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║                                                  HOW MANY GRAMS OF COCAINE CAN YOU FIT IN YOUR EAR?                                                                       ║
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║   Greetings, curious souls! Today, we’re diving deep—into your ear canal, that is—to figure out just how much of the white stuff you could stow away in there.            ║
║   Let's say you have a stash of cocaine and you’ve run out of places to hide it. Why not try your ear? Seems logical, right?                                              ║
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║   First, let’s get to know your ear canal. It's around 1 inch long and roughly 0.3 inches wide. So it's like a tiny, cozy tunnel just waiting to be filled.               ║
║   Now, you might think, “Hey, that’s not a lot of space!” But you'd be surprised how creative people can get with tiny spaces.                                            ║
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║   You see, cocaine is a pretty flexible substance—it can be compacted, molded, and squeezed into just about anything. In our case, the ear canal is a perfect             ║
║   candidate for some sneaky storage. If you roll it up tightly in a tiny bag or pellet, you can shove quite a bit in there.                                               ║
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║   After some extensive “research” (and by that, I mean asking a few questionable folks), it turns out you could fit anywhere from 0.5 to 2 grams of cocaine in one ear.   ║
║   And that's just for beginners! With some practice and determination, you might even push that number higher.                                                            ║
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║   Just imagine: you've got a little party going on in each ear—music in one, and a hidden stash in the other. Efficiency at its finest!                                   ║
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║   So, how does this work? First, grab some tiny plastic bags—something that won't tear easily. Then, pack your cocaine as tightly as possible. The goal is to make        ║
║   it compact enough to slide right in without losing any of that precious cargo.                                                                                          ║
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║   If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, you might even be able to cram in more than 2 grams. It all depends on your dedication to the craft.                        ║
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║   And there you have it—a new way to think about ear storage. Remember, it’s all about creativity and making the most of the space you’ve got.                            ║
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