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                                                                       /`    |:::|`-,__,-'`  |/  \ ||     Name: Luca Schulze            Penis Size: 6 centimeter       height: 5'11  pet: Dog                          
                                                                     /`  |   |'' ||           \   |||     Snap: Lucaschulze56           Age: 16-17                                   
                                                                   /`    \   |   ||            |  /||     Discord: HortenseAlarm61      Adress 1: Kantor-Ehrich-Straße 34, 19395 Plau am See, Germany                                        
                                                                 |`       |  |   |)            \ | ||                                   Adress 2: Zarchliner Str. 43b 19395 Plauerhagen  , Germany              
                                                                |          \ |   /      ,.__    \| ||            SCHOOL:                                     
                                                                /           `         /`    `\   | ||      Name:Eldenburg-Gymnasium                                             
                                                               |                     /        \  / ||      Number-School:03873122686                        INFORMATION:                      
                                                               |                     |        | /  ||      Adress: Blücherstr. 22A 19386           Luca Schulze often insults his mother and treats his parents badly and is not grateful in the least                                
                                                               /         /           |        `(   ||      Number:  03873122686                                           
                                                              /          .           /          )  ||                                                   
                                                             |            \          |             ||           FAMILY:                                        
                                                            /             |          /             ||      Mother: Anett Schulze                                            
                                                           |\            /          |              ||      Mother Number: 0049(0) 15161475864                                             
                                                           \/`-._       |           /              ||      Father: Ralph Schulze
                                                            //   `.    /`           |              ||      Father Number: 01573 7883516
                                                           //`.    `. |             \              ||
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