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|                    INFO: Aurora Meyin Li                      |

|  [+] Name: Aurora Meyin Li                                    |
|   [-] Age: 17                                                 |
|   [-] Date of Birth: 13.04.2006                               |
|   [-] Emails:                                                 |
|   [-] meyinli@fdrhs.net                                       |
|   [-] aurorameyinli@gmail.com                                 |
|   [-] auroracuteli@gmail.com                                  |
|   [-] Phone1: +13475144483                                    |
|   [-] Phone2: +19297219119                                    |
|   [-] Address:                                                |
|   [-] Brooklyn, New York                                      |
|   [-] 145 Dahil Rd, Coordination - 40.64386, 73.98048         |
|   [-] School: Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School           |
|   [-] Mother Phone: +13475157424                              |
|   [-] Father Phone: +16466446293                              |

Aurora Meyin Li: person is 17 years old wtf she is a whore fucks with everyone then accuses them of rape and asks for money or something else for it but today she was punished now she apologizes to everyone.