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                            $$\   $$ |         $$\   $$ |                                                              $$\   $$ |                                                                   
                            \$$$$$$  |         \$$$$$$  |                                                              \$$$$$$  |                                                                   
                             \______/           \______/                                                                \______/                                                                    

 _   _ _______  _______      _____ ___ __  __ _____      ____   ___  _   _ _____      _____ _   _  ____ _  __    __        _____ _____ _   _      __  __ _____ 
| \ | | ____\ \/ |_   _|    |_   _|_ _|  \/  | ____|    |  _ \ / _ \| \ | |_   _|    |  ___| | | |/ ___| |/ /    \ \      / |_ _|_   _| | | |    |  \/  | ____|
|  \| |  _|  \  /  | |        | |  | || |\/| |  _|      | | | | | | |  \| | | |      | |_  | | | | |   | ' /      \ \ /\ / / | |  | | | |_| |    | |\/| |  _|  
| |\  | |___ /  \  | |        | |  | || |  | | |___     | |_| | |_| | |\  | | |      |  _| | |_| | |___| . \       \ V  V /  | |  | | |  _  |    | |  | | |___ 
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[+] Welcome to ISkyZyG's dox

• Reason for DOX
  • This bitch ass pussy started yelling at me without reason also he claim that
    he will stop my internet & etc.
|    [ Victim's Information ]  |
First Name: Cvetomir (Цветомир) 
Last Name: Petrov (Петров)
Age: 16 y.o.
Criminal Record: Clean.
|   [ Victim's Location ]   |
Mainland: Europe
Country: Bulgaria
City: Troyan, Lovech
Address: Collecting...
|    [ Victim's School Information ]    |
School: PGMET-Troyan / ПГМЕТ-Троян
|   [ Victim's Photo Information ]      |
  - https://prnt.sc/vage17
  - https://prnt.sc/vage5v
  - https://prnt.sc/vagech
|   [ Victim's Mother Information ]     |
 - Collecting...
|   [ Victim's Father Information ]     |
 - Collecting...
|      [ Victim's Social Media ]        |
His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009755706041
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnbdAT0pk3rho7cEnYg4gFg
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199050887877
|     [ Victim's Phone Number ]         |
 - Collecting...
|     [ Victim's Email ]         |
- Collecting...
|     [ Victim's Usernames & Passwords ]         |
- Didn't even try to find his password, you know his username already.
|     [ My Contact Details ]         |
Discord: 1MP4C7 || The Good Devil#1444
Telegram: @JAKEx1337
Email: kryptnodes@protonmail.com
Website: https://crimestress.net/

 _   _ _______  _______      _____ ___ __  __ _____      ____   ___  _   _ _____      _____ _   _  ____ _  __    __        _____ _____ _   _      __  __ _____ 
| \ | | ____\ \/ |_   _|    |_   _|_ _|  \/  | ____|    |  _ \ / _ \| \ | |_   _|    |  ___| | | |/ ___| |/ /    \ \      / |_ _|_   _| | | |    |  \/  | ____|
|  \| |  _|  \  /  | |        | |  | || |\/| |  _|      | | | | | | |  \| | | |      | |_  | | | | |   | ' /      \ \ /\ / / | |  | | | |_| |    | |\/| |  _|  
| |\  | |___ /  \  | |        | |  | || |  | | |___     | |_| | |_| | |\  | | |      |  _| | |_| | |___| . \       \ V  V /  | |  | | |  _  |    | |  | | |___ 
|_| \_|_____/_/\_\ |_|        |_| |___|_|  |_|_____|    |____/ \___/|_| \_| |_|      |_|    \___/ \____|_|\_\       \_/\_/  |___| |_| |_| |_|    |_|  |_|_____|

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