___,---.__          /'|`\          __,---,___          
    ,-'    \`    `-.____,-'  |  `-.____,-'    //    `-.       
  ,'        |           ~'\     /`~           |        `.      
 /      ___//              `. ,'          ,  , \___      \    
|    ,-'   `-.__   _         |        ,    __,-'   `-.    |    
|   /          /\_  `   .    |    ,      _/\          \   |   
\  |           \ \`-.___ \   |   / ___,-'/ /           |  /  
 \  \           | `._   `\\  |  //'   _,' |           /  /      
  `-.\         /'  _ `---'' , . ``---' _  `\         /,-'     
     ``       /     \    ,='/ \`=.    /     \       ''          
             |__   /|\_,--.,-.--,--._/|\   __|                  
             /  `./  \\`\ |  |  | /,//' \,'  \                  
            /   /     ||--+--|--+-/-|     \   \                 
           |   |     /'\_\_\ | /_/_/`\     |   |                
            \   \__, \_     `~'     _/ .__/   /            
             `-._,-'   `-._______,-'   `-._,-'
brought to you by Refusal
Table of context:
1 - Reason
2 - Victim
3 - General
4 - Family (NON)
5 - Education 
 - Fatass who has a IQ of a dead human
 - Toxic and talks hella shit.
 - Threats but is a harmless piece of fucking shit, shits out candy like a fucking clown
Full name....: Nik Beaty

Aliases......: NutOnMyButt

Email........: OfficialDonCheadle

City/Town....: Santa Maria

State........: California

Address......: 800-898 Sierra Madre Ave

Posta........: 93454

Age..........: 16
Pictures of the victim: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/573297433732448287/602590963197804554/000c1755ed43b182d9fcf43d54869e4f.png
3 - Social Media
Discord......: dont talk to me#9140
soundcloud...: Unknown
Youtube......: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj1h5Wr6NkPO4F_2K94DAGg
NameMC.......: namemc.com/NutOnMyButt
Paypal.......: Unknown, Poor ass fucking nigger who lives in poverty
Facebook.....: Unknown
Sports.......: Would post but against TOS
4 - Family
Wont put unless this porch monkey wants to keep talking
Shit and being a harmless faggot
5 - Education
Institute.: Santa Maria-Bonita School District

Website...: https://www.smbsd.org/   

Twitter...: https://www.facebook.com/smbsd

brought to you by Refusal
       ___,---.__          /'|`\          __,---,___          
    ,-'    \`    `-.____,-'  |  `-.____,-'    //    `-.       
  ,'        |           ~'\     /`~           |        `.      
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|   /          /\_  `   .    |    ,      _/\          \   |   
\  |           \ \`-.___ \   |   / ___,-'/ /           |  /  
 \  \           | `._   `\\  |  //'   _,' |           /  /      
  `-.\         /'  _ `---'' , . ``---' _  `\         /,-'     
     ``       /     \    ,='/ \`=.    /     \       ''          
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             /  `./  \\`\ |  |  | /,//' \,'  \                  
            /   /     ||--+--|--+-/-|     \   \                 
           |   |     /'\_\_\ | /_/_/`\     |   |                
            \   \__, \_     `~'     _/ .__/   /            
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