/                               ______________________________________________________
                     /                     /                |          necros fate ~ or should i say               |                /                    /
                               /                            |                hera marie tubbs                      |          /              /
                        /                 /                 |   -Reason: Abuse, accusing people of assault, toxic, |              /               
     /                                                      |   acts like they are the shit irl and in discord,   /|      /                           /
                 /                                          |   /                                           /      |                        /
                                                            |     ^^ abuse accusing etc was in real life           |               
                            /           /                   |     /                                                |       /              /          /     
              /                                             |          /                               /           |              /          /           /
                                           /                |                         /                            |                     /            /         /
                        /                                   |       /                                    /         |               
                                                            |______________________________________________________|          /
                          /                     /                                                     /
            /                        _____  _____                     /          /                              /             /             /        / 
                                    <     `/     |             /            /                            /
           /                         >          (                      /        /                                                       /
                                    |   _     _  |    /    /            /             /             /                        /                 /
       /                            |  |_) | |_) |                /           /                      /                                   /         /
                                    |  | \ | |   |    /               /             /                          /                    /
          /                         |            |          /                 /                                            /              /     
                     ______.______%_|            |__________  _____    /   /        /            /
                   _/                                       \|     |         /    /          /
                  |                    N E C R O                   <     /
       /          |_____.-._________              ____/|___________|                 /
                             /      |be a dumbass|_          /
                   /   /            |end up on bin|
                                    |            |-
               /            /       |            |
      /                             |   _        <
                                    |__/         |
                                     / `--.      |
                                   %|            |%
                               |/.%%|          -< @%%%
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      /  _  \   _______/  |_  ___________  ____ |__| __| _/|    |    ___________  __| _/
     /  /_\  \ /  ___/\   __\/ __ \_  __ \/  _ \|  |/ __ | |    |   /  _ \_  __ \/ __ | 
    /    |    \\___ \  |  | \  ___/|  | \(  <_> )  / /_/ | |    |__(  <_> )  | \/ /_/ | 
    \____|__  /____  > |__|  \___  >__|   \____/|__\____ | |_______ \____/|__|  \____ | 
            \/     \/            \/                     \/         \/                \/ 
                                                            |                      π—•π—Ÿπ—’π—’π——π—Ÿπ—œπ—‘π—˜                       |
                                                            |                                                      |
                                                            |  Real Name: Hera Marie Tubbs                         |               
                                                            |  Mother: Jenna Jo Tubbs                              |               
                                                            |  Grandmother: Robbin Dunn Tubbs                      |               
                                                            |  Cousin: Larkin Brown                                |               
                                                            |  Uncle: Tyler Tubbs                                  |               
                                                            |  Mothers Husband: Josh White                         |               
                                                            |  Aunt: Laura Tubbs                                   |               
                                                            |  Fathers Name: Zach Jo Tubbs                         |
                                                            |  Grandpas Name: Robert Tubbs                         |
                                                            |  Uncles Husband: Dan Ryans                           |________________
                                                            |  Exes: Cameron Mcgovern, Riley Smith, Ian Mccouluch, Artic, Jamieson  |               
                                                            |                        π—¦π—˜π—–π—₯π—˜π—§π—¦                        |
                                                            |                                                      |
                                                            | Crimes: crimes: abuse, assault, sexual assault, theft,|
                                                            | consuming illegal substances as a minor.             |-               
                                                            | Boyfriends Name: Owynn                               |               
                                                            | Secret: cheats on her boyfriends, accuses them of    |          
                                                            | stuff. beats the shit out of her boyfriends,         |
                                                            |                                                      |
                                                            | Acts like theyre the tuffest person alive but cried  |
                                                            |  over her cat dying when SHE beat it to death        |
                                                            |                                                      |
                                                            | Killed two of her cats via abuse and blamed it on two|
                                                            | different exes                                       |               
                                                            | Fakes: personality disorders, adhd, autism, bipolar. |
                                                            |                                                      |____________________
                                                            | Abuses grandma, Grandma is scared of her and put her in a mental hospital |               
                                                            | Pretended to be trans bisexual pansexual for attention on TikTok----------|
                                                            |                                                                           |________________________
                                                            | Kills animals and killed a baby in the park one time because she didnt want it to “die unpeacfully”|                                                               

                                                            |                       π—£π—˜π—₯𝗦𝗒𝗑𝗔L                       |
                                                            |                                                      |
                                                            | Cats Names: Olivia, Lukey                            |
                                                            | Dead Cats: Daisy, Bo                                 |  
                                                            | Number: 4134498448                                   |               
                                                            | Home: 31 Henry Avenue, Pittsfield Massachusetts      |               
                                                            | Grandmas Employment: Market 32 Lenox Ma              |           
                                                            | Email: rileyxhera@icloud.com                         |-----|            
                                                            | DOB: Sep 2, 2008 (shes 15 yrs old)                         |               
                                                            | Sex: Female                                          |-----|          
                                                            | School Email: 28htubbs@pittsfield.net                |______________
                                                            | Her Old Names: arson, necro, medusa, medusasdarling, medusaxdarling |__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                            | tried overdosing more then 13 times with pills, knifes, etc, cuts themselves, tried hanging themselves, walking into a gun store and begged for a gun to shoot themselves with |                                                     |
                                                            |                        π—¦π—’π—–π—œπ—”π—Ÿπ—¦                        |
                                                            |                                                      |
                                                            | Insta: necrokys                                      |               
                                                            | Nintendo Friend Code: SW-0704-0237-1909              |               
                                                            | Discord: necrokys (πŸ–€heraπŸ–€)                         |
                                                            | Discord User ID: 979514971400577064                  |
                                                            | PlayStation: necrokyz                                |               
                                                            | FB: facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083329652924      |               
                                                            | TikTok: necrokyz                                     |
                                                            | BF's TikTok: thefallen_savage                        |               
                                                            | Most Socials: necrokys, necrokyz, hera tubbs         |               
                                                            |                        π—§π—”π—¦π—§π—˜                         |
                                                            |                                                      |
                                                            | Listens to: Black Metal                              |               
                                                            | things they like: cats, guitar, music, bedrotting,   |               
                                                            | Illegal substance abuse                              |               
                                                            |                                                      |               
                                                            |                                                      |               
                                                            |                                                      |               
                                                            |                                                      |               
                                                            |                                                      |               

heres a password of hers: largepoodle716
do whatever you want to this bitch, shes disgusting and we all know it, disgrace to earth.

pt 2 soon?