 面对: (Face) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740513273589399593/746384342925967460/unknown.png 脸和身份证: (ID Card and Face) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740513273589399593/746389772729188382/unknown.png 释放原因: (Reason for release) 可怕的小偷试图从我这里偷钱,并在此过程中将他的PayPal锁定。他向我提供了所有这些信息,以帮助解锁他的帐户。使用信息成功解锁,然后骗了我,因为我认为他会很好。 (The terrible thief tried to steal money from me and locked his PayPal in the process. He provided me with all this information to help unlock his account. Successfully unlocked using the information, and then lied to me because I thought he would be good.)