TOXIC / PERVERT MANIAC, HUMANITY’s GARBAGE whom we’re talking about: Andrea Buffoli lives in: Bergamo, Italy (EU) phone number: +39 389 485 8116 . birthday: first of march 2006 school: ENAC Lombardia - CFP Canossa reports: from his school, I’ve come to know that he molested and abused sexually of a girl student of a lower class than him, giving her a black eye and pregnant, forcing an abortion through substance abuse and violence. he regularly abuses of alcohol, marijuana, hashish and benzodiazepines(without medical prescription). he frequently goes to extremist political groups and caused various acts that could have seriously gotten somebody hurt such as throwing fireworks at windows, throwing rocks to moving cars with the intent to cause car accidents and it’s been told that he practices combat by beating up animals such as dogs, cats and so on. he takes the train to go to school, and to come back home, which he shall not . (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ what you can do to help our cause! prank him in the far future, use the brilliant imagination and creativity you were donated of. bring the fear out of him. . I DO NOT believe that no one deserves to get doxxed, but is it really a matter of deserving? it’s not about justice or revenge, it’s about letting the true float to the surface. this guy, Andrea Buffoli, has the right to be in here for hiding what he’s done for years and giving free unwanted trauma around. . I DO NOT know him personally, but I’ve heard, seen and have proof for myself for what he’s done. what I do have is the great connections that I have to thanks for letting this case come to the surface. - THE ONE who provided for all the info you have read is HIS ex girlfriend whom she says he fooled into having sex and be later abandoned, as she demonstrated us, she had a detailed research about the individual. DONT TEXT HIM. DONT CALL. DONT INTERACT. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. save. KARMA IS HANGING AROUND.