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Kalox's Name - Hadi Bazzi
Father's Name - Eddie Bazzi
Mother's Name - Ali Bazzi
Discord - Kxlf#9999 / Kalox#6468
Reason For Dox - Extremely racist towards everybody and crosses anyone he becomes friends with
Pictures on him - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/922960302176370728/940432528697880646/IMG_1151.png
Video of him calling me the n-word - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/924092628025376829/940409335589261342/kalf_saying_nword_Trim.mp4
School - McCollough-Unis Middle School 
         7801 Maple st Dearborn, Michigan
         (313) 827-1700 schools phone number
Picture of his house - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939937167373893653/940447805904912425/unknown.png
                       1856 Mayburn St, Dearborn MI 48128