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I hate twinks I also hate niggers!


There's not much to say. I doxxed him for having and ego, being fat, ugly, and his sister is a whore.
I will take this down ONLY if his sister lets me e-fuck. His IRL's have confirmed he smells of cheese
and crackers. He also sent a picture of his gaping ass hole to a kid in elementary.


Full Name: Matthew Escobar
Birthday: "9/8/2001"
Phone Number: +1 (954) 471-0552
Address: 7221 N Pine Island Rd, Tamarac, FL 33321
Sisters name: Melany Escobar
Fathers name: Henry Escobar
Mothers name: Alexander Escobar
Discord: 932338735771688970
School: Millennium 6-12 Collegiate Academy
Shoe size: 12 1/2 Mens (confirmed)
Height: 5'4 (confirmed)
Weight: 260 lbs (confirmed)




doxbin deleted the last doxx for not having enough info. Hope this is better.

credit me or don't idc