
┃When someone goes for innocent children, we go for them!
┃Now today is a good day!
┃First time i saw this dude it made me feel sick to my stomach.
┃Most of the pedos being doxxed are trying to find minors to have sexual interactions with, 
┃but there is sometimes that these disgusting pedos actually rape and sexual abuse their own kids.
┃This guy is one of them, he even offered to bring his own 2 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER and have sex with her.
┃Ive been looking for any info i can find but found nothing, but today i actually managed to find all of it!
┃First part is the dox, scroll down more to read more info about the case!
Post includes:
Accused persons info, charges, penalty, claims, chats, debt, background, and more!
┃So enjoy this pretty lenghty dox on Henrik, the pedo who wanted to bring his daughter!

Swedish Info:
┃Henrik Per Andreas Ekholm
┃Adressändring: 2022-02-01
┃Gatuadress: Dalgatan 5 D lgh 1002
┃Våning & dörr: Entreplan, dörr 2 från vänster
┃Postnummer: 195 47
┃Postort: Märsta
┃Distrikt: Husby-Ärlinghundra och Odensala
┃Församling: Husby-Ärlinghundra församling (019106)
┃Kommun: Sigtuna (0191)
┃Län: Stockholm (01)
┃Särskild Adress
┃Personen har ingen särskild adress registrerad.
┃Fakta om bostaden
┃Ägandeform: Bostadsrätt
┃Bostadstyp: Lägenhet
┃Antal rum: 2
┃Kökstyp: Kök
┃Boarea: 58 kvm
┃Bostadskategori: Vanlig bostadslägenhet
┃Byggår: 1960

English Info:
┃Henrik Per Andreas Ekholm
┃National records
┃Change of address: 2022-02-01
┃Street address: Dalgatan 5 D lgh 1002
┃Floor & door: Mezzanine, door 2 from the left
┃Post code: 195 47
┃Postal address: Märsta
┃District: Husby-Ärlinghundra and Odensala
┃Parish: Husby-Ärlinghundra parish (019106)
┃Municipality: Sigtuna (0191)
┃County: Stockholm (01)
┃Special Address
┃The person has no particular address registered.
┃Facts about the home
┃Ownership form: Right of residence
┃Dwelling type: Apartment
┃Number of rooms: 2
┃Kitchen type: Kitchen
┃Living area: 58 sqm
┃Housing category: Ordinary residential apartment
┃Year of construction: 1960

┃HENRIK Per Andreas Ekholm, 19840319-0153
┃Dalgatan 5 D Lgh 1002, 195 47 Märsta
┃Crime for which Henrik Ekholm is convicted
┃Serious child pornography offence, chapter 16 10 a § 1 st 5 p and 6 st Criminal Code, 2022-05-04, Sigtuna
┃Charges that Henrik Ekholm was acquitted of
┃Aggravated rape of a child, Chapter 6, Section 4, Section 1 and Section 3 of the Criminal Code in its version before August 1, 2022, 2022-
┃Imprisonment 2 years 6 months
┃Detention etc.
┃Henrik Ekholm will remain in custody.
┃Privacy DA's request for damages is denied.
┃Henrik Ekholm does not previously appear in the charge register. The probation service has expressed itself.
┃The penalty scale for serious child pornography offenses is imprisonment for a minimum of one year and a maximum of six years. Although
┃the upper parts of the penalty scale should be reserved for other than pure possession, possibly also possession of child pornography
┃have a significant penalty value. In this case, the holding is extensive. A preponderance of
┃the material is such that it depicts children being exploited in a particularly ruthless way. Several of the children
┃are particularly young and it is a matter of real and serious abuse. In an overall assessment of
┃these circumstances, the district court considers that the penalty value is clearly above the minimum limit for seriousness
┃child pornography offense and amounts to imprisonment for two years and six months. With regard to the high
┃the amount of the penalty and the nature of the crime, a penalty other than imprisonment cannot be considered. The circumstances surrounding
┃Henrik Ekholm's personality is not such that there are reasons to waive the penalty value at sentencing.
┃Forfeiture and seizure
┃Seized electronic media are declared forfeited (Polismyndigheten, 2022-5000-BG50113.1,
┃2022-5000-BG50113.3, 2022-5000-BG50092.10, 2022-5000-BG50553.15, 2022-5000-BG50553.16,
┃2022-5000-BG50553.19, 2022-5000-BG50553.20, 2022-5000-BG50553.22, 2022-5000-BG50694.6,
┃2022-5000-BG53514.1, 2022-5000-BG53514.9, 2022-5000-BG61470.10, 2022-5000-BG69351.4).
┃Seized child-sized buttocks are declared forfeited (Polismyndigheten, 2022-5000-BG50553.1,
┃Copies of material from remote searches are declared forfeited (Polismyndigheten, 2022-
┃5000-BG120215.1, 2022-5000-BG120215.2, 2022-5000-BG120215.3).
┃The seizure of massage sticks, seized from Henrik Ekholm, shall remain until the judgment becomes final.
┃The seized must then be returned (Police Authority, 2022-5000-BG50553.25, 2022-5000-
┃BG50553.30, 2022-5000-BG50694.12, 2022-5000-BG50694.18, 2022-5000-BG50694.19, 2022-5000-
┃Secrecy according to ch. 35 Section 12 of the Publicity and Confidentiality Act (2009:400) shall continue to be
┃applicable to the images and videos shown at the main hearing in camera.
┃Secrecy according to ch. 35 Section 12 of the Publicity and Confidentiality Act (2009:400) shall also continue
┃applicable to the information presented at the main hearing in camera and which may
┃reveal the plaintiff's identity and personal circumstances. The same shall apply to information in
┃the decision which may reveal the plaintiff's identity and contact details.

┃Summons application, file attachment 122, 2022-10-31, indictment 1
┃The prosecutor has requested that Henrik Ekholm be sentenced for serious child pornography offenses according to 16
┃chapter 10 a § 1 st 5 p and 6 st Criminal Code.
┃The prosecutor has requested that Henrik Ekholm be sentenced for aggravated rape against a child according to chapter 6 4
┃Sections 1 and 3 of the Criminal Code as amended before 1 August 2022.
┃Deed description
┃Henrik Per Andreas Ekholm has owned a total of 38,581 child pornography files
┃consisting of 21,166 child pornography images as well as 7,415 child pornography films to a
┃total playing time of 432 hours 54 minutes and 21 seconds, of which 8,458 images and 5
┃339 films for a total playing time of 313 hours 56 minutes and 14 seconds is that
┃judge as particularly reckless material. It happened on May 4, 2022 on Dalgatan, Märsta,
┃Sigtuna municipality.
┃The crime should be assessed as serious because the material was particularly reckless
┃comprehensive, and also partly because the material relates particularly to young children who are exposed to various kinds
┃Henrik Per Andreas Ekholm committed the act with intent.
┃Henrik Per Andreas Ekholm has had vaginal, anal and oral intercourse with NN1 who is
┃born 2020. Henrik Per Andreas Ekholm has during the same time carried out sexual acts
┃which, taking into account the seriousness of the violation, is comparable to intercourse by penetration
┃NN1's vagina and/or anal with his fingers and one/several massage sticks/dildos. It happened
┃on one or more occasions during the period between 1 January 2022 and 4 May 2022 in
┃Märsta, Sigtuna municipality.
┃The crime should be assessed as serious because it was repeated abuse against a young person
┃plaintiff who was close to Henrik Per Andreas Ekholm.
┃Henrik Per Andreas Ekholm committed the act with intent.
┃Detention etc.
┃The prosecutor has requested that Henrik Ekholm remain in custody.

┃The starting point for the district court's assessment is thus what Henrik Ekholm has written in the chats that he
┃has done with the plaintiff. The district court therefore begins by giving an account of what appears from
┃the chats regarding sexual acts with the plaintiff.
┃In a chat that runs during the period 15-19 April 2022, Henrik Ekholm has written with a person
┃who calls herself "Mamma Karin". The chat begins with Henrik Ekholm and "Mamma Karin" discussing
┃sexual abuse against "Mamma Karin's" children. It then appears that "Mamma Karin" asks about
┃the plaintiff and that Henrik Ekholm replies "Mmmm yes, of course, but it will only be in the anal then
┃I don't want to risk that it will be noticed". Later in the chat, Henrik Ekholm writes that he cuddled up with
┃plaintiff and when asked by "Mamma Karin" what they did, Henrik Ekholm replies "A little lick å smek å
┃then I found her pussy". When asked by "Mamma Karin" if the plaintiff liked when Henrik Ekholm
┃licked her and if she lay still, Henrik Ekholm replies "Yes for the most part but sometimes she becomes a little
┃anxious and crying a little”. "Mamma Karin" writes "Hehe just to continue licking" and Henrik Ekholm replies
┃"Mmmm yes I do, she usually calms down a bit when she feels how nice it is when she is on her way
┃to come". Towards the end of the chat, "Mamma Karin" writes that Henrik Ekholm will "force it in".
┃the plaintiff and asks if he is able to do so to the plaintiff and that the plaintiff will come
┃scream a lot. Henrik Ekholm then replies "Mmmm yes then, I've almost managed to get it in before". In the chat
┃Henrik Ekholm also writes that the plaintiff is naked and sends a picture that represents
┃plaintiff's clothing.
┃In a chat on April 29, 2022, Henrik Ekholm wrote about the plaintiff with a person who calls himself
┃for "Josie 69". Henrik Ekholm writes i.a. ”[…] I have tried to fuck her a couple of times but haven't
┃succeeded yet”. "Josie 69" replies "Ohhh it's hot she sucks your cock" to which Henrik Ekholm replies "Just
┃when I force her but she doesn't like it yet”.
┃In a chat on May 2, 2022, Henrik Ekholm wrote with "Sunitha37". In the chat, Henrik describes
┃Ekholm that he is "active" with the plaintiff and when asked by "Sunitha37" what is meant by this
┃answers Henrik Ekholm "Just light petting like licking and caressing".
┃In a chat that runs between April 29 – May 4, 2022, Henrik Ekholm has written along
┃"mammamedmus" or "Hanna" who is actually Jaquelinne Liljegren from the website Dumpen.se. On
┃ask from "Hanna" what he is allowed to do with the plaintiff, Henrik Ekholm answers at the beginning of the chat that
┃he does what he wants with her and when he gets the same question a little later in the chat, he answers “Me
┃usually lick and caress her and come on her pussy [...]". Later in the chat, "Hanna" asks "Can you?
┃be in your little?”. Henrik Ekholm answers ”[…] I usually lick and caress but have tried to fuck her
┃but she struggles so much so it would be good if someone could hold her for me [...]”. On
┃question from "Hanna" if he has tested with fingers, Henrik Ekholm answers "Yes, I have received a small dildo with me
┃In the chat with "Hanna", there is also a conversation between Henrik Ekholm and "Hanna". Jaquelinne Liljegren
┃has told that she spoke with Henrik Ekholm and that during the conversation she heard the plaintiff in
┃the background. She has also told that Henrik Ekholm stated during the conversation that he had snuggled with her
┃the plaintiff just before the conversation. The district court finds no reason to question Jaquelinne
┃Liljegren's information. From chats that Henrik Ekholm had with other people, it appears that he
┃"cozy" in this context means something sexual.
┃From the chats referred to in the case, it also appears that Henrik Ekholm described himself in various contexts
┃as "active" with the plaintiff. The District Court considers that with regard to how Henrik Ekholm expressed himself
┃for example in the chat with "Sunitha37" it is established that by "active" he means that he is sexually active with
┃The actions that Henrik Ekholm described in the chats that he has carried out with the plaintiff constitute
┃vaginal, oral and anal intercourse. As for penetration with fingers and dildos, they are actions
┃which is described as comparable to sexual intercourse. The question that the district court has to decide on is whether it is substantiated
┃that what Henrik Ekholm wrote and expressed in the chats has happened in reality.
┃Regarding the content of the chats, it can be stated that what Henrik Ekholm described in the chats
┃are very concrete and detailed information about various sexual acts that he allegedly carried out
┃with the plaintiff. The sexual acts are also described in such a way that it appears as
┃that they are real events. It is particularly noteworthy when Henrik Ekholm described how
┃Plaintiffs have reacted to various sexual acts, e.g. ”[…] I usually lick and caress but have
┃tried to fuck her but she resists so much so it would be good if someone could hold her tight
┃me [..]" and "Yes for the most part but sometimes she gets a little anxious and cries a little" and "Only when I force
┃her but she doesn't like it yet”. The District Court considers that the way in which Henrik Ekholm expressed himself
┃the chats provide strong support that these are real events being described.
┃On the other hand, it has emerged in the investigation that it occurs that people with a sexual interest
┃because children share both their experiences and fantasies when they chat. That relationship that
┃Henrik Ekholm in a relatively descriptive manner has described various sexual acts with the plaintiff
┃need not be sold does not mean that it is a question of actions that have taken place in reality.
┃Sexual interest in children
┃Henrik Ekholm has admitted that he has a sexual interest in children. This is also supported by others
┃investigation in the form of i.a. child pornography and chats. Then the child pornography to
┃a large part consists of images and films depicting abuse of very young children and with regard to
┃what Henrik Ekholm himself has written in the chats that he likes very little girls, the district court considers
┃also that it can be taken for granted that Henrik Ekholm has a particular sexual interest in very young people
┃girls. In the chats, he also expresses an interest in incestuous sexual relations. That Henrik Ekholm
┃has such a sexual interest, according to the district court, supports that what is described in the chats is
┃real events.
┃Meeting at Märsta station on 4 May 2022
┃In the chat with Jacquelinne Liljegren, where she pretends to be "Hanna", Henrik Ekholm and
┃"Hanna" arranged a meeting with each other, another woman and her child at Märsta station on May 4
┃2022. It also appears from the chat that Henrik Ekholm had thoughts of taking the plaintiff with him on
┃the meeting. Considering that the people met in a forum on the internet for people with a sexual interest
┃for children and since it is clear early on in the chat that the purpose is for adults and children to meet for sexual purposes
┃Henrik Ekholm could not have had any other intention with the meeting than that it would lead to sexual intercourse
┃interaction with the child. From Sara Nilsson's information and the film she recorded in connection with it
┃the confrontation, it appears that Henrik Ekholm was at the meeting place and that he made contact with Sara
┃Nilsson in the belief that she was "Hanna". The film also shows that Henrik Ekholm was carrying a backpack.
┃During the search of Henrik Ekholm's home shortly after the meeting, the same backpack was found
┃contained a large amount of condoms. Henrik Ekholm's objection that they are old condoms and that
┃he did not intend to use these does not appear credible and can be disregarded.
┃That Henrik Ekholm in this way arranged a meeting with people in order to, as he thought, be able to carry out
┃sexual acts on a small child and that he also went to the meeting point speaks for the fact that he was not
┃stranger to carry out sexual acts with a child. This lends support to the prosecution's case
┃claim that what Henrik Ekholm described in the chats constitutes descriptions of real

┃Charge 1.1 - serious child pornography offence
┃Through Henrik Ekholm's confession, which is supported by other investigations, it is established that he possessed it
┃child pornography material that the prosecutor has alleged. He must therefore be sentenced for
┃child pornography offences.
┃When assessing whether a child pornography crime is serious, special consideration must be given to, among other things, if the crime intended a
┃particularly large amount of images or intended images where the children are particularly young, are subjected to violence or coercion or
┃is used in other particularly reckless ways. An overall assessment must always be made. According to the motives, I guess
┃mere possession of child pornography rarely warrants a crime being classified as serious. At the same time, it is stated that
┃a crime should be assessable as gross in the production or handling of even a single film, if
┃it shows a child subjected to particularly callous treatment provided the film can
┃is assumed to be a documentation of an actual abuse. (See prop. 1997/98:43 p. 97). Of the preparatory work
┃it further appears that when it has to be decided whether the image content is such that a position with an image already
┃for this reason constitutes a serious crime, decisive weight should be attached to the violation of the child's personal
┃integrity that the image includes (see prop. 2009/10:70 p. 29). As an example of what is meant by that
┃children are exploited in other particularly reckless ways, it is stated that the child was subjected to penetrations, humiliated
┃or drugged (see prop. 2009/10:70 p. 43). In 2020, the minimum sentence for serious child pornography offenses was raised.
┃The amendment aimed to increase the level of punishment for the crime, but did not intend to affect the delineation
┃between crime of the normal degree and serious crime.
┃The district court finds no reason to question examiner Maja Wattberg's assessment that the images
┃which has been the subject of her review constitutes child pornography, nor does her assessment of i
┃the extent to which the material is to be judged as particularly reckless. The material that Henrik Ekholm
┃now sentenced for possessing, among other things, pictures and films depicting real rapes
┃including various forms of penetration of very young children as well as films where children are exposed
┃torture-like abuse. It has thus been a question of very serious privacy violations of
┃the children in question. It is also a very extensive material that is particularly ruthless
┃character. According to Maja Wattberg, the current holding differs from what she has previously examined
┃as it refers to a very large amount of images and films that are to be judged as particularly reckless
┃material. In an overall assessment of these circumstances, the district court finds that the crime must
┃classified as serious child pornography offences.
┃Charge 1.2 – aggravated rape of a child

┃Dumpen.se is a website on the Internet. At Dumpen.se, a number of volunteer "fishermen" work to search
┃up people with a sexual interest in children. The "Fiskarna" pretend to be children and young people and i
┃in some cases persons with a sexual interest in children. "Fiskarna" is looking for contact with people who have one
┃sexual interest in children in groups/forums on the internet where people with a sexual interest in children exist.
┃The "Pisces" chat with these people and also try to have confrontations in real life with
┃the people where they film the people and post the videos on Dumpen.se.
┃At the end of April 2022, Jaquelinne Liljegren, who is one of the fishermen at Dumpen.se, got in touch with
┃Henrik Ekholm on the KIK forum "Familjesmek". Jaquelinne Liljegren used the name "Hanna" and
┃pretended to have a sexual interest in children. "Hanna" and Henrik Ekholm started chatting in the forum
┃and then switched to the Wickr app. After chatting for a while, they agreed to meet in real life. Instead
┃for "Hanna" came Sara Nilsson, who is one of Dumpen.se's founders, and met Henrik Ekholm at
┃Märsta station on 4 May 2022 at 9.30. Sara Nilsson filmed Henrik Ekholm and confronted him
┃with information from the chat. After the meeting, a police report was made and Henrik Ekholm was arrested
┃apartment at 12.53 the same day. During the search of Henrik Ekholm's home, among other things, a number of
┃storage media. On the storage media, images and videos were found that were judged to constitute child pornography
┃and a suspicion of serious child pornography crime (count 1.1) arose. Against the background of what
┃Henrik Ekholm had written in the chats, there was also a suspicion of aggravated rape against children
┃plaintiff (count 1.2).
┃The prosecutor has invoked extensive written and other evidence in the case. Among other things, it has been invoked
┃a video film from the confrontation between employees from Dumpen.se and Henrik Ekholm, pictures from
┃house search, investigation report by IT forensics, analysis report from ISÖB (Internet-related
┃sexual abuse of children), legal certificate, notes and attendance report from the plaintiff's preschool,
┃medical records, expert reports from the National Forensic Center (NFC), seizure records and
┃photographs. In addition, a large number of chat conversations have been invoked.
┃Henrik Ekholm has been heard about the prosecution. As oral evidence, the prosecutor has also relied on witness interviews
┃with Maja Wattberg (examiner at ISÖB), Gavin Harris (IT forensics), Johan Andersson, Jaquelinne
┃Liljegren, Sara Nilsson, Zahra Kamal, Rita Allawardian, Siri Aili Fagerholm (forensic officer at NFC),
┃Catharina Andreasson, Åsa Kastbom (specialist doctors in, among other things, child and youth psychiatry)
┃and Maja Koppfeldt (licensed psychotherapist).
┃Henrik Ekholm has relied on chat conversations as written evidence.