Name:           Hannah Massie
Email:          hannahjean06@icloud.com
Country:        USA 
Region:         North America (NA)
OrgName:        Leaseweb USA
Location:       Lancaster, Ohio
Country:        US
GMT Offset:     UTC/GMT -5 hours (Eastern Standard Time)
[ END ]

********                     TABLE OF CONTENTS                    ********
* 0x00 - REASON FOR DOX                                                  *
* 0x01 - BASIC INFORMATION                                               *
* 0x02 - FAMILY INFORMATION                                              *
* 0x02 - SOCIAL INFORMATION                                              *                                          

********                            0x00                          ********
* 1) fucks around with every guy known to existence                      *
* 2) Cheating whore                                                      *
* 3) Why not?                                                            *

********                            0x01                          ********
* ALIASES                            | MissNanerx, Serxein               *
* FULL NAME                          | Hannah Massie                     *
* CURRENT AGE                        | 15 / She's lying about her age.   *
* GENDER                             | Female                            *
* ETHNICITY                          | N/A - Assumed White               *
* SCHOOL                             | Lancaster High School             *
* EMPLOYMENT                         | N/A                               *
* FROM                               | Ashland, Kentucky                 *
* REGION                             | North America                     *
* COUNTRY                            | United States of America          *
* GMT OFFSET                         | UTC/GMT -5 hours                  *

********                            0x02                          ********
* AUNT                             | Candace Massie                      *
* FACEBOOK:           https://www.facebook.com/candace.massie            *
* OTHER FAMILY                        | Jaidyn Green, Jackie Delong-Bond *
* FACEBOOK:                      N/A COZ GONE                            *
* PHOTOS:         https://imgur.com/9zMfrF3,https://imgur.com/uoALleM    *
*                 https://imgur.com/U96uuST,https://imgur.com/0ozTCAF    *

********                            0x03                          ********
* UPLAY                              | Username : hannahjean06@icloud.com*
*                                    | Password : Hannah6325             *
*                                    |                                   *
* STEAM                              | Username : bluespects             *
*                                    | Password : Hannah6325             *
*                                    |                                   *
* DISCORD(s) + CLIENT ID(s)          | USER) MissNanerx#5569,            *
*                                    | MissNanerx(alt)#4355,Hannerz#5569 *
*                                    |                                   *
* EMAIL(s)                           | hannahjean06@icloud.com           *