you Sarah/his1brat dox 

age: 15 
cuteness: 0/10
clout: 0 out of 10

address: 306 4th St SW
Full name: sarah _______ idk nigga

state and city: Austin, MN
her dad: left 
her mom: hates her
her cousins: hate her 
you are 15 get a life whore
cheats on all her boyfriends and gets caught horribly get good lol xd 
your mom even admitted you a whore xd

reason of dox: cheating whore

uhhh idk
shes a faggot and admits it
cries over everything 
always down to call and sleep in call
cord: disliked#5915
insta: disliked666
im ass at doxing dont @ me

her cousins live in jacksonville florida

get niggered

dox’d by DOM