Deanon of @H1fyq1 by Haunt Crime.

Name : Minibaev Gleb Flarisovich 

Telephone number : +7 917 807 98 97
Mobile operation : MTC

Country, town : Russian Federation, t. Ufa, r. Bashkortostan.

Data :

His TG-id : 1224493376
Email-adress :

His VK account (not tocno) : (Account has a one photo his face, very little man).

His instagram chanell :  @minibaevg [Gleb Pro 6_ 6 _6] (
Second instagram chanell :

URL face kid :

His mother : 

Name : Burmistrova Kseniya
Data : ???

Her VK account : (Account has one photo of her face).

More information is not search.

His father information : 

Name : Minibaev Flaris 
Data : 17.08.1983

Country, town : Russian Federation, t. Ufa, r. Bashkortostan.

His education : БГАУ

His VK account : (Account has a lot of photos his face and photo their family).
In account also have many photos from Ufa.

His aunt (father's sister :

Name : Minibaeva Svetlana 
Data : 21.06.1984

Her profession : Master of manicure (owner).

Her VK account : (Account has a lot photos manicure and her face).

His maybe aunt, maybe godmother :

Name : Michailova Elena
Data : 06.02.1986-2000

Her VK account :

Elena has a little children, photos with he in your account.

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