
Country: United States
City: Saint Paul
Continent: NA
Internet Service Provider: CenturyLink
Internet Service Organisation: SINEASEN S.L.

Last Gamertag: HaloGod2038
Current Gamertag: [Unknown]

Reason: Well It Started As A Little Joke, but then he starts getting mad in the Xbox party, 
Saying that he hates Black People and Jewish people, then he went in the game chat and started saying fucked up shit about black people and saying they should go back to their country, 
He then said so fucked up shit about Jewish people, saying he’s gonna smoke them and gas them which is just disgusting.

Reason 2: Well he was dating a 14 - 15 year old online while he’s 23, he also said in the party that he loved being with them...

Trust me he deserves time offline for this