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Revision 1 Note: Revision 2 will get dropped with excluded info if she fucks with us more lets see what happens.

An HTP Release

HTP Vengeance 1 - "Cappuccino" AKA Tiffany Danielle Amberg

Who is HTP?

First lets look at the informal definition of hacking the real defintion:
Informal . to make use of a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing or managing (something): to hack a classic recipe; to hack your weekend with healthy habits. 

We are HTP or Hack The Planet. We are fighters of justice that go after low life scum such as scammers, pedophiles and other unsavory types that need to face vigilante justice. We go beyond computer hacking as the defintion above describes we enjoy hacking life as a whole some may heard of life hacking. We enjoy being efficient in everything the best way to tie shoes, the best way to shower, we are masters at hacking everything in life even our brains to make them more efficient. We enjoy reverse engineering life and making things better which is where our freedom fighting aspect comes in thus we are Hack The Planet!. We are a big fan of the movie v for vendetta and we cannot allow ne er do wells to stay unscathed and unpunished we will not stand for that. By supporting
HTP consider your self an honorary member in good standing. HTP will assist anyone in need. We are the new HTP since the old one was a computer hacking group that died out after the original members parted ways. We mainly cleanse scum from the internet and make a huge point so that they can learn a lesson to never do the same thing to others. Someone has to teach this lesson and it will be us.

You're either with us or against us choose your path wisely.

Contact us at hacktheplanetfanmail@airmail.cc if you support HTP

The information presented below is believed to be beyond a reasonable doubt wholly true and no information has been withheld. Take from it what you will. This drop is part of a series called HTP's Vengeance where retaliation will be taken against people that wronged people somehow or fucked them over and ruined their life or tried to ruin their life in a major way. Tiffany fucked Nick over extremely bad so we had to take down this female at all costs. Tiffany and her mainline family are ending up here for conspiring in romance scams and knowingly allowing their daughter and not intervening in any way shape or form and taking their brain dead daughters side because their biased idiots and believe everything she says when shes a pathological liar which is even worse then a compulsive liar. This could of been prevented but Tiffany made the mistake of having the balls to admit to Nick that she used him for the entire relationship and quote from her self "shocked that you finally picked up on me using you" and proceeded to chuckle and give a fake quick apology and call him an enemy when he's done nothing wrong then proceeded to lie about still being his friend then block him for absolutely zero reason when Nick was very cordial with her and respectful and then she proceeded to get her psycho family to harass him also for no reason not once not twice but three times. Unfortunately because of Tiffany's extremely hostile responses and nature we were forced to take drastic violent retailation measures think of it as a cyber self defense. Back on the parent harassment side of things the first time was to tell him to fuck off their daughter, the second time to ramble on about heart problems which is most likely a bullshit excuse to manipulate a pity response from Nick and the third and final time was threatening Nick and his mother claiming the FBI will ruin him when Tiffany was the one that was in the wrong the whole relationship. This release is a bit late and long overdue but good luck getting your nudes taken down getting back into Broward and getting a job once all the evidence is shown in this huge release to prove beyond a doubt once and for all Tiffany is a scamming fraud artist and theres nothing further from the truth. As a side note one thing that should be said is Tiffany Ambergs sisters Kristina and Amanda have been excluded from this release because there technically not even part of the mainline family anymore and have done nothing wrong. Tiffanys problems are none of their buisness and vice versa and we're sure they're annoyed that Tiffanys drama is getting them innocently dragged into things and we're sorry if you guys are in the crossfire of the grand scheme of things but unfortunately your insane psychotic sister Tiffany has to learn a lesson or she will keep doing this to other guys so this release HAS TO BE DONE as a vigilante punishment. Kristina was wise enough to live on her own with her fiance so I doubt she would want to put up with Tiffany and her psycho parents and they have repeatedly called out Tiffany for her mental problems because Tiffany used to always complain about her sisters "bullying" her even though last I checked bullying someone is talking shit thats untrue when her sisters have been speaking the truth since day one but Tiffany is so mentally deranged and in denial that she will never own up to her sick problems. Her own family is also sick and they have to attack innocent people like Nick and his mother and call them sick and mental when they're ten times worse. Nick is the most normal guy we know and he treated Tiffany amazing. Always bought her food bought her jewelry did things for her without question anytime she asked and if he didn't she wouldn't talk to him like Nick was very smart he knew Tiffany was doing shady things for months but never acted on it because he didn't want to escalate drama and start fights but now in the grand scheme of things none of us give a flying fuck anymore. We don't care about the FBI and the FBI surely doesn't care about you considering you're pretty much a shitty fraudster and failed horribly at social engineering when we all know how garbage you were at conning Nick for all these months for his money and his help to do your dirty work such as uni papers and buying you textbooks and other things constantly. Lets not forget Nick also paid her rent a few times and paid for one semester for her(800 dollars) seems like Nick was WAY too good to this cunt who didn't deserve nothing but DIRT and COAL. You can only take advantage of someone for so long and once the light shines down and reveals the deception it ends up backfiring thus this release happening. She's also ending up here for star 67'ing her number and threatening Nick through his mom because shes too much of a pussy to call and threaten Nick directly. We wish we can say Nick enjoyed the relationship but at the end of the day and after self evaluation the truth is the game was rigged from the start, Nick kept insurance on you for a reason in case you had the balls to come at him and it's a good thing he has the leverage he does. It's a good thing Nick intentionally logged in on home connection when you asked him to use a Florida VPN so the school system admins wouldn't catch on because he wanted to intentionally poison the mcgraw hill and desire2learn httpd logs as leverage against you if you ever threw him away and used him he can easily get you removed from Broward which is what is currently happening heh. Reminds me of the episode with Toy Man in the super hero animated series Static Shock when Toy Mans robot female assistance uses Toy Man to become human and then backstabs him and claims she never loved him and just needed a human vessel and then unknowing to her Toy Man had a secret failsafe built into the human vessel in case she backstabbed him that turned her into a pile of goo so thats basically what happened here Nick had a failsafe set up on Tiffanys college accounts so now she will never get that degree not on someone elses dime and hardwork. If Tiffany really thought Nick was stupid enough to follow her instructions into always using a VPN shes pretty gullible because Nick may have loved you at one point but that doesn't mean he will blindly fall for your tricks constantly. On that note if anyone wants to send complaints to her job as well contact her boss Baron Forbes at bforbes@gridsystems.net or you can call Grid Systems at 954-329-1406 and ask to speak to Baron Forbes and make complaints against their employee Tiffany Amberg mention shes a romance scammer and they can google what romance scams are on FBI's website or wikipedia and mention she hacked her ex's TD bank account via social engineering a bank teller at a plantation TD bank location and stole 250 dollars and laughed about it thinking it's a joke. The jokes on you when your bank account is plastered on this release and im sure Tiffanys parents are unaware of Tiffanys bank account hacks, Nick may be an asshole sometimes out of anger but he never stole money from you like you did you are beyond a low life anything you did was way worse then Nick lets be honest here like wow Nick hacked a twitter account which is pixels on a screen as a troll which twitter staff can revert back to a prior state they have a rollback system thats nothing whats actually something is stealing from someones ASSETS like taking their car, money, personal belongings now that is where we draw the line and think it's fucked up especially when it was unprovoked like we can understand if Nick did something to you but you hacked his TD bank account as a joke a really bad one at that. Also anyone thats in the Plantation, FL/general Fort Lauderdale area that knows Tiffany and doesn't like her because of how she is and wants to support our cause please visit her workplace at 1700 NW 66th Ave Suite #113 Plantation, FL 33313 when at the office ask to speak to Mr Baron Forbes as he's the operational tech lead in charge and the general manager that manages Tiffany Amberg and won't make any hestitation to fire her because he's mostly unaware that his employee is a known scammer and con artist so everyone needs to make him aware of how she manipulates and hacks innocent people. Looks like your time just ran out Tiffany ring ring goes the alarm clock. This was a long time coming for Nicks sanity and for every guy ever wronged before and after him if anyones stupid enough to date this using cunt or shes stupid enough to fool another man so ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY cue music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjYXmAvbZeM. Tiffany is also a slut and will use her body and sex to get anything and will deny doing it but she wore slutty clothes to social engineer a TD bank bank teller so god knows what else she does to get places in life. The girls a clever scammer and will go very far to ruin lives and get things done even if it means using her body as a major asset in her social engineering and scam operations. She's also known to fake suicide and fake cry to divide and conquer to ruin friendships between people or get people on her side when she knows shes backed up against the wall. Unfortunately for you Tiffany now that people are aware of your social engineering tactics no one will fall for them ever again. Shes extremely dangerous and smart but we have a handle on the situation. Now someones gotta take this girl down and we decided to step up to the plate because we're scared of nothing especially not some slutty jew that claims to have all these connections which is nothing more then hot air we have actual connections not you little Tiffany. Tiffany is so irrational, delusional and deranged that she will go as far as making up super elaborate lies to put situations in her favor but this time around the tables have turned and now HTP has the upper hand.

MAJOR UPDATE as of 04/21/2019 2:54 PM: Tiffany called Nick again from "No Caller ID" and the ambience background of typing indicates it's the exact same aucoustic fingerprint from her HP laptop so because she continues to harass Nick we're adding even more info now. The more you fuck with Nick the more expanded your dox becomes so suit your self you could of avoided this fight you reject but we're gonna finish this fight for you and we will be the victors.

Primary Information

Aliases: Cappuccino, Fallenstar, Sail007, Actionman97, Onerandomchick
Name: Tiffany Danielle Amberg
Picture Gallery: https://ibb.co/album/m3QKRF
Recordings Of Her Masterbating And Stripping: withheld for the time being the rest should be enough but if she continues to come at Nick or HTP or HTP allies we will release them Note: Fortunately we were able to procure videos of her fingering her pussy on cam for Nick by collecting them from his phone while we were remoting in for other things.
Nude Gallery: https://ibb.co/album/hNueRF and https://postimg.cc/gallery/iaohu1a2/ and https://lensdump.com/a/tiffany-danielle-amberg-nudies.AbjbP  Note: Since Tiffany thinks shes clever we will be mirroring the nude gallery on various offshore image hosting web sites such as in russia and ukraine and netherlands making it difficult to remove them. Basically we're going to make the nudes decentralized because if there in a single centralized place they can be taken down easily but if there in multiple places it will be practically close to impossible for her to remove them and she needs to be humiliated as much as possible for what she did.
SSN: 589-57-7112
DOB: 10/10/1995
Age: 23
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Address: 250 Jacaranda Dr. Unit #310 Plantation, FL 33324 
- Tiffanyamberg1@gmail.com
- Tiffanyamberg@gmail.com
- Cappuccino@gmail.com
- Luckyducky11
- Luckyducky22
- Luckyducky33
- Luckyducky44
- Luckyducky55
- Luckyducky66
- Luckyducky77
- Luckyducky88
- Luckyducky99
- Notmypass123
- Notmypass789
- Happymeal123
- Happymeal789
- Happymeal567
College Attended: Broward Community College(BCC)
Car Owned: Hyundai Elantra
Occupation: System Administrator/CSR for Grid Systems LLC.
Major Hacks Involved in ---------------------------------------> https://www.zdnet.com/article/bitstamp-bitcoin-exchange-suspended-amid-hack-concerns-heres-what-we-know/ and

The attacker that seeked information on Ripplewise from the Bitstamp manager at the time was none other then Tiffany Danielle Amberg her self! Shouldn't of screwed Nick now everyone knows about your little crypto heist.

DB Entries: Coming in revision 2

Mothers Information

Name: Angela Amberg
Address: 10481 NW 4th St Plantation, FL 33324

Fathers Information

Name: Richard Amberg
Address: 10481 NW 4th St Plantation, FL 33324

Comcast Cable Subscriber Information
Name: Tiffany Amberg
Address: 250 Jacaranda Dr. Unit #310 Plantation, FL 33324
Phone Number: 954-295-8368(Changed so useless)
MAC Address: 08:02:8E:B5:AB:80
Comcast Account Number: 8495753922000848
L4 Checking Account: 3275 Visa

Evidence File A. Voicemails prior to the march fight containing evidence Tiffany social engineered the victim Nick:

Voicemail File A1. https://vocaroo.com/i/s178Xpwe52PN
Voicemail File A2. https://vocaroo.com/i/s1KySqZy9CY1

As you can see from the cleaned up and uploaded voice mails you can hear Tiffany claim she loves Nick and then a day later in march after Nick calls her out suddenly that isn't true? I call bullshit just another con job the other irony is Tiffanys dumbass parents claimed Nick harassed her but look at her voicemail spam she left if anything its the other way around Tiffany is begging Nick for his attention. I bet her parents will be taken back after getting one upped at their own game with concrete evidence to back it up.

Evidence File B. Pictures and text messages containing conspiracy to commit academic dishonesty against Broward Community College(BCC)

Gallery File B1.: https://ibb.co/album/ijaa0a

After looking through the giant image gallery of evidence notice how she tends to say baby and love you to butter up Nick to get him to do even more assignments on top of the main ones. This is how sick and clever this girl is and we noticed she would sometimes get Nick very small things like a pair of shoes to butter him up to further her own agenda. Shes a shitty social engineer and these text messages just prove further Nick was used to do her school work and after Broward Community College catches wind of this hopefully she gets kicked out ASAP for submitting someone elses work
thats not her own. Also notice how controlling she is saying things like "finish the assignment and then we will discuss whats in my budget lmao" implying the assignments are priority not Nick proving once again that Nick was just according to his own words: "I was just assignment and task fodder because shes a selfish cheap jew cunt that wants to save her own money and spend others money like mine". More evidence will also be posted in revision 2 depending on what happens.

Evidence File C. Pictures and text messages containing evidence of her using Nick

Gallery File C1.: Coming in revision 2

Various quotes from different sources fun fun fun fun so very fun:

This full smackdown exposure can't be complete without insight from the victim of the girls abuse him self your boy Convict aka Nick, we spoke to him and gathered his response to all this drama:
Nick: "I don't give a fuck about Tiffany Amberg, shes nothing to me and she deserves everything bad that happens to her because karmas a fucking bitch let me tell you. I am glad to have loyal supporters that give a shit about me though so it makes me happy that after all this shit so many people
are there for me that weren't there for me before so im grateful for that. You know in a crazy way its ironic when people were coming after me at the time like swatting and bomb threats Tiffany Amberg couldn't give 2 shits about me only when she her self was in trouble was she concerned and worried. Shes a selfish self centered piece of shit scumbag and im glad in a way she made all
these new found enemies. I'm thinking about making a series on my youtube channel to warn people about crazy people iv'e dealt with to steer clear of anyone insane once I gain more viewership of course it will be a good way to prevent nut jobs like her from fucking with other people in this world that are innocent and don't deserve to deal with bullshit. I will of course not link to any personally identifiable info because it's against youtubes TOS and im on the fence about the whole doxing situation yes shes a piece of shit and deserves it but I feel like some people don't deserve to be exposed only evil pieces of shit and scammers so I guess in this case im alright with her getting owned I guess have mixed emotions like she could of avoided this but she was very bitchy and jerk off ish and violent to not just me but multiple people if that makes sense like doxing should only be done to people that really really deserve it like her. She is a cocky egotistical
fuck and just be careful to all you crazy funny fucks out there that are flexing on her im sure her and her retarded family will run to the FBI any chance they get cause there scared shit less of me when iv'e done nothing wrong they should be more scared of their sick in the head daughter. I would never trust living with Tiffany I feel bad for anyone that lives with her I would be honestly scared she might kill someone
in there sleep. Shes filled with spitework and shes very cunning and evil. I remember in fact anytime someone came after her she would run to me for help because she cannot for the life of her fight any of her battles her self thats why she runs to mommy and daddy every chance she gets. My final words are good riddance to Tiffany Amberg and any of her wacked out family members and friends they say your friends are you chances are if Tiffanys sick most of her friends are also sick but she lost most of them because the level headed ones realized how sick she is and steered clear so her only "friends" now are her mom dad and sisters now and maybe her sick wacky jehovah witness buddies since shes back in that psychotic religion it seems lmao shes basically a loner and a friendless loser because shes an asshole and a bitch to basically everyone. Tiffany dinkleberg the bitch will not be missed shes a bad memory that I hope goes away soon hurts my damn head I hate fraudsters." well there you have it folks the words from Nick him self poor guy its a shame what this ugly jew cunt did to him but let this entire release be a lesson served well.

We also have insight from her 2 old hacking buddies James/Erebus and Vl4d:

Vl4d: "ROFL Tiffany claimed she hacked Bitstamp with us? and I thought I heard it all. That girl is a pathological liar like you guys mentioned in the dox first of all the retard was a carder and used to use stolen credit cards not only that but she had very little involvement we just had her contact a few guys for us and do recon we did most of the big work the girl is literally more harmless then a fly but yes I can confirm she was given a small cut but other then that shes stupid and we're thinking of rooting her samsung galaxy s8 and ruining her further since she wants to act hard like what she did was relevant lmfao who was the one with the exploits after all it was us she has no skill set whatsoever anyone can social engineer and she wasn't even that good tbh"
Erebus/James: "Tiffany is a fucking idiot thats what she is she barely did anything for us but brags about being a leader when she didn't lead shit just her spewing out lies you know fuck it thinking about helping you guys own this idiot we hate e girls with big mouths spreading false info around"

We also contacted a CHS that would like to remain anonymous who is in JW and confirmed Tiffany has returned to the religion and got re brain washed again:

Confidential Human Source 1: "Yes I can confirm right now 100% Tiffany Amberg is back in Jehovah Witness, I recently saw her and her mom at our local congregation I believe it was on a recent weekend I mean personally I can't stand the religion but im pretending to put on an act for my family and friends in this stupid religion if you leave it everyone in the religion is supposed to block you from their life and never talk to you again so for the sake of keeping certain people as my friends I have to keep the lie up. Tiffany wasn't at this congregation in awhile so the theory you guys have about her being in it leaving it and then coming back to it seems to be true. Oh also maybe she wants to meet new people and her whole reason to come back is to try to befriend people that she can only befriend if she was in the religion so her being lonely could of been a factor. Also to Nick I recommend finding a non JW girl trust me you don't want to be with one like Tiffany doing everything she did doesn't surprise me one bit like some of these JW people are orthodox as fuck like they take the religion so seriously so I support Nick and his endeavors and hopefully he meets a better girl that cares about him. Glad you guys brought this to my attention and letting me know. I'm glad to help someone in need."

The vengeance bucket list Note: pretend that the dots are checkmarks
- Expose and humiliate this scamming asshole low life scum fuck[.] check basically done once this release is posted
- Expose evidence of her tricking Nick into doing her school work and committing educational fraud/academic dishonesty so she gets kicked out of Broward because people that don't earn their way don't deserve a degree[.] basically check Broward should be kicking her out any day or week now
- Get her kicked out of Grid Systems by bringing this sluts pathological lies and fucked up actions to her boss Baron Forbes attention[.] also basically check im sure Baron Forbes is keeping a close watch and her job security is hanging on a tiny thread at this point. Romance scamming con job tools don't deserve to earn an honest living while making a dishonest living on the side manipulating innocent people for her own greed.
- Text her the link to this release and all it's mirrors[.] basically check gonna love to see the reaction of her literally shitting her pants after seeing all this data output on her.
Looks like this is a FATALITY good game whore looks like the house always wins and the house always has the edge after all.

Morals of the story/Lessons to be learned from all this
1. DON'T seriously DON'T fuck with someone that used to run a independently started private investigation buisness/service. It won't end well for your family when said private investigator sniffs out lies and exposes it for all to see. The main job for private investigators is to catch pathological liars I mean ever heard of workmans comp fraud? they literally stake out people that pretend to have ailments and cheat their employer so it shouldn't be surprising Tiffany and her family are ending up here because Nick got cheated out of his money his time his copyrighted university work that she used him for his jewelry and more. It literally was Nicks job hell Nick used to catch catfishes and expose them for a living as well so fraudsters and manipulators all get owned and exposed by him.

2. DON'T take the darwin award like Tiffany did and admit to lying to someone to their face thats the worst mistake anyone can do and people like that are ruining the gene pool with messed up genes. Tiffany was smart to admit it over the phone and act cocky because she knows if she said something like to anyone not just Nick someone would probably get extremely taken back and angry and punch her in the face because thats not a wise comment to make its just asking for a violent outcome. Fortunately most people are semi clever like Tiffany and make the remark behind the security of a keyboard and monitor or telephone screen where they feel like their safe from physical retaliation which is true but theres other forms of retaliation that can still be done. Fortunately many people like Nick know better then to be violent off the bat because as many know jails not worth a retarded jailbait slut like Tiffany Amberg we believe in karma and karma will get Tiffany back the next person she dates if shes even dumb enough to pull the same manipulation trick on another guy hopefully they will fuck her over ten times harder then anyone shes previously associated with.

3. To the females out there, don't have someone do all your school work and dirty work and then expect shortly afterwards you can just dump a guy on the side of the road after or you might end up with a giant release like this or an even bigger one so if you do have someone do dirty work for you expect to stay with them in the long term and expect to stay loyal because if you abuse trust and loyalty things like this unfortunately happen so let this set a precedent that girls need to treat their men like a pot of gold because its a mutual benefit they have a guy that does whatever they need and they love them or supposedly love them at least so it makes no sense to fuck a guy over but unlike other females Tiffany is mental and chaotic and doesn't know what she truly wants so it's not too surprising how unbright she was to attempt to fuck over Nick knowing his track record owning his other ex's that attempted to think they can be sly and do similiar tactics Tiffany engaged in. Never ends well is all I will say on that.

4. According to the wise words of @thegruq on twitter who many know as the kingpin of opsec techniques and advice him self "SHUT THE FUCK UP" and "comparmentalize your operational security" unfortunately for Tiffany Amberg she failed horribly at that when calling Nicks mom impersonating an FBI agent to try to threaten and intimidate both her and Nick. See the problem stems from the fact she called from a burner 954 number and Nick doesn't know anyone stupid enough to do it other then Tiffany + The voice print indicates it was Tiffany trying to sound like a guy and failing horribly and we can all say it sounded so muffly and quite obvious she was trying to deepen her voice.

5. DON'T start leaking information randomly when Nick thought you guys still had established trust, this can be seen when Tiffany started leaking text messages and videos and pictures of Nick crying and complaining towards the end of march which he had every right to do. Why would Nick sit there and let you take advantage of him? Do you honestly think he wasn't gonna call you out on your shady tactics eventually? Nick clearly had enough of your bullshit and decided to call you out and once you realized you can't suck Nick dry anymore you blocked his number and threw him to the "sharks" aka your retarded parents to fuck with him for a bit. Not cool so because of that Angela and Richard end up here but the rest of the Ambergs like cousins, sisters and grandparents for being down to earth, real nice and sweet don't deserve to get owned. Her innocent grandparents which are ACTUALLY sick not Tiffany using her heart issues as leverage are going through enough and their sick fuck grandaughter is probably making things harder for them. Her sisters also don't deserve anything because they have their own lives they are not involved with Tiffanys bullshit so because of those logical reasons they are clearly excluded from this release. The only problematic individuals that caused problems for Nick would be Tiffany her self and her parents thats it. This goes to other females and even males out there, if someone confides stuff into your private messages DON'T be an asshole and leak them to other people it makes you look like a dirty snake that cannot be trusted PERIOD.

6. The biggest rule in life not just the internet as a whole is keep everyone satisfied and content, the person doesn't even need to be super happy or happy at all just mild satisfication because if you keep everyone at a level head and content there minds will be at ease and fights like these can be avoided. Never avoid conflict face the conflict and the worst rule break of all is having someone else face your problems for you that never ends well just don't be a pussy and face them your self. This entire release wouldn't of happened if Tiffany took different actions but she decided to be beyond stupid and now everyone knows everything all because she wanted to betray someones trust.

7. DON'T admit to hacking your Publix co workers bank accounts or any company for that matter and doxing them because they cursed you out sounds quite immature hacking someone because someone disagreed with your views, isn't it ironic if someone does something very small Tiffany threatens them or trys to own them but when Tiffany her self gets doxed and destroyed beyond repair she pussys out. What happened you big bad untouchable hacker? when your doing the hacking you seem pretty tough and cocky but when your sitting on the other side of things its not so pleasant hypocritical fuck.

8. AVOID seriously fucking listen closely AVOID Tiffany Amberg like the plague or she WILL use you like Nick. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT FUCKING go near her contact her trust her anything if you see her at Broward walk the other way immediately don't even be friends with her she will take advantage of you and use you to do her dirty work ask you for shit constantly because shes a lazy fuck and use your money despite making 1,800 a month from Grid Systems which shes unfortunately going to be losing soon because R.I.P her job security. If you see her family in the street avoid them too there also manipulators and con artists and trouble we repeat DO NOT FUCKING associate with Tiffany or her family they're insane and psychotic. Her sisters are probably normal and fine to talk and hang with but Tiffany and her mainline family you need to avoid.

9. DON'T become enemies with the wrong people was it really worth turning on Nick to automatically make 50-70 people instantly hostile and enemies against you? Probably not think carefully next time before making stupid decisions. All of our associates there associates and a domino effect continued to happen to make so many people instantly go against Tiffany in a heart beat.

10. DON'T call people by hiding your number like a pussy or it makes the punishment worse because if you were tough shit and meant all the shit you said then call from your main cell number don't star 67 like a big scaredy cat pussy bitch.

11. DON'T admit to being involved in hacking a major crypto currency company like Bitstamp and NEVER just NEVER mention key people involved because thats the biggest opsec fail Tiffany made. Since Vl4d was involved in both Bitstamp and BTC-E breaches it was obvious which Vl4d she was talking about and tracking him down was easy thanks to Intangir. Because of that we have even more info to be used against her huge fuck up on Tiffanys part. Not only are the people involved pissed that she confided incriminating logs to Nick but now that the cats out of the bag everyone will look down on Tiffany. Nobody likes a thief earn your damn way don't steal other peoples money especially 80k and then brag about it maybe your dumb parents will finally realize how much of a scummy piece of shit person you are and will stop falling for the same lies and stories.

12. DON't visit someone in a long distance relationship and use them for a good time then try to make up a well thought out act/lie to break up with them a week later won't end well. You see Tiffany Danielle Amberg tried that and it backfired on her pretty bad which is why shes ending up here.

13. DON'T trust people with your deepest darkest secrets then proceed to betray them because then you end up getting betrayed back 10x harder, it never made sense on why females trust a guy with super private stuff and then fuck them over thinking they can manipulate or use scare tactics to keep things from getting out. Unfortunately for Tiffany this yet again backfired on her horribly.

14. DON'T impersonate government officials like the FBI in an attempt to intimidate your targets as this also doesn't end well. Tiffany doing this was the final nail in the coffin because it showed malicious intent/call to action thus we were forced to create this release because she threw a punch in this war and we're throwing a bigger punch right back a KO punch so to speak because she will never fuck with anyone again after this release.

15. MOST OF ALL DON'T pretend to love someone and pretend to date them for 1.5ish years, we all know how you REALLY met Nick. You see Tiffany DID NOT want to get into a long distance relationship with Nick in the first place she only did because he was suicidal and depressed at the time and decided to squeeze him dry which is the most beyond inhumane thing you can do to someone. It wasn't even a normal guy asks girl out because she didn't even want to date Nick in the first place she felt forced to date Nick even though Nick was depressed WAY before he even met Tiffany and Tiffany thought it would be cool to pretend to date him and use her social engineering tactics on him so shes gonna suffer and burn with this release no one deserves to get emotionally manipulated to such a strong degree.
Tiffany never truly loved or cared about Nick it was all a big act because notice how quick Tiffany was willing to block Nick and fuck him over within a days notice. When you truly love someone you will mentally hesitate and it will be complicated to just leave them but Tiffany never hesitated once shes just a pure evil malicious individual and now shes going to suffer the consequences. This is what happens when you play someone which is worse then cheating.

President Donald J. Trump for being the first president to advocate doxing by publically leaking a senators cell phone that he saw as an enemy, hopefully he passes a cyber security self defense law so we can make releases like this more ethically and not have to worry about backlash from corrupt LE.
KT for running the new doxbin and allowing a wonderful platform to put HTP releases such as this in front of a large audience so people can laugh at scum like Tiffany Danielle Amberg.
Thegruq for being the internets opsec king and keeping freedom fighters afloat by providing the best opsec and security advice.
Nachash for also giving really good opsec advice over the years and being a great role model and inspiration to take down scummy trash from the internet.
Our connections at the florida DMV for giving us juicy information related to her license and driving records.
MLT for being a crack fiend scamming/lying retard and makes us think of scam artist snakes like Tiffany everytime he's mentioned in a chat.
Vl4d and James for using her for their own dirty work because to them she was just an average social engineer and wasn't anything that amazing people much more talented then her exist.
One of her ex JW buddies or we're assuming a JW person that keeps tabs on her for proving once and for all she returned to the JW's.
Starfall/Sarah for providing wonderful advice on discord recommending we contact IT dept/deans/anyone with access to desire2learn and mcgraw hill connect logs because Starfall agreed using someone to do their school work is completely wrong and they deserve to get owned for it.
Intangir the ex doxbin CEO for looking over this release and getting in contact with one of Tiffany Ambergs old hacking buddies zf0/vegas/vl4d in attempt to procure old skype logs so we can prove once and for all she assisted in hacking Bitstamp even though she confessed to it multiple times already.
Nick for providing all the evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt Tiffany is an untrustworthy snaky scumbag and can't be trusted by ANYONE PERIOD
Andy for bullying her and recording calls of her pretending to fake suicide that one time to turn people against Nick.
O'block for calling her work place to call her out for impersonating an FBI agent and her pussying out and hanging up.
Max, Lea, Rachel, Alec and other associates of theres for helping report this low life criminal social engineer scumbag to Baron Forbes and also trying to get Broward to notice the evidence of her cheating essentially

A final note to Tiffany Danielle Amberg her self, you need to face reality this punishment could of been avoided but you continued to egg Nick on and fuck with his family more you should of been honest and nice honesty is the best policy social engineering him was the worst mistake you made and im sure you're gonna regret what you did for the rest of your shitty life. Maybe in the future one of us will feel bad for you and hand your emails back when we felt like you learned a big lesson from all this till then hasta la vista you skinny weakling cunt.

Also a closing statement from Nick: "At least I have closure now since the dumb bitch left me on a cliffhanger to keep the manipulation game up so at least you guys were able to close off this bullshit war once and for all"

We are HTP, we sometimes forgive, we never forget, expect our punishment to befall anyone else that causes chaos in someone elses life.

Next release sneak preview: HTP Vengeance 2 - "xOctoberain" AKA Samantha Marie Williams