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------------- Reasoning ------------------------------
# His ego is too high and he is also very self entitled.
# Furry 

------------- Personal Information -------------------
# Aliases: IcePools, Ashpokeman, etc.
# Name: Kevin James (Wyatt James on Whitepages)
# Age: 21
# DoB: 05-03-1999
# Face: https://i.imgur.com/IyyGpkL.png
# Address: 4258 W Jupiter Pl Tucson, AZ 85741 (https://i.imgur.com/qlEaAuO.jpg)
# Education: Arizona State University (525 E University Dr, Tempe, AZ 85281, United States) [+1 480 965 2100]

------------- Login Information -----------------------
# Old Passwords:
- josiecat22

------------- Internet Information --------------------
# Old IP Addresses:
	= Country: United States
	= State: Arizona
	= City: Tucson
	= Zip Code: 85741
	= ISP: Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
	= Timezone: America/Phoenix
	= Country: United States
	= State: Arizona
	= City: Tucson
	= Zip Code: 85743
	= ISP: Comcast Cable Communications
	= Timezone: America/Phoenix

--------------- Socials -------------------------------
# Emails: 
- ashpokeman5@hotmail.com
- ashpokeman@aol.com
- ashpokeman@mail.ru
- ashpokeman6@mail.com
- ashpokeman3@hotmail.com
- ashpokeman4@mail.com

# Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/ashpokeman1
# Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ashmans (not confirmed) [76561198326670989] "\ Use https://steamid.io /"
# Twitter: https://twitter.com/ashpokeman5
# Rblx Trade: https://rblx.trade/p/IcePools
# Discord: pierre spook#1032 / 506951692743606274 (You can use discord.id to get tag if it ever changes)