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Hunter Albertson aka Norsky aka Northern King is a 21 year old furry pedophile who prides
himself as a "literate roleplayer". Being the unoriginal furfag pedo he is, his fursona's
name is Keith Keiser, which is a character from a cringe furry webcomic nobody cares 
about from 2003. Hunter spends most of his time prowling children's video games and 
"roleplaying" Discord servers for minors to groom. Upon being confronted for his 
inappropriate online activities, Hunter proclaimed that he couldn't be doxxed and that 
"nothing will ever happen". Less than half an hour later, his details were leaked and 
his family and friends were notified. When he isn’t begging minors for erotic
roleplay and nudes on Discord, kik, and Reddit, he can be found getting destroyed on
shitty games such as League of Legends and Valorant.


Name: 			Hunter Albertson
Age: 			21 years old (turning 22 in less than 3 weeks)
Birthday: 		May 27, 1998
Location: 		Bismarck, North Dakota
Workplace: 		Buffalo Wild Wings
Address: 		2322 14th St NW
			Minot ND 58703-0815

======================================[Social Media]======================================

Discord:		Norsky#9317
Discord ID:		532806388917993482
Facebook: 		https://www.facebook.com/WackyArmFlailingInflatableTubeMan (active)
			https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009071047235 (inactive)
Archived FB: 		http://archive.is/fLG3K
Twitter: 		https://twitter.com/apollodecember
	 		https://twitter.com/keiserkeith (inactive)
Archived Twitter: 	http://archive.is/Hb5Y7
Twitch: 		https://www.twitch.tv/northernklng
YouTube:		https://www.youtube.com/user/27AlphaWolves/
Snapchat:		apollodecember (active)
			Keith-Keiser (inactive)
Kik: 			Xivvid
Reddit:			https://www.reddit.com/user/Xivvid
Archived Reddit:	http://archive.is/xpqjw
Steam:			https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198146622537
VALORANT / League: 	Northy Norf
BattleTag:		NorthernKing#11575
Xbox Live:		Northern Klng
Known Online Handles:	Norsky, North, Northern King, apollodecember, Felwinter, Xivvid, 
			Serious Sandwich, xDustySoldier7x, GrimReaperKeith, PokeDaddii


Father: 		Travis Albertson
Father's FB:		https://www.facebook.com/travis.albertson
Father's LinkedIn:	https://www.linkedin.com/in/travis-albertson-a496b940
Biological mother:	Stacey Albertson
Biological mother's FB:	https://www.facebook.com/stacey.albertson
Stepmother: 		Kari Fecho Albertson
Stepmother's FB: 	FB: https://www.facebook.com/kari.fechohansen


Imgur Album:		https://imgur.com/a/ACKwAtD


