_____   _   _   ______    ____     _____ 
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 |_____| |_| \_| |_|       \____/  |_____/ 

Last updated: 2024.08

In the future I am going work more on this dox and dox more pedos if I will have time. (Probably 2025 summer)

Reason for dox: Pedophile, braindead as fuck (said hes not a pedophile bc hes only asking pics from 10+ girls and this should be normal everywhere in 21st century)

  _____               _______            
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 | |  | |    /  \       | |       /  \   
 | |  | |   / /\ \      | |      / /\ \  
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 |_____/  /_/    \_\    |_|    /_/    \_\

Name: Horváth Ádám

Birth date: 2001.12.22. (21-22 years old in 2023)

Gender: Male

Address: 7632 Pécs Tildy Zoltán utca 10 B lph.

Phone numbers: +36701730695 (pin: 4858 pin2: 9101 puk: 77983112 puk2: 39497670 sim: 89367031562214219866)
               +36701615746 (pin: 6234 pin2: 2990 puk: 44086568 puk2: 32580178 sim: 89367031562214272733)
               +36701520792 (pin: 4915 pin2: 7868 puk: 25699459 puk2: 88142015 sim: 89367031562133057603)
               +36701543108 (pin: 9234 pin2: 1240 puk: 61229531 puk2: 30964993 sim: 89367031562213376592)

  _____               _____    ______   _   _   _______    _____ 
 |  __ \      /\     |  __ \  |  ____| | \ | | |__   __|  / ____|
 | |__) |    /  \    | |__) | | |__    |  \| |    | |    | (___  
 |  ___/    / /\ \   |  _  /  |  __|   | . ` |    | |     \___ \ 
 | |       / ____ \  | | \ \  | |____  | |\  |    | |     ____) |
 |_|      /_/    \_\ |_|  \_\ |______| |_| \_|    |_|    |_____/ 

Mothers name: Radics Mónika Zsuzsanna

Fathers name: Horváth Tamás

Grandparents: No fix informations, look at private files maybe                                                 

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Name of his discord server: Candy Hungary (Inactive for 2024)

Discord account: Hes using telegram instead of discord in 2024.

Telegram: https://t.me/vorosvegzet (2024)

Sexual Orientation: Pedo

Zepeto name: perverz_fasz1 and many others idrc
(Zepeto is a shit avatar dance app, pedos like it bc there are many minor girls on it)

Instagram name: adamh1222 (2024)

Snap name: pervi_fasz4 (2024)

Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1119207627843448855/1119330108067557548/image.png

Camera uploads (early 2020 - mid 2023): https://mega.nz/file/xakziDyA#ICZ9NmJEn9tLtgaVX2GxauidOgMwOWXSIwtVOXxxTvY

His mothers company: https://kismamatb.hu/

Emails: xrobot1222@gmail.com, hadam2.1222@gmail.com, info.candyoffical@proton.me, XRobot.cloud1222@gmail.com
Temp mails: discord2022.09@gmail.com, discord2023.03.23@gmail.com, kidflix@freemail.hu, fb.pot@freemail.hu and many more, in the future i may put all

Passwords: x2001122, skykutya2001122, XRobot2001122,
Passwords for temp accounts: dia1222, eldobhato

His famous threat: "Now I have money, I will buy a hacker on DarkWeb to dox all your information"

   _____    ____    _    _   _____     _____   ______ 
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 |_____/   \____/   \____/  |_|  \_\  \_____| |______|

Some things are from here: https://doxbin.com/upload/hungarianpedo