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                                                                                                        1.: Reason  
                                                                                                        2.: Personal Info
                                                                                                        3.: Social Media
                                                                                                        4.: DATA Leaks
                                                                                                        5.: Files
                                                                                                        6.: Final Notes      

                                                                                                          1.: Reason  

                                                                                             Hexishu is a German OSU tournament player.
                                                     He has a bad history of being toxic, abusive and pushy towards people around him, as well as being manipulative and a groomer.
                                                               The intent behind this document is to show what Hexishu has done in the past and is currently doing.

                                                                                                       2.: Personal Info    
                                                                                                     Name // Hexishu Peng 
                                                                                                      Age // 21
                                                                                                Birth Day // 09/26/2001
                                                                                                    State // Saxony
                                                                                                     Town // Hettstedt
                                                                                                  Hobbies // Gaming, Dressing like a Femboy
                                                                                                   Fetish // Hentai, (Underaged) Girls in Cosplays
                                                                                                      Job // Jobless (started an apprenticeship as an bank worker)
                                                                                                    Phone // OnePlus 7 Pro
                                                                                                        3.: Social Media
                                                                                                  Discord // Hexishu#5150
                                                                                                  Youtube // https://www.youtube.com/@hexishu9281/featured
                                                                                                     osu! // https://osu.ppy.sh/users/11511783
                                                             osu! profile reupload because of restriction // https://pdfhost.io/v/mom~ixsTc_Hexishu_spielerinfo___osu
                                                                                                          // https://www.docdroid.net/Ms9rwfI/hexishu-spieler-info-osu-pdf
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/o0xfz3V0y4/Hexishu_spieler-info_osu_pdf
                                                                                               Soundcloud // https://soundcloud.com/terry-peng-421235579
                                                                                           10 Fast Finger // https://10fastfingers.com/user/1348151
                                                                                                   Github // https://github.com/Hexishu
                                                                                                Aminoapps // https://aminoapps.com/c/osude/page/user/hexishu-zedranger/RdK8_WzCJfwJrm8Y8mLZPlQXnWW7JBYRrNUb
                                                                                                    Steam // https://steamcommunity.com/id/duskullyt/
                                                                                                   TikTok // https://www.tiktok.com/@hexishu?lang=de-DE
                                                                                                   Reddit // https://www.reddit.com/user/Hexishu
                                                                                                 Snapchat // blazehaze2001
                                                                                                        4.: DATA Leaks  
                                                                                                      [Aptoid Data Leak]
    hexishupeng@gmail.com    f9dc392bfbb8cb3ea01078d43957ff252e31c6454774b1a31175868721b50558    Terry Peng    c495cdb7fb9ccb3ecd226e835576037f7934008d543a2604a5c80    2014-10-12 07:56:04.692611   
                        Google-HTTP-Java-Client/1.18.0-rc (gzip)    f    1970-01-01    d26963b7ec9959b4d9fd4f47bd0371e3b61826ec543a260609504    2905430    active    google    2898157    f
                                                                                                     [Wakanim Data Leak]
                                 "subStatus":"NONE","accountType":"Free","createdOn":"wakanim.android.test2","createdAt":"22/10/2020 23:17:55","lastActive":"22/10/2020 23:18:11",
                                      "country":"DE","events":[["22/10/2020 23:17:55","wakanim.android.test2","LoginSuccess","DE",""],["22/10/2020 23:17:55",
                                          "wakanim.android.test2","AuthorizeClientAsk","DE","","OnePlus-GM1910 id : 36ad34ab-5cc0-4acd-9ba8-f0b95f1eb377"]]}

                                                                                                           5.: Files
                                                                                          Pictures of him // https://anonfiles.com/Jex2z6V1y7/unknown_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/s110zcV2y6/Screenshot_1_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/te1az2V3y1/unknown_2_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/u21fz9V9ya/unknown_3_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/H521zcVay1/Screenshot_15_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/FaUfz6Veyf/Screenshot_166_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/D3U3z5V3y0/Screenshot_159_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/CcUfzeV2ye/hexishu_a_mimir_jpg
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/EfU2zaVby7/Discord_WwUd6J6vH0_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/k3Zbz8V2yf/Screenshot_2022-03-04_203656_png

                                                                                              His ID Card // https://anonfiles.com/g4Z3z1V3y2/unknown_5_png

                                                                                              BIG LEAK Edit // https://streamable.com/3hf0j5

                                                                                            Videos of him // (NFSW) https://anonfiles.com/8c4czdV7y8/snapchat-1361981099-1-1_mp4 
                                                                                                          // (NFSW) https://anonfiles.com/Kc57z5V0ye/ywf2lv_mp4
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/76B6z6Vcyf/Replay_2022-06-07_18-23-04_mp4
                                                                                                          // (Voice - Meme) https://anonfiles.com/rcV8zcV4yb/hexishu_pacjkasddsa_1_mp4

                                                                                  Pictures of Chat leaks  // https://anonfiles.com/saA6z3V9y0/image_1_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/feC3zbV9y5/Screenshot_14_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/u3C7zeV1y6/Screenshot_16_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/kbD3zeV7y7/Screenshot_17_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/CbE7z9Vfyd/Screenshot_19_png
                                                                                                          // https://anonfiles.com/P4MczdV0y0/image_2_png
                                                                                                        6.: Final Notes
                                                               dox inspired by https://docs.google.com/document/d/1258sXrAdbIoAKfv101o1TpnNq450l-N99zLJZhACr-w/edit
                                                                                                 every information is public

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                                                                                                  May   \ /   \         \ \   \         \
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                                                                                                God Bless \ /\  \         \ \___\         \
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                                                                                                 all  your    \  \ / ______________________  /
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                                                                                                Endeavors!!!    \/_________________________/