     SCROLL DOWN:                                                       :=*#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%*=:                                            
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                                                                               Okey here are some updated information, 

                                                                                          I will update information every month



          (1) -Gustav Karl Simon Karlén (FULL name)
          (2) Lund  Södra Esplanaden 16 A
          (3) 6/7 august he's 25 year old.
          (4) 19960807-xxxx
          (5) IP ADRESS ( SOON)
          (6) Family (SOON)

                                                                            NOTE: This is just some basic research atm, We'll be taking more look into it next week,
                                                                                   We are working on getting his SSN that will lead to alot of more information such as 
                                                                                   Job, Family, bank transactions, and more...
                                                                                   Remember this is a long process and we won't leak everything.


                                                                                       NOTE: We never do this for fun, I have my reasons to do it.