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Ahhh here we finnaly are by the END OF E L A
Lets start off with sum juicy passwords
Roblox = busigela.11
Tiktok = busigela.11
Dc = unknown 
Ig Busigela.11
Reason of This dox Are
bcs she doesnt understant what cheatig is well Ela Lemme Give u Alil Taste

ray whas js fucking seeing how bad u fucking would show that yr a unloyal ass bitch
u dont give a fuck abt what happend
[What happend is she cheated and cryed abt it all ngiht but contiuend to text him]
and i forgave u 3 times for cheating
 like and and what makes u cheat well : 1. matching with ray 2. Deleteding ur tiktoks with me 3. Talking to a pedo and tryna make it seem like he doesnt like u 4. Making it look like u texted ray like 2 words and but in realyity it whas a fucking 59 second clip of chats 5. Tryna calling ray cute and saying ur js so cute ur personality and all 6. Saying u wanted him to stop texting u while in reality u fucking said nah its fine [js stay] when he asked u if he should leave 7.fucking saying u and ray are js friends and promising u will stay loyal 8. Fucking unmatching me !     
Lets go abit personal 
Age = 16
Heigt = 5.2
Weight = 79 killo even tho she lied abt being 57
Ip =
Sex = women 
Type of phone = iphone 
Country = Sweden
Alr now time for the socials 

𝙏𝙄𝙆𝙏𝙊𝙆 = www.tiktok.com/@pr1ns3zz
𝙄𝙉𝙎𝙏𝘼𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙈 = PrinsessanEla
𝙎𝙉𝘼𝙋 = SillyKittyEla 
𝙍𝙊𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙓 = PrinsessanEla
𝙋𝙍𝙄𝙉𝙏𝙀𝙎𝙏 = prinsessanela
Atracted to pedos🤦‍♂️
Abt the pedo
Name = robin 
Country = holland 🇳🇱
Age = 19 almost 20
roblox = Gnetix
Sex = transgender
Reasons of incoming dox of this pedo
Abusing Autisme girls
grooming 16 year olds and 15 year olds
Claiming he will swat u
And saying rlly bad sh too under age girls 
Soon there will come a other half of this dox concluding = 🌟 credit card family names family phone numbers street vieuw of home and ofc all her priv fotos
For the pedo we will do the same and a lil special thingy >_<

Doxed by K̴̩̪̱̹̪̼̓ā̶̡̡̨̧̞̼́̎̒̓̽̓̚i̵̮̪͗̒̽̏̈̃͝ ̶̛͚̤̝͎͉̌̎̋̚ͅa̴̻̣̫͖̝̿̿̍̾͊̏̍̚ǹ̷̜̱̈́̎̌͗͋̀͘ḑ̷̢̢͎̯̪̜̪͎̽͐̐̇͗͊͌͝ ̷̺̗̯̍̇͊͘͝͝a̶͔͎̻̰͉͊̄͠n̸̨̥̣̤͚̼̔̍̽̌̈́̃̽͗͠ͅņ̸̡̭͙͎̃ä̴̢͚̮̘̜̣͖͔̯́͋̏̇̾̐̃͂͠

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