
Incel retard got doxed because he loved to claim he'd rape 16 year old girls while he's in his mid 20s. He also claimed to be a hacker, yet he admitted to larping 1337
he stated that he only had a 1337 tag because his friend did too (also a larp). When given a USA phone number he claimed he couldnt find any info on it (including state)
just because he was from the EU and his "tools" didnt work for USA numbers... So I guess he doesent know how to look up area code, such a scary hacker!


Discord: Håkan#1337 (nice larp)

Discord ID: 983750551592386580

FB: https://www.facebook.com/linus.hellgren.9

Full name: Linus Hellgren

Pic of Linus: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1016803506197368913/1017106372829130792/unknown.png

Number: 0707400593

Addy:  Sigurd Rings g. 8 Apartm.1502 12651 Hägersten

Pic of Addy: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1013815208529113109/1017147394812555355/unknown.png?width=772&height=492

(Чтобы паста оставалась на месте, я добавлю случайную информацию.)

Email: incelretard@gmail.com

Height: 5' 3" (160 centimeters)

Weight: 500.6 pounds (227.06 kilograms)
Hair Color: Black

Blood Type: A-
Starsign(Tropical Zodiac): Libra
Mother's Maiden Name: Retard
Civil Status: Single (never dated)
Educational Background: Homeschool 
Disease History: after this dox was posted
Social Security Number: 484-07-7966

Passport: No.: 931910893
issued: December/04/2015
expires: December/03/2025

Driver License: 545213130 - issued in Iowa (IA) on 08/23/2018, expires 06/15/2022

Car License Plate: 4XPH764 - issued in California (CA) in year 2018
