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                         +#**** -=+###==--=++=================++***** ***#                          *          **    **    ****  **         *       *  **          **   **   **   **    **     **    **   
                         +***** --####:---+==========+++++++++++***#++*                         *****          *******    * **** *     *****       *   ****    *   **   **   **    ******      **    **   
                          * **** =###*+:+++========+===+++++++-----++===                       *  *****        ******        ****     *   *********     *******    ***  ***  ***    ****       ***   ***  
                            ++++*####+++=++===============--=::....:====+=                    *    ***         **                    *       ****        *****      ***  ***  ***               ***   *** 
                       ---==--+######++++*+==========--.:...:....:+.==---:-                   *                **                    *           
                     ++*++++=-=#####*++++*++========........::::-*:+***+----                   **              **                     **         
                   +++++++++*+*****++++++**++++====.........+*--*++*******#**                          **                          
          ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++***************##                               Greetings Doxbin Users 
        +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++************#******##*                                   Welcome, everyone, to the Rise, and Downfall of Horror AKA 
      =+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++************++*****###***                                 Austin. You see, Horror started off in Minecraft com when he  
     ++++++++++=:=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++***********++-.++*#####*****                               was just a young buck. But like all children starting off in
    +++++++++++=..:=++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++**********++=.. =++*#####****+                              Hypixel, doxing innocents because they shit on him in a video 
    +++++++++++=.  .-=+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*********++=:....=+++*####****+                              game, he eventually moved onto bigger things. Horror started 
   ++++++++++++=.    .-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++********+++:..    =++++#####****+                             his Anti-Extortion journey by creating a group, popularly 
  +++++++++++++=.     ..-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++****###+++:..      =+++++####******                            known as Scare, or Scare.sh. Besides the blatant ViLE reference,
 ++++++++++++++=.       ..=++++++++++++++++++++++++++***###*+++-..        =+++++*####****+                            it doesn't take much smarts to realize the group, including Horror,
 ++++++++++++++=.         .:=+++++++++++++++++++++++*#####*++-..          =++++++*####****+                           is complete and utterly harmless, not to be taken seriously.
+++++++++++++++=.           .:=+++++++++++++++++++*#####*++=..            =+++++++*###****+                         
+++++++++++++++=.             .-=++++++++++++++++######++=..              =++++++++*#*******                          Horror has been known to create mini-detraces, which I have 
+++++++++++++++=.               .-=++++++++===**#####+++:.                =+++++++++********                          carefully dissected in order to confirm and deconfirm his information.
+++++++++++++++=.                ..-+++++=+++*******++:..                 =++++++++++********                         And now, after weeks of investigating, we find ourself intrigued in this
+++++++++++++++=.                  ..=++++++*#*****+-..                   =+++++++++++*******                         document, where we witness the downfall of Horror, AKA Austin.
+++++++++++++++=.        :..         .=*****#*****-..          :..        =++++++++++++*******                
+++++++++++++++=.        =*-..       ...:=*#*****:.          .=#:.        =+++++++++++++*#***#                        But why dox Horror, you ask?
+++++++++++++++=.        =##*:..         .*******..        .=###:.        =++++++++++++++*#####                       Well you see, now while I have nothing against Scare, I do not 
+++++++++++++++=.        =####*...       .*******.       .-*####:.        =+++++++++++++++#####                       agree with Horror's actions. Back when Scare first started,
+++++++++++++++=.        =######+..      .+++***=.      -*######:.        =++++++++++++++= #####                      Horror doxed a 13 year old "extorter" going by the alias 'Fright'.
=++++++++++++++=.        =########+..    .+++===:.    :+########:.        =++++++++++++++  *####                      Forcing him to leave the internet otherwise he'd leak his information,
 ++++++++++++++=.        =#########*=..   .++===:.  :+##########:.        =++++++++++++++=+*#####                     Fright quickly found himself in a predicament where he inevitably quit.
 ++++++++++++++=.        =###########*-.. ..====:..=############:.        =++++++++++++++++******#                    
  ::::::::::::::.        =#############*:.. .:::.=##############:.        :::::::::::::-++*+******                    Though Fright complied with Horror's demands, Horror continued to leak his 
                         =###############*:.. .-################:.                     ++* ********                   personal information anyways (Though its now deleted after Henny termed Scare.)                                        
                         =#################*.-*#################:.                          ******#                                                                         
                         =######################################:.                          #******                   So yes, I hope you all sit back, and relax, as we watch our friend Horror
                         =######################################:.                           +++++++                  meet his demise.
      :==================*######################################+==================:         *+=====                                 
       ############################################################################           *+==== 
         ########################################################################                                    Credits:
           ###################################################################                                             FPSDemon Team <> OSINT, Investigative Work
             ################################################################                                              Horror <> For having shit OpSec
               ###########################################################                                                 Exe <> Moral Support

                                 0x01▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[   ALIASES / GROUPS / PSUEDONYMS   ]█░░▓
                                                  Aliases: Horror                                Groups: Scare.sh                   Psuedonyms: Austin Collymore
                                                           Osinting - MC Alias                           CultKillers                            Jason Ravier - Detrace Name on his Computer
                                                           Horrorspalace                                 Cre.ep [Wasn't in the group            Austin C
                                                           Hwrror                                                officially]                    Ray Penber - Used in various Emails
                                                           Nervous - BF Alias                    Girlfriends: Becca - Currently dating lz76z130zfmzka01#0 | 1335127802713870426
                                                           Witching Hour                                      Blntville - Unconfirmed
                                                           Lecturist - Shared with Stalingrad  

                                 0x02▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[   BASIC INFORMATION   ]█░░▓

                                     Full Name:                Austin Collymore
                                     Date Of Birth:            05/14/2008  (DD/MM/YYYY)
                                     Address:                  21 St Clair Cres, Wishart QLD 4122, Australia - Confirmed
                                     Detrace Location:         Germany -- Frequently connects his VPN here.
                                     Detrace Location:         Sweden -- Claims hes from Sweden
                                     IRLs:                     https://files.catbox.moe/gxxocm.jpg, https://files.catbox.moe/zmd3pz.jpg
                                     Phone Numbers:            +61 411 813 446
                                                                      Registered:     Instagram, Facebook, 
                                                                      Phone carrier:  T-Mobile
                                                                      Type:           Wireless
                                                               +1 (443) 796-4924
                                                                      Registered:     Telegram
                                                                      Phone Carrier:  Smspool

                                                               +46 ** *** ** 27
               							      Registered: Instagram
                                                                      Type: VoIP

                                    Devices:                   iPhone 13
                                                               Windows 10 Pro
                                                               Samsung S22 - "Trap" Phone

                                    Browsers/UA's:             Firefox/Librewolf 
                                                               Linux Firefox 134 - Chameleon
                                                               Linux Firefox 115 ESR - Chameleon
                                                               Fedora Linux 128 ESR - Chameleon
                                    Passwords:                 KeePassXC RGP's, lowkey not doing all that

                                 0x03▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[   EMAIL ACCOUNTS   ]█░░▓

                                      [A] Email:     [email protected]      /  Pinterest
                                      [A] GoogleID:  DELETED                   /   Instagram   
                                      [A] Name:      Austin                   /|   Discord    
                                      [A] Status:    DELETED                  \|   Microsoft   
                                      [A] Relevancy: DELETED                   \   Twitter     
                                      [A] Recovery:  *** *** *46                \  Soundcloud     
                                      [B] Email: [email protected]      / 
                                      [B] Status: Inactive                      [] BreachForums
                                      [B] Relevancy: Alternate account           \ 

                                      [C] Email: [email protected]
                                      [C] Status: Unused
                                      [C] Relevancy: Group email

                                      [D] Email: [email protected]
                                      [D] Status: Active
                                      [D] Relevancy: Legal Email, Made for federals
                                      [E] Email: [email protected]      / Telegram
                                      [E] Status: Active                        [] BreachForums
                                      [E] Relevancy: Alternate account           \ 

                                      [G] Email: [email protected]            / 
                                      [G] Status: Active                        [] Instagram
                                      [G] Relevancy: Alternate account           \ 

                                      Collection of Horror's Temporary Emails:

                                      > [email protected]
                                      > [email protected]
                                      > [email protected]
                                      > [email protected]
                                      > [email protected]

                                 0x04▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[   SOCIAL MEDIA   ]█░░▓
                                             > Phone Number: +1 (443) 796-4924
                                             > [2025-02-04] Last Login IP: [Australia VPN]
                                             id: 7830552327


                                                > w*******[email protected] | [email protected]
                                                > [2025-02-04] Last Login IP: [Sweden VPN]
                                                > [2025-01-27] Last Login IP: [Australia VPN]
                                                > [2025-01-22] Last Login IP: [Australia VPN]
                                                > +46 ** *** ** 27 -- VOIP

                                            @geraldfredericks764 - Deleted/Disabled

                                            hwrrorr [1322807245108543539]

                                            https://breachforums.st/User-nervous - Lost access apparently

                                           Password: w.2.$`S5]Cj?j~YE[sINni*@,}PpgG,nBCQ3I<~pF'dI$tC]U&r6U7'W:K[>!J[X-uSlEn6'j|!zV3]\
                                           Key: mihegonakofiqututokiyesiqirevofirilocada