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                                                                                     Greetings Dahoodians!

                                        Welcome. To todays Doxx We have Heartz (Hannah) >.< LOL Heartz is a Da Hoodian Female That plays roblox daily this 
                                                                          fat larp has nothing better to do with her 
                                                       life than to play roblox edate and expose underage people / children on discord. 
                                                  Well today i have her dox for Back Stabbing Harming Others and exposing for no valid reason.
                                                   Heartz has Harmed/Exposed many people in these past months / years Claiming to be harmful 
                                                  and other dumb loser. this loser has been doxxed by vissage squad so today here is her dox. 

                                                                                         ???? Hall Of Retards ????

                                                                    [A] https://imgur.com/0eOn8AM  [A] https://imgur.com/uf5V4Mz

                                                                    [A] https://imgur.com/jgRT04T  [A] https://imgur.com/ZQBfgp3

                                                                    [A] https://imgur.com/4BEA1Ol  [A] https://imgur.com/dIkOR8X

                                                                    [A] https://imgur.com/bsOURbp  [A] https://imgur.com/f7YbkzJ

                                                                    [A] https://imgur.com/9GnWqZM  [A] https://imgur.com/fJNAwnC

                                                                                  [A] https://imgur.com/bTcAGsD  

 [ Vissage X Linux X Vanis] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓██▓███▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ ALIAS / PSUEDONYMS ]█░░▓
 Pseudonyms:							Aliases:									
   »  hveartzz                                                    »  Hannah 
   »  proprincessgirl                                             »  h `
   »  Kurippu                                                     »  proprincessg
   »  VAT0CUS                                                     »  Hananah the skid 
   »  10vheartz                                                   
   »  hveartz
   »  jasonsgvf 
   »  pookie 

 [ Vissage X Linux X Vanis] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓██▓███▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ BASIC INFORMATION  ]█░░▓

  »  [Full Name]:     Hannah Graziano                          Roblox: 
  »  [Age]:	      16                                              »  https://www.roblox.com/users/172509063/profile                                                                      
  »  [Username]:      h `#3193
  »  [User ID]:       620256783008661510
  »  [Creation Date]: 08-09-2019 13:59:00 UTC
  »  [Avatar URL]:    https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/620256783008661510/ec4dd514787ebd859704333dd3e947d4.gif
  »  [Token]:         NjIwMjU2NzgzMDA4NjYxNTEw.YfR-DQ.4ErURboNqdpg_nVbVUnZ_pL7fPI
  »  [Nitro Status]:  False
  »  [Nitro]:         False
  »  [Badges]:        None
  »  [Expires in]:    None day(s)


   » Pictures:       »  https://imgur.com/3c65SK1
                     »  https://imgur.com/5OuVRaH
                     »  https://imgur.com/zUZyncI
                     »  https://imgur.com/yejanxD
                     »  https://imgur.com/MeuUmf8

   »  School:     North Central High School
   »  Address:     1801 East 86th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240

                                       Property Information                              
                        <>  Year Built                    <> 1960   
                        <>  Property Type:                <> RSFR - Single Family Residence	     
                        <>  Size:                         <> 1,728 sf building | 19,863 sf lot   

 [ Vissage X Linux X Vanis] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓██▓███▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ BASIC INFORMATION  ]█░░▓

  »  [Parent Full Name]:       Alexis Graziano  
  »  [Parent Full Name]:       Alexis Graziano                    
  »  [Address]:                9497 west Appaloosa indianapolis 46180
  »  [Address2]:               9497 W est Appaloosa Road 46180
  »  [Address3]:               9497 west Appaloosa indianapolis 46180
  »  [CC]:                     5* ** ** ** ** ** 27 65

[V]  Cookie: 

   [V]  Hash: 
             echo 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
             ping localhost -n 1 > nul

     [V] Payment Method #1 (Credit Card)
    [V]      Valid                  True
    [V]      CC Holder Name         Hannah Graziano
    [V]      CC Brand               Mastercard
    [V]      CC Number              5* ** ** ** ** ** 27 65
    [V]      CC Exp. Date           11/26
    [V]      Address 1              1711 McCord Ln
    [V]      City                   Milton
    [V]      Postal Code            40045
    [V]      State                  KY
    [V]      Country                US

     [V] Payment Method #2 (Credit Card)
    [V]    CC Holder Name         Hannah Graziano
    [V]    CC Brand               Mastercard
    [V]    CC Number              5* ** ** ** ** ** 95 59
    [V]    CC Exp. Date           01/26
    [V]    Address 1              9497 west Appaloosa
    [V]    City                   indianapolis
    [V]    Postal Code            46180
    [V]    State                  IN
    [V]    Country                US

      [V] Payment Method #3 (Credit Card)
    [V]    CC Holder Name         Alexis Graziano
    [V]    CC Brand               Mastercard
    [V]    CC Number              5* ** ** ** ** ** 99 07
    [V]    CC Exp. Date           02/25
    [V]    Address 1              9497 W est Appaloosa Road
    [V]    City                   Stilesville
    [V]   Postal Code            46180
    [V]    State                  IN
    [V]    Country                US

  [V] Account Security Features:

  [V]   [2FA/MFA Enabled]: False
  [V]   [Flags]: 96

  [V]   Misc:

  [V]   [Locale]: en-US (English, United States)
  [V]   [Email Verified]: True

 [ Vissage X Linux X Vanis] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓██▓███▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ BASIC INFORMATION  ]█░░▓
 [V] Email:
         »  hannah2pro@gmail.com

 [V] Xbox:
         »  vat0cus

 [V] Number:
         »  +1 (317) 750-2697

               Public Emails Breach                 /
 ➪    [????] Email:         hannah2pro@gmail.com     / Roblox[Vissage]  
 ➪    [????] Password:      Hannah325             [????]Vissage[Vissage]      https://imgur.com/gC4PRV9
 ➪    [????] Router         CCT:        \  Update[Vissage]
 ➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 0 0 0 1            \

               Roblox Account Breach                  /
 ➪    [????] Email:         hannahPF231@icloud.com      / Roblox[Vissage]   
 ➪    [????] Password:      AlexanderX13254X12       [????]Vissage[Vissage]   https://imgur.com/EB5OPs2 
 ➪    [????] Router         CCT:            \ Update[Vissage]
 ➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 3 2 1 3                \

               Public Emails Breach                 /
 ➪    [????] Email:         hannah2345@icloud.com    / Roblox[Vissage]  
 ➪    [????] Password:      Pro393483             [????]Vissage[Vissage]      https://imgur.com/7pp33mb
 ➪    [????] Router         CCT:        \  Update[Vissage]
 ➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 0 0 0 1            \

               Roblox Account Breach                  /
 ➪    [????] Email:         hannahPF231@icloud.com      / Roblox[Vissage]   
 ➪    [????] Password:      AlexanderX13254X12       [????]Vissage[Vissage]   https://imgur.com/hdmKBjX 
 ➪    [????] Router         CCT:            \ Update[Vissage]
 ➪    [????] Config:        0 0 0 3 2 1 3                \

 [ Vissage X Linux X Vanis] █░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓██▓███▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[       CREDS        ]█░░▓

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		   	      		                	⛤  Linux       <> Majority of the dox <> Linux

		    	  	   		                ⛤  Vanis       <> Majority of the dox <> vanis⁶#0001