|                                         Reasoning                                                | 
Hailey is a roblox slut that got exposed around 3 months ago for dating a community member Named" vyo". 
She's likely to be found on da hood com servers, or dhrp community servers, vyo is a 13 year old boy
and Hailey was 19 years old ( 20 now ) at the time whilst dating him and knew. She lied about her age and 
manipulated him on and off for a few months. (they broke up and got back together 3 times)
Vyo or anyone who knew about this didn't really have Kalsey's personal info, I digged all this info
up around the time she got exposed and sent part of this too her ( just her first name which she
doesn't know I have all this below )

|                                         Information                                              |

Name: Hailey L
Sex: Female
Age: 20
DOB: 11/12/2004
Address: 9 Oak Knoll Cove, Clarksdale, MS 38614

|                                      Social Media                                                |
Current discord: smashingheartstrings (669705091233873930)
Note: use https://discord.id/ if she changed her user

Adding more stuff later like emails just adding important details for now

|                                         Pictures Of Them                                         |
Irl: https://ibb.co/341kpFP, https://ibb.co/zXykWf7
Full Body Pics: https://ibb.co/znKsnjj, https://ibb.co/JcJsPkY, https://ibb.co/qYndPjq
Nudes: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1231784201125367888/1324424050952634378/dm.MOV?ex=67781984&is=6776c804&hm=27f9a0dc23b01989f4cfaeb29f741f2c680c45704812a758429841f9a09c0066&