Guy on discord who tried to dox me

Made by Avaa#8032 on discord

Basic Information:
Gender: Male
Name: Mr.Alfredo Peña
Age: 50
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Civil Status: Married, with children
Religion: Juche
Mobile: (591) 773-844
Telephone: (482) 876-208
Email: AlfredoPeñ
(This is a real temporary email address. Click it to activate it)

Health Information: :medical_symbol:
Height: 5'4
Weight: 84 pounds
Blood Type: B-
Disease History: Asthma

Location Information: :globe_with_meridians:
Street: Calle de Toledo
City: Castellón de la Plana
State: Canarias
Postcode: 11831
Region: Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia
IPV6: 4b2f:20b3:eb85:4f05:3539:f39c:f397:77be

Login Information: :computer:
Username: whitebutterfly951
Password: access

Personal Information:
Family Members: 13 member(s)
Friends: 3 friend(s)
Interest: Archery,Golfing,Thrifting
Personality: Close-minded
Favorite Color: Cyan
Favorite Food: Hamburgers
Favprote Sport: Netball

Credit Card Information: :credit_card:
Credit Card Type: Visa
Credit Card Number: 3794572771626456
Expiration Date: 3/20
CVV/CVV2: 720
Card Pin: 2804

Employment Information: :school:
Insurance: False
Employment Status: Leave of absence
Salary: $1.642

Car Information: :red_car:
Vehicle: 2004 Hyundai Galloper
Driver License: O425-064-78-828-0 - issued in Castellón de la Plana on 02/26/2019, expires 09/08/2023
Car License Plate: 808 8219 - issued in Illinois (IL) in year 2017

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0.2; SM-A300F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.111 Mobile Safari/537.36