So, this nigga requested me to update the dox on this groomer.
He glorifies rape, and he is a discord mod
Im too harmful, 4 doxes in 1 day.
Fuck the skids, and here we go.

\\\\\HOUSE INFO\\\\\
2, Stort Close, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7UR
10 stort close oxfordshire didcot united kindom
(Similar addresses, both could be valid.)
This property is 14% more expensive than average in Stort Close, OX11 7UR
This property has increased in price by 66% since it last sold 13 years ago

Mereland Rd, Didcot OX11, United Kingdom
+44 1235 814444

Name: Harry Ballantyne
Born in May, 2007
5'11 or 5'10
Black mop like hair
Wears glasses (weird ass discord mod)
Has a lisp
Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1154655515226423309/1160452106663235604/image.png?ex=6534b63e&is=6522413e&hm=8c50d245a6c1e4e7826f265e26ec1771bec72173a8d977e95dc7149a5c10934a&=&width=292&height=292

\\\\\REASON OF DOX\\\\\
Got exposed for trying to groom kids under the age of 13
Sexually abused his partners and mentally abused them 10+ of them
cheated on them aswell
He glamorises rape and once said he raped a girl and laughed about it
Lies about mental health issues and glamorises them
cord: gameboy55
contact for dox removals.