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$$$$$$$  | $$$$$$  |$$ /  $$ |      $$$$$$$  |   $$ |          $$ |  $$ |$$$$$$$  |\$$$$$$  |$$ |
\_______/  \______/ \__|  \__|      \_______/    \__|          \__|  \__|\_______/  \______/ \__|

This Guy, called "hell" is a toxic 17 Year old Scammer who scams people by selling Fortnite Accounts that dont contain anything. He sends them a Mercurial Grabber after they paid him 10$, which is just retarded.
I wanted revenge because i was scammed from him, but paypal refunded me the money anyway so F. I gathered a lot of info due to his mistake of screensharing 24/7 like how. I screenshoted a lot and used the info to
find even more information online. Turns out he doesnt give a shit about data protection. The PC Information is 100% from him Flexing his pc with a RX 580 and bad cable managment in a discord call XD. I hope he
learned a lesson. 

--------------[Online Information]--------------                                            
Discord Name: v$#3333 (old hell#3333)
Nickname(s): kr0mzy, hell, ariaboy5
Country: Netherlands, NL
Email(s): euuzsxjzje@gmail.com daffrin123@gmail.com azymq4@gmail.com, nabizadamahboub@gmail.com, nothingchills@gmail.com, nothingchills@gmail.com
Probably his YouTube Channel with 8 Subsribers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTlDKoW74n3mpkP-3Vkjug
Backup of his YT Channel (COPY FULL URL): https://web.archive.org/web/20220514165340/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrTlDKoW74n3mpkP-3Vkjug/
Backup of his Videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cbq9dw9nju527wb/AAAadRLqpv9fx0xixZJ10bwVa?dl=0, https://www.mirrored.to/files/0ATWXZWZ/Aria_Nabizada_Videos.zip_links

--------------[Reallife Information]--------------
Real Name: Aria Nabizada
Address:  Pasteurlaan 75, 9728 LC, Groningen, Netherlands
Image From his house on Google street view: https://i.imgur.com/VxdkaOU.png
Cordinates: 53.1957414 6.5521833
Phone: +31 0630905521, +31 0611270570
Image of him: https://i.imgur.com/6XJQiqB.png

--------------[Computer Informations]--------------
CPU: Intel Core i5-4570 4 Cores
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580
RAM: 8 Gigs
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
Language: English
Username: azymq
"Funny" Screenshot from a Discord Chat: https://i.imgur.com/Pb40Fmo.jpg