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Intro -
Making this doxbin because a person who goes by H3LLED decided to touch little boys in their sleep and thought no one would know.
I hope you learn from your mistakes and never commit such an act ever again.
He also groomed my little brother, Mateo, he is traumatized by these events and will never be the same again,

|. → Name: Tate Conner Smith
|. → Age: 18
|. → Height: 5'3 
|. → Weight: 250 lbs
|. → Race: Caucasian                                                                                                                    
|. → Blood type: A+
|. → Address: 500 Birch Hill Dr, Sydney, NS B1P 3V9, Canada
|. → Sport: Golf
|. → Favorite rappers: Da baby, Lil nas x
|. → Phone number: +19025640431
|.   >>Carrier: None
|. → Job: Gas station
|. → Roblox Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/1333691540/profile

|  [=] Social Media: 
|  → Tiktok: H3LLED
|  → Instagram: H3LLED
|  → Discord: tyb#3438
|  → Email: TateConnerSmitch@gmail.com
| [=] Family
|  → Mother: Jessica Davidson
|   Age: 27
|  → Father: Smith Smith
|   Age: 73
|  → Brother: Smith Smith the III
|   Age: 10
|  → Cat: quinn