
  _  __  _____  __   __  ____         _      _   _   ____      _____    ___     ____ 
 | |/ / | ____| \ \ / / / ___|       / \    | \ | | |  _ \    |_   _|  / _ \   / ___|
 | ' /  |  _|    \ V /  \___ \      / _ \   |  \| | | | | |     | |   | | | | | |    
 | . \  | |___    | |    ___) |    / ___ \  | |\  | | |_| |     | |   | |_| | | |___ 
 |_|\_\ |_____|   |_|   |____/    /_/   \_\ |_| \_| |____/      |_|    \___/   \____|

(?) 90% certain
(!) 50% certain
($) Assumption/Uncertain
(-) Not available

Section 1.0: Introduction (and reason for dox)
Section 2.0: Personal information
Section 3.0: Social Media


  ___   _   _   _____   ____     ___    ____    _   _    ____   _____   ___    ___    _   _ 
 |_ _| | \ | | |_   _| |  _ \   / _ \  |  _ \  | | | |  / ___| |_   _| |_ _|  / _ \  | \ | |
  | |  |  \| |   | |   | |_) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |       | |    | |  | | | | |  \| |
  | |  | |\  |   | |   |  _ <  | |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | |___    | |    | |  | |_| | | |\  |
 |___| |_| \_|   |_|   |_| \_\  \___/  |____/   \___/   \____|   |_|   |___|  \___/  |_| \_|

Hello!, Today we are doxxing Josh Borges! He exit scammed his customers and friends for 2K, He plays Roxbot and hes known
as IGN Plow. Note: He is not the real Plow he only had NFA on the account. Also lied about owning multiple OGU's. He is a
Total Loser Hope u enjoy this Dox!

  ___   _   _   _____    ___    ____    __  __      _      _____   ___    ___    _   _ 
 |_ _| | \ | | |  ___|  / _ \  |  _ \  |  \/  |    / \    |_   _| |_ _|  / _ \  | \ | |
  | |  |  \| | | |_    | | | | | |_) | | |\/| |   / _ \     | |    | |  | | | | |  \| |
  | |  | |\  | |  _|   | |_| | |  _ <  | |  | |  / ___ \    | |    | |  | |_| | | |\  |
 |___| |_| \_| |_|      \___/  |_| \_\ |_|  |_| /_/   \_\   |_|   |___|  \___/  |_| \_|


Name ; Josh Borges
Address ;16924 NW 52nd Pl
State ; Miami Gardens; FL 33055
Phone: +1 (786)786-6042
Email ; joshborges8@gmail.com
DOB ; 02/10/2005 ( 18 )


  ____     ___     ____   ___      _      _       ____  
 / ___|   / _ \   / ___| |_ _|    / \    | |     / ___| 
 \___ \  | | | | | |      | |    / _ \   | |     \___ \ 
  ___) | | |_| | | |___   | |   / ___ \  | |___   ___) |
 |____/   \___/   \____| |___| /_/   \_\ |_____| |____/ 

- BlackSpigot
Email: joshborges8@gmail.com
Password(bcrypt): $2a$10$OOZM/sbMx8TAnyYTmIxDYOThnk9qenKTkVJNiPsxEksIXJgl1QOsS
NickName: Nerohos

- Canva
Email: joshborges8@gmail.com
Password: $2a$10$h5uwWI308zyRo6A0XAlLcu8107s1xkhuKr6Ei0MCZBz5HDNwMKQtC
NickName: joshborges8

- RaidForums.com
Email: joshborges8@gmail.com
Password(HASH): def50200a2ab29d5c0cc4a58c92115780ea9d2f09a90cb2e17f40f9e9ad47412fb0440efd5a6feb67f5f0209b2f506b4764bb29025416bd40505c5bb1a477be3d972def8f9a2d22da77ff4ca3b64b9cae00e6b4356f7f3e5d08f8c0fe96afec2e4a14868005cf214b1076a774ae7b34d3e763e9eabd997c3e880dcc34e698a7dd40e8470b19456a71591e0697e333fb4

- Cloudata
Email: joshborges8@gmail.com
Password: Nerohos

- Ga$$Pacc
Email: joshborges8@gmail.com
Password: Nerohos

- OGUsers2021
NickName: Nerohos
Email: nerohosbusiness@gmail.com
Password(argon2): $argon2id$v=19$m=65536t=4p=1$WHRBM0N2cHJQU3M5Ui9wRQ$kKCO58+wZQcurUw77RuE+Zgi+C5t6N0hUfSTXYfLzeA

Email: nerohosbusiness@gmail.com
Password(HASH): $argon2id$v=19$m=65536t=4p=1$WHRBM0N2cHJQU3M5Ui9wRQ$kKCO58+wZQcurUw77RuE+Zgi+C5t6N0hUfSTXYfLzeA

Email: nerohosbusiness@gmail.com
Phone: +1 (786)786-6042