Gym Teacher Pedophile --------------------- **Personal Info:** Name: Claire Mitchell Maiden Name: Claire E Wright Age: 31 Gender: Female Race: White **Contact Info:** Phone Number: +14344473484 Address: 405 Durant St, South Hill, VA 23970 Email: Linkedin: (Inactive, no other known socials) **Case Info:** Mugshot: Employment: H/PE Teacher, Mecklenburg County Highschool DOB: 10/18/1992 Case Number: CR24000103-00 | Charge: PROPSE SEX COMP 15+Y OFFNDR 7+ Case Number 2: CR24000103-01 | Charge: INDECENT ACT W/CHILD CUSTODIAN Booking Number: 2009106213 Information: This was a gym teacher at MCHS who was having "sexual relations" with a minor on the school football team, and maybe others that are not reported. Now she is charged with it, posting this hoping she wont be able to do much else in her life (as she deserves) as no news outlets local or statewide have reported this and she isn't even in most prison dbs or anything as well.